Local Government TV

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tales of Trachta: Shit Happens

Nazareth Borough Police Chief Thomas Trachta lives in a magnificent home in Bushkill Township. He and his wife paid $370,000 for the property nearly ten years ago, and currently own it free and clear. Good for him. He has hired PT Nazareth police officers to do masonry work for him but did have a dispute with one of the contractors a few years ago. During that controversy, he opened his door one bright and sunny morning to see a gigantic pile of shit on his front porch.

Trachta called Bushkill Township police, and they confirmed that it sure looked like shit to them.

"What do you want us to do?" they asked.

"I want you to investigate who dumped on my front porch!" Trachta demanded. He wanted them to remove the shit as evidence. "I want that shit analyzed!"

"See 'ya," said the Bushkill police, who then cleared the scene.

He's not the boss of them.

Trachta decided to take matters into his own hands, so to speak. He got a little plastic baggie, scooped up the shit, and took it with him to the Nazareth Police Department.

From there, he sent it to the Pennsylvania State Police, whose crime lab apparently includes a shit analysis division.

I'm fairly certain it's improper and possibly illegal for Trachta to use Nazareth police resources, which included a control number for the lab request, to investigate a crime in Bushkill Township. Thankfully, the PSP refused to conduct this shit analysis. They flushed the evidence, and told Trachta not to bother them with his shit unless it's a homicide.

This story, in a nutshell, tells you what kind of guy Trachta is. He appears to be vindictive and is perfectly willing to abuse official resources when it's in his own interest. Stay tuned for my next Tale of Trachta. This story involved poo poo. The next one will hone in on pee pee.


  1. The chief is doing his job. You are after him because he made a fool of you at a tril. He is helping a family protect one of their members while protecti8ng a local businessman at the same time.
    You have a thing for the woman even though the family wants you out of her life.

    What is wrong with you O'Hare. Leave the woman alone and let the Chief do his job.

    He has responsibility, you have nothing. Stop trying to ruin people.

  2. The 4:43 AM post --- let me guess - comes from West Easton.

  3. Bingo. She's in a bad mood for 68,133.30 reasons.

  4. Listen, this protecting people is garbage, this business owner is violating his court order and can get sued! I'm glad the police chief is getting a taste of his own doing! Stop trying to defend this pos chief we have in Nazareth, he's the laughing stock of departments all over, just go to New Jersey and ask about the Nazareth cops they love the soap opera! This department is a joke!

  5. Unbelievable! This guy should go back to the police academy, and lean about jurisdictions, and venues! If this is true, and he lied on official court documents, aka chain of evidence forms for the Pennsylvania State Police. If true he should be investigated and charged. If this guy lied in this incident, what else has he lied about?

  6. My Sicilian wife tells me that "Mezza Cappa means "half a head" in her native tongue.

    - anonymous in New Jersey

  7. Any Nazareth businesses talking yet about how the chief requested to "take a little look" at any of the last few days security cam tapes to catch a defacer of property in the borough?

  8. I have not heard anything, but I would not, especially since I am sure I am a suspect.

  9. I'm proud to see confirmation that Bushkill Twp PD didn't take his shit. He pays Bushkill taxes and isn't satisfied with his PD. Funny. That's how Nazareth taxpayers feel about theirs.

    1. So is it fare to say, that Bushkill Twp P.D. wasn't taking Trachta's shit, and because Trachta is in charge of Nazareth Boro P.D. The residents have to take it, while he makes the police department shit too? That's some messed up shit!

  10. The poison posse is in trouble defacing public property is serious. Also hindering an investigation into a complaint by a Nazareth resident who was threatened. Add to that the wish of a family that a person would stop attaching themselves to their special needs sister.

    Stay tuned, this may get serious.

  11. 2:55 is Mezzacappa again. Like I said, she has 68,133.40 reasons to be in a bad mood.

  12. @2:55 "The poison posse"?

    Who the hell is the poison posse? What are we supposed to stay tuned to?

    Bernie - your articles about shit are exemplary. You have such a wealth of knowledge of shit, each article appears fresh and clean - like a cool spring day. You really have a deep bench when it comes to shit. Tell the truth though, did Ron help at all in this article?

  13. Oh, it that what that pschobabble is. She needs Obamacare bigtime.

  14. grow up Bernie and spend more time at the temple with your other than pure buddies

  15. pretty sure you oughta be looking closer at your full time employee in Nazareth not the chief actually two full time employees on is suspended. Your so good at talking shit. This should give you a mouth full.

  16. "Your so good at talking shit."
    See, you just give your identity away like that, not to say you are an easy woman. Perish the thought. Or is it you're? Wait, which one?

    It's a 50% chance. Don't gamble. Oops, yeah about that deed...

  17. "Bernie - your articles about shit are exemplary. You have such a wealth of knowledge of shit, each article appears fresh and clean - like a cool spring day. You really have a deep bench when it comes to shit. Tell the truth though, did Ron help at all in this article? "

    He is my inspiration.

  18. "pretty sure you oughta be looking closer at your full time employee in Nazareth not the chief actually two full time employees on is suspended"

    Rest assured I am looking at them all. It seems he has some PT officers who are troublemakers, as evidenced buy tour comment.

  19. "grow up Bernie and spend more time at the temple with your other than pure buddies"

    WTF? At first I thought this was an anti-Semitic slur, even though I'm a Mick. Then I realized what this dude is saying. I believe it is a reference to the masonic temple and that some Masonic Freemason conspiracy is being suggested. That hit me bc I've heard that Trachta, among other kooky things, believes the Masons are after him.

    And they are.

    I called their secret society last night and they took a vote.

    Chief Trachta, I'm not a Mason. Carry on with your sticker investigation.

  20. Bernie,
    You are the shit, but I have to ask when thinin about this shit shit, do you and Angle discuss this in depth before you write this shit?

    Thanx for the gut busting laugh as yet another edited out weekend is upon us and mike is to serious for this type of plesure?

    patent pending

  21. I believe that is police lingo for "needs immediate assistance."

  22. So wacky it is scary.
    Enough to scare the s*** out of you.

  23. Bernie might be hanging out with Gregory soon.8


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