Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NorCo Republicans Reject Extremists in Their Midst

The rats within the Northampton County COP (they use that weird themselves) have been defeated in their latest attempt to wrest control of the party from more moderate voices. They mounted a slate of state committee candidates to take out more mainstream Republicans.  These mainstreamers, as I call them, are actually hard core conservatives, for the most part. But they were not pure enough for the slate assembled by Bethlehem City Council loser Tony Simao.

Ron Angle was assailed in a web page and vicious mailers. Peg Ferraro was attached in a robo call and mailer.

The people have made their decision.

The three successful male state committee candidates are Bob Kilbanks, Glenn Geissinger and Ron Angle.

The three successful women are Lee Snover, Peg Ferraro and Mary Barket.


  1. When Mezzacappa joins forces with the 3% movement led by Kessler there will be no need for good old boys club elected positions, it's time for action and boots on the ground.

  2. MessOcrappa is hooting about some kind of victory in West Easton where she was unopposed on the R ticket. What did she win? Electro-shock treatments?

  3. Congratulations to the winners. The others while I could vote for tea party people I found too many of these people radio active. It's one thing to be a conservative but Tony and Trish are beyond what anyone could find exceptable. No party wants them and they don't help the conservatives who are good people with an ideology. That's what all parties have. Then of course you have the extreme left who managed to win twice. And they have people there that are no better then Tony or Trish.

    Go figure.....

  4. "MessOcrappa is hooting about some kind of victory in West Easton where she was unopposed on the R ticket. What did she win? Electro-shock treatments?"

    She was unoppposed to R committee, but i believe her elections was illegal. She owes the elections office at least $1,000 in unpaid fines for late reports, and i believe the code prohibits certification of a candidate who owes them money.

  5. Funny she's so broke she can't pay you or her fines but she had
    $100 to give to the RATs in Feb.

  6. @ Bernie
    It will be interesting to see if that is the case and if it is, whether the "pauperis" can come up with $1000.

  7. Well, I intend to explore the issue. She thinks that bc she escaped criminal prosecution on that matter, she can continue to thumb her nose at these laws. Technically, she should not have been allowed to run.

  8. She has money for the RATs, for guns, to hire lawyers, to file nonsensical appeals and actions, to hire attorneys for her summary case, but still has not paid her court costs in her first case against me and for a motion in one case against her.

  9. This is no surprise. TM never does the right thing so why would she pay these bills????

    Must be frustrating to lose at everything she tries. She will never see she reaps exactly what she sows.

    We surely see it.

    Wow I can't make out these letters Bernie. Third try now.

  10. outright lies posted in media are a terrific addition to her libel lawsuit already against you.

    Since you live at the election office at this time of year, day and night, with no other life, rooting through scores of documents, you should have no problem finding the "truth" in the fact that no fines are due.

    Just like your lies about Mark Aurand that resulted in a public apology asshole.

  11. TM, I have looked at all the papers. You owe them money and i will formally ask that no candidate who owes the elections office money be certified. Better pay up.

  12. TM,

    Try paying your bills. I hope Bernie likes his new West Easton residence.

    Normal people!

  13. Dang Bernie! You got MezzaCrAzy rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth. Just like old times. It's as if she learned nothing by losing $67K.

  14. Hey Bernie, update your picture already. Your head looks like a big pumpkin plus you look gay in that picture. Stop fooling your pathetic readers

  15. This election sends a clear message to the RATs. Does anyone think they'll understand it?
    the real GOP

  16. "good guys won!!"

    You have a very liberal definition of good!

  17. The smart guys who ran the table last November won. I'm not sure how Callahan did, though.

  18. I'am glad to to Lee Snover on the list,personally. Straight forward and prudent.How many times were her signs mangled ? Good for her.

  19. Most of successful candidates are just as conservative as the ones they defeated. This was never an ideological battle. It was a power play that failed bc it was rejected by the people. A small cabal that includes tony Simao, Bob Kerr, Ronnie Del Bacco and Tricia Mezzacappa launched an anonymous webpage, sent out vicious anonymous mailers and Robo calls. People like Mezzacappa paid for it, too. While pleading poverty and asking courts to force taxpayers to finance her private vendettas, she contributed $200 to this motley group of losers that includes a literal clown.

  20. Bernie, I hate to use this forum to discuss other stuff but REMEMBER the gun issue with a Lafayette student at a crossing, PUTANG!! found her , got her.OLD PETER.

  21. Have you read her latest Bernie bashing blog? I swear, it is like she is writing about herself. Everything she claims to hate about Bernie is everything SHE is. What a complete loon! Yetter and Dally should have locked her up when they had a chance!

  22. I have filed 7 RTK requests with NC since January. One was withdrawn when I obtained what I needed independently. They were filed on matters of public interest, to see copies of consultant contracts, learn whether Cathy Allen was named Acting Director of Admin and similar things. I do not file these requests to harass or annoy government officials. I file them to find out what is happening and report back.

    I have also seen her claims that she owes no court costs. She will find out the hard way that she does. Also, I have letters that the elections office sent her by certified mail - certified mail she never bothered to claim - demanding payment for late fines. I do not believe she can be certified because of this violation.

  23. "PUTANG!!"

    That is a filthy slang word that refers to women's genitals. Please remove it form this blog. the man who posted it should be ashamed of himself.


  24. @ Anon 9:28
    I thought I was the only one who could see she was writing about herself. It is some bizarre shit. The crazy woman has submitted well over 100 RTKs in less than a year but tries to make a story of 7. Most sane people wouldn't bring up the subject of something they have abused and cost taxpayers money.
    It's MezzaCraZy!

  25. 1:39, I suggest you stop reading this blog immediately bc I will allow the use of that word.


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