Local Government TV

Monday, June 09, 2014

NorCo Democrats Largely Absent From Judge Smith's Induction

When Judge Edward G Smith was sworn in as the 96th judge ever appointed to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, it was a victory for the people of Northampton County. For the first time since Judge Franklin S. Van Antwerpen was on the bench, a federal judge will soon be sitting in Easton. But in what I can only regard as a petty display, Northampton County Democrats were conspicuous by their absence during the swearing-in ceremony.

None of the four Democrats on County Council bothered to appear for the ceremony. I also did not see District Attorney John Morganelli, State Representatives Bob Freeman or Steve Samuelson. I did not see Mayors Sal Panto or Bob Donchez or State Senator Lisa Boscola. I did see Controller Steve Barron, but that's about it for the Democrats.

This was a historic occasion that had nothing to do with partisan politics. Democratic judges and lawyers were there in force, but it was disheartening to see so few Democratic elected officials. I understand this Friday afternoon ceremony may have been a conflict for some, but so many were absent that it's hard to escape the conclusion that this was intentional.

With this partisan attitude and petty behavior, I can see why Democrats are losing power.

Not all that long ago, Democratic Council member Bob Werner ripped into Republican Hayden Phillips, claiming that Phillips had distorted open space purchases in Pen Argyl on a radio show. I listened to the tape, and Phillips was accurate. he distorted nothing. Werner has yet to apologize publicly for his public remarks.

Last Thursday, Democrat Ken Kraft ripped into Republican Mat Benol when he simply asked open space administrators to come back and explain the program in more detail. Kraft told Benol he should do this on his own time, like the rest of them. Later that night, however, he asked Lower Saucon officials to explain their open space referendum. Maybe he should do that on his own time.

Lamont McClure wants to engage in government by litigation, and though he's unable to convince four Council members to join him, he has already used Democrat Controller Steve Barron to file a suit.

The only Democrat on Council who has at least tried to govern is Scott Parsons. The rest are playing games.

Updated 1:15 pm: Democrats Deny Slight Intended. - I have spoken to and heard from several Democrats, who deny they intended to slight Judge Smith or make a partisan statement. County Council member called Smith a "great guy", but was tied up at work. Scott Parsons, as most of you know, works in a quarry. Some say Boib Werner was there, though I did not see him. Sal Panto said he received no invitation, and would have come had he known.

So I may have over-reacted here.


  1. There were no secret meetings, and this proposal was fully vetted in yet public eye. The inly person being disrespectful is you. Dishonest, too. Just what I'd expect from an anonymous troll.

  2. Damned shame that people made a political statement out of a federal judge appointment. Congratulations to Judge Smith - he earned it and these folks should be able to be ladies and gentleman about it, not partisan jackasses.

  3. "The only Democrat on Council who has at least tried to govern..."

    Governing is the unnatural act of the feckless, whereby every "success" yields a concomitant failure.


  4. I had no idea he was being sworn in. I would have loved to be there.

    - local elected Democrat

  5. I would have attended the event if I wasn't working. Yes some of us have to work, how many Repiblican council members were there?

  6. Creating much to do about nothing once again. Mind reader O'Hare knows all and can read minds and find phantom motivations.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I thought I saw Bob Werner at the ceremony that day. So you're wrong again

  10. @4:28 Your comment is off topic, and borders on being in violation of the TOS - criticisms of the comment policy. However, since you brought it up, compare this blog's liberal policy on allowing opposing views to that of the lunatic who has been found to libel Bernie. The lunatic posts under multiple user names to her own blog, and allows only posts with one viewpoint - hers. So ask yourself who is biased, who is the bullshitter, and who is crazy. Take a good look in the mirror, past the makeup, foundation, and whatever the hell covers up the cracks in that ugly mug.

  11. "I thought I saw Bob Werner at the ceremony that day. So you're wrong again"

    You thought you saw him so I muist be wrong? You who do not ID yourself? I did not see him there, nor was he announced by the presiding judge. Even if he was there, Dems were largely absent.

  12. "I would have attended the event if I wasn't working. Yes some of us have to work, how many Repiblican council members were there?"

    Three if the five members were there. I can buy the working argument, but not for all four Dems. It was insulting not to be there. I am a Democrat, and am upset that the people who represent me were not there.

  13. Bernie, I spoke to our Judge just a week or so ago and congratulated him. He had called to explain to me why the reception would not be in Easton. I expressed to him that there was no problem and I certainly understood given the size of the crowd. We were both happy to restore the courtroom to Easton.

    Unfortunately, and for unknown reasons, I never received an invitation so I wasn't aware that it occurred last week. I would certainly have been there. Judge Smith is a former student of mine and an individual that I am very proud of. As you said he is truly an officer and a gentleman. I am sure that there were so many people to invite that my invitation was an oversight.

    My purpose for this was to let you know that it wasn't a "political" absence. As you know I attended John Brown's swearing in and Judge Sletvold's swearing in. If I would have known about Judge Smith's I would have been there regardless of an invitation.

    I despise partisan politics on the federal level and I certainly don't play that game locally.

  14. Thank you, Sal. Your explanation makes sense. The probably did not notify mayors.

  15. "Judge Smith is a former student of mine and an individual that (sic) I am very proud of."

    People are "who" and "whom." Things are "that." I trust the mayor did not teach English.

  16. No, he did not. But Sal was, by all accounts, an excellent teacher. When he had his radio show, I used to love listening to him speak about ancient Rome. My favorite teachers were those who were not afraid to make mistakes. Who taught you to make anonymous snarks?

  17. He holds a Masters Degree?

  18. Shoot first. Ask questions later. Just your style. Casually malign those including the mayor but hey it's only a reputation you are impugning.

  19. 100% their loss....shame on them!

  20. Sal is use to shooting first when responding. It is hos temper ad it is easy to rub.

  21. Did Sal write the post at 11:24?

  22. At least I have the courage to stand by my convictions and give my name. The Anon posts are written by cowards. As for my grammer and misspelling -- yes you are right and I should know better. As a teacher I took a point off for incorrect spelling.


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