Local Government TV

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bethlehem City Official May Have Interest in City Vendor

Bob Donchez
From Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez:

Last Tuesday (June 17, 2014), the City Controller (DiGiacinto) and City Solicitor (Leeson), brought to my attention that the City of Bethlehem had retained a private company called Barnsdale Associates to engage in the removal of debris from city property. I was further informed that Business Administrator David Brong is part owner of the company.

It is completely unacceptable to me as Mayor, for any department head to be involved with a private business that does work for the city.  In keeping with my pledge, to have a transparent government in Bethlehem and to assure that the private interests of City Department Heads are not in conflict with their duty of loyalty owed to the city, I am directing the City Solicitor to conduct a complete review and report back to me with all details on this matter. 

·         In the meantime, I have directed that no further work be given to Barnsdale Associates. 

I will comment further upon the receipt of the Solicitor’s report and at that time I will report on remedial measures and disciplinary action, if any, that will be taken. 

According to state corporation records, Barnsdale Associates is a fictitious named registered in 1987 by "Angelo Villani et al". I know from real estate searches that Barnsdale was the developer of several Bethlehem properties,and that Brong at least was a partner.

Section 1103(a) of the Ethics Act states, "No public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest." The Act defines "conflict of interest" as the "[u]se by a public official or public employee of the authority of his office or employment or any confidential information received through his holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of himself, a member of his immediate family or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated."

Section 1103(f) of the Ethics Act states, "No public official or public employee or his spouse or child or any business in which the person or his spouse or child is associated shall enter into any contract valued at $500 or more with the governmental body with which the public official or public employee is associated or any subcontract valued at $500 or more with any person who has been awarded a contract with the governmental body with which the public official or public employee is associated, unless the contract has been awarded through an open and public process, including prior public notice and subsequent public disclosure of all proposals considered and contracts awarded. In such a case, the public official or public employee shall not have any supervisory or overall responsibility for the implementation or administration of the contract. Any contract or subcontract made in violation of this subsection shall be voidable by a court of competent jurisdiction if the suit is commenced within 90 days of the making of the contract or subcontract."

Updated 1:15 pm: Brong Unaware of City Involvement

Business Administrator David Brong has responded to a request to explain his involvement. He tells me that he is one of six owners in Barnsdale Associates, which was started by his father-in-law in the '80s.  He has no involvement in their day-to-day business, which consist at this time of the operation of an old quarry once owned by Bethlehem Steel. That is their sole remaining asset.

Brong reports that, unknown to him, someone in the City contacted Barnsdale earlier this month as a dumping site for clean fill. The City just received its first invoice, and that is how the problem was discovered. He denies any involvement in soliciting or procuring City business.

Mayor Donchez is double-checking Brong's statements with the department that entered into a relationship with Barnsdale. "I want to avoid even the appearance of impropriety," noted Donchez, who said he found initial reports "very troubling."

John Tallarico, Chair off the Bethlehem Authority's Board, is also reputedly an owner in Barnsdale Associates. Tallarico and Brong are both related to former Mayor John Callahan.


  1. Some left over Callahan type deals.

  2. He will be fired.

  3. If this is true, he should resign and take Tallarico with him.

  4. i'd say wait for the facts to be developed.

    "The City just received its first invoice, and that is how the problem was discovered."

    from that, one could conclude that Brong discovered it, and blew the whistle? i hope so in any event.

    guess my point is, the facts could vindicate him. we don't know enough yet.

  5. Sounds like the Controller discovered it. If Brong discovered it, the statement would have read that Brong brought it to the Mayor's attention, not the Solicitor and Controller.

  6. Bernie, assuming You are blind and stupid which I highly doubt....this has been going on for so long and for the Mayor to sit there and say this is the first He has heard...HE is an out right liar, while He was council Pres. this was brought to His attenton He chose to ignore it...Now that things are coming undone He wants the good people of Bethlehem to think He was kept in the dark...this is pure and utter bullshit.....

    New St

  7. New St, You must think I am blind and stupid. How is Bob Doncchez, as a City Council member last year, supposed to know about a vendor that only came on board this month? This arrangement was only made a few weeks ago, not last year. It was caught right away by the City Controller, Dave DeGiacinto. The Mayor was notofied right away, and he released the statement he did. Brong acknoledges his interest in the company, and claims he had no prior knowledge of the arrangement. If that is so, then this will pass.

  8. 3:24, Agreed. If Brong had no knowledge this happened, and the city officials who entered into this deal back him up, it is just one of those things. If, however, he was incvolved in any way, he needs to go. I doubt he is dumb enough to compromise his employment with the city, but let's wait.

