Local Government TV

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Corbett Shunned by Millersville Grads

Considering the cuts he proposed to public education during his first two years in office, Governor Corbett should hav thought twice about appearing at a state college commencement. But he does look good in gown and cap. 

Source: http://m.lancasteronline.com/news/corbett-gets-silent-treatment-at-mu-graduation/article_e8573dba-f5a4-5115-b123-0c9938d2473b.html?mode=jqm


  1. As Mezzacompletelyoutofherminda would say, PERFECT. We must vote this ass out of office an try to undo the damage he has done. Good find, Bernie.

  2. Narrow minded Starbucks drinkers who are pissed because they want theirs, and they want it now.

    The feds took out a cash advance on these numbskulls' credit card. Then they gave some to fast eddie, who proceeded to buy off the public education nazis knowing full well the next governor had no way of keeping up the spend.

    It is unfair, I guess, to expect college grads, especially grads of a college that churns out future PSEA thuggies, to even remotely understand that.


  3. Corbett is done. 1 term and out.

  4. To me lifes always a struggle but rather than be miserable I march forward, roll with the punches, doing the best I can. Marching forward some times with rose colored glasses on and take the gloom and doom media info with a grain of salt. Never had all the answers but a will to survive this crazy world we live in. Could really care less who our Govenor or president happens to be knowing full well we will be okay for the next generation to call the shots. A stretch of the imagination but could you imagine how clogged the court system would be if God could be sued for lifes misfortune.

  5. Clem...you are absolutely right. Fast Eddie screwed the next Governor. The Dems are lying to constituents saying Corbett cut back educational spending. If anything ...this group of legislators balanced the last two budget and kept educational spending at previous levels.With Rendell at the helm not one budget was passed on time. NOT ONE. The answer is not Tom Wolf either whom is a tax and spend NY liberal.

  6. could you enlighten us as to what you mean by "NY liberal"?

  7. Corbett is worst than fast Eddie ever was!! He has to go!!

  8. 3:48, Hope that is no code phrase.

  9. 3:48 was me. It was a spontaneous comment, and I wasn't logged in, so a very rare anon.

    "Code phrase"? in the broader picture, it was. I just found some humor that Pavlov's dog --(compare his/her comment with what was reported by Reuters May 20: "State Republicans have branded Wolf, who was Secretary of Revenue in Governor Ed Rendell's Democratic administration, as "Taxman Tom Wolf," while Corbett's team has taken aim at Wolf as a tax-and-spend liberal.")-- may have confused a progressive businessman from York(PA) as being from New York. Those subliminal messages he/she hears often enough may have become so internalized he/she had a slip of tongue.

    Partisans from both parties manipulate their base with such conditioned response stimuli. It kills discussion on substance, by demonizing any stance that deviates from the litmus test. We just tend to see more of the GOP or Tea Party stimuli from commenters than the Dem on LVR ("tax and spend liberal", "Fast Eddie", "PSEA-or insert any union-thuggies").

  10. So I guess as the kids say, Thats how we roll. Each side demonizing each other insuring nothing gets accomplished. Oh brother, God bless america

  11. My comment is NOT directed at Millersville per se...

    I don’t know about you, but I am tired of hearing spoiled brats at college repelling against commencement speakers, regardless of their political affiliation.

    This new group of fresh graduates scare me a bit…and their parents as well!

    Whatever happened to common courtesy, even if views aren't shared?


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