  9. Maybe he and Karen Dolan can form their own non profit.

    Did Vilani have all girls so he could marry them off to city government workers?

  10. Is The Former Mayor Callahan, Not MarrieD To A Villani? Who Is The Daughter Of ANgelo Villani? Tnen I Guess BronG Is Not The Only Family Member Who WaS Involved.

  11. This is what is the result of 16 years of the Callingham Admisntrations. This should surprise no one who knows Bethlehem politics. Brong, Callahan, Tallarico and the money flowing. The connections became so common no one even tried to hide it anymore.

    Tis this the city government the Bedlamites continue to elect. Why do you think they call it Bedlam?

  12. I always wondered how he could afford that $450k+ Hanover Twp. custom home he lived in for 20+ years on a city employee's salary...

  13. So Callahan owns that company too? Interesting.

  14. The company is a Villani company. Neither John Callahan nor his wife have an interest, but it is his wife's family.

  15. Bernie, with a request to know, why don't you get the invoice and see what was charged, and then spend another fifteen minutes and find out what Chrin landfill and the city of bethlehem's old dump would charge. Maybe you will see a higher price, ---- I hope not or a lower price or market price. But once you find this out, then you will have something worth further review. If the price is at market or less, than is think Tallerico is doing us a favor. I think you are always quick to cry wolf wolf before you investigate further.
    The way you stretch thing, I guess I violate both sections you pointed out and about ten others with decisions I make every day. Even with buying band aids Or pencils I can make a Bernie case of conflict of interest
    Someone dumped off a couple loads of fill at a convenient place, ok.

  16. I was made aware of this at noon. Now you want to know why I don't have the invoice or why I've made no comparison .

    To be frank, the City was not paying at all for this before.

    Also, it makes no difference whether it's cheap. If it is done knowingly, it violates the Ethics Acr.

  17. To be frank the city was not paying for this before. Explain.
    They used the dump for free?

  18. Was Brong suspended with pay while an investigation into the conflict of interest is conducted!

  19. So far as I no, he has not been suspended.

  20. 11:53, From Brong himself, I learned the city in the past had always found places willing to take the fill without charge. That was one of the things he used to do.

  21. This is just business as usual from the Callahan clan. Bernie you are no longer being "handled" by Hickey. The election is over, so maybe you will begin to see what so many in Bethlehem have known for years.

  22. "This is just business as usual from the Callahan clan. Bernie you are no longer being "handled" by Hickey. The election is over, so maybe you will begin to see what so many in Bethlehem have known for years."

    amazing amount of vitriol by some folks, who have no idea what the facts are.

  23. while we are looking at relatives of the previous mayor why not ask about the unqualified HR director selected by brong. he has no degree, no experience BUT she is a relative of callahan

  24. There's a huge difference between may have and has! Don't city workers have to sign an ethics statement?

  25. Tallarico saved the city lots of money. Thanks JT

  26. I read this blog everyday, most of the time for pure enjoyment and usually a good chuckle. I am in no way connected to either political party, and frankly do not really care about most of the political things discussed here. I am posting this anonymously because I am a city worker and do not want to deal with the potential repercussions from some individuals on this blog who want to burn Mr. Brong at the stake.
    I need to make clear that I have worked for the city for many years and have seen and heard many of the games that are played, some reported on however most are not. Mr. Brong is perhaps one of the truest individuals working at City Hall, and unfortunately no one seems to be sticking up for him. He has brought extensive improvements to the City administration, many of which are saving the taxpayers substantial amount of money. I can say wholeheartedly that I find it extremely hard to believe that Mr. Brong would intentionally try to gain personal benefit from a transaction in the City. As reported, another City employee made the arrangements, which he has the authority to do, and simply did not research the full ownership of the company...truthfully why would he? I am responsible for making multiple purchases in City Hall and I never would research into the ownership of a company prior to making a purchase. Simply that it is a reputable company and it is a reasonable price.
    There are many other things occurring in Bethlehem that are worthy of reporting, however please do not make assumptions of someone solely by who they are related to (through marriage I think)...taxpayers should be thrilled to have someone who actually cares about saving money and makes decisions based on knowledge and reasoning instead of emotion and politics. Thank you.

  27. One last thing, the current HR director is the first HR director since my employment who actually cares about the employee and is willing to step up for something unjust. Once again, unless you have direct relationship with this person please do not make attacks. She has recently been verbally attacked by various people, however please remember that there are 2 sides to every story, some just have more class and professionalism than others, therefore restrain from continuous bantering.

  28. If the evidence suggests that Brong knew about this, he needs to go. if the evidence does not, he should stay. It is that simple. As foir the HR director, they are never popular anywhere. You don't take that job if you want to be liked.


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