Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Superior Court Slams Mezzacappa

Morning Call columnist Bill White inducted Tricia Mezzacappa into his Hall of Fame today. Remember the hissy fit she threw over her bizarre firearms application, which was leaked to my attorney? That resulted in the criminal prosecution of one Deputy Sheriff and the termination of two others. But that was not enough for Mezzacappa. She wanted West Easton Borough Council President Kelly Gross prosecuted, too, despite the absence of this little thing called evidence. When Northampton County DA John Morganelli said he was stopping at three, she sued. President Judge Stephen Baratta sided with Morganelli, so Mezzacappa appealed to the Superior Court. Yesterday, that Court laid the smack down on the West Easton Wacko.

Judge Bill Platt, Lehigh County's former President Judge, wrote the Opinion. Mezzacappa "entirely fails to cite to any legal authority to support her claim,." according to Judge Platt. He characterized her Brief on appeal as a series of block quotes from Judge Baratta's Opinion, followed by insults directed at Gross.

Instead of a prima facie case of criminal conduct, Judge Platt rules that her "complaint merely contains unsupported claims against Ms. Gross, insulting language to describe her alleged misconduct, and information regarding disputes between Appellant and Ms. Gross unrelated to the instant matter."

Mezzacappa, incidentally, is running for the Northampton County Republican Committee. Her candidacy has been allowed despite her refusal to pay $1,000 in fines for late campaign fiance reports related to her County Council race.

God help the Northampton County Republicans, who are likely doing all they can to get her to switch sides.

In other Mezzacappa news, she's appealed my defamation verdict against her ... prematurely. the appeal will be quashed. Argument on her post trial motions is set for May 27.

Her lawsuit against me was dismissed because she failed to pay the filing fee after failing in her attempt to get taxpayers to foot the bill. She's filed a petition to open, claiming she is entitled to some sort of six-month payment plan. A hearing on that matter is scheduled for Friday.

She failed to serve both her appeal and her petition to open the judgment, but filed fraudulent certificates of service claiming to have done so. It's what I'd expect from a liar who has a $67,140 verdict against her for defamation. Actually, it is now a $67,648 verdict, thanks to legal interest.



  2. Molon labe? That's exactly what I intend to do. I am going to come and take everything until the damages you owe are paid, with interest. $11 per day.

  3. Wait until Jim is out of jail, then you will have to deal with both Tricia and Jim. They beat you before they can do it again. they are a strong team.

  4. Only in your twisted mind would you think that. The reality is that Gregory ended up in the can and there is a $67,140 verdict against you, with $500 interest. If that is being beaten by you, I'll take it every day. Incidentally, according to Bill White, even Gregory must now realize you're nutz and wants nothing to do with you.

  5. Narcissistic personality disorders with histrionic overlay. Very ugly.

    Good luck Bernie

  6. Edgar, do you know who Mezzcappa has retained in order to defend your abortion of a lawsuit? Nope it's not Leighton, or Jack Karoly, or even Gary Asteak. Somebody without a hint of bias or much name recognition around these sticks, hope sick-o-ricko has lot's of tea and crumpets for the ensuing legal war.

  7. I'll be sure to mention it to the judge on Friday, when you plead poverty.

  8. Although I don't support Mezzacappa in most of her endeavors it is a shame that Kelly got away with ruining 3 careers unscathed. She was the only person with the copy of permit it doesn't take rocket science to figure out Orlosky's anonymous source. I pray what goes around comes around and she gets what she deserves.


    It will be a major embarrassment to some when the Philadelphia media gives worldwide coverage to a woman being made homeless by an angry ex-boyfriend.

    How will this look on national TV, when the reporters ask county officials why a woman with disabilities is being dispossessed and her only worldly goods are being given to her accuser.


    This could get ugly. Mezzacappa is going to find words that rhyme with "Platt."

  11. @423: you win the internet today.

  12. @3:11 (Mezzacappa)
    You still cannot see your actions are the reason for the Hell you find yourself in. Karma has made you its favorite subject. You were used by your so-called friends that encouraged you to write about others and they left you paying the price for your arrogance and need for attention. We look forward to you leaving our county.

  13. Will Bill White's column result in another Mezzacappa lawsuit? Probably two. One against Bill and one against the MC.

  14. there are no late campaign report fines asshole. stop telling lies

  15. mezzacappa is a fat pig who could only curtail her morbid obesity with liposucton and a few nips and tucks.

  16. Gross should have been forced to step down as a public official. Her conduct is embarassing. Good for Mezz for trying to right a wrong. Deputies should not have to shoulder the blame for gross and her many axes to grind

  17. If Gross is guilty if anything then someone else has to peruse it. TM is so over the top that she makes others even those guilty of something, look innocent.

    Bernie I sat in on many a conversation when you were beginning a friendship with this fool and I know that this friendship never took off so to imply more is just ridiculous. Desperate I suppose.....

  18. Hypocrite Tricia Mezzacappa should be thankful the DA didn't charge her with a crime.

    In an article on The Express-Times website dated August 6, 2013, updated August 11, 2013, staffer Tom Shortell reported the following:

    "Morganelli used the same prosecutorial discretion in choosing against charging Mezzacappa in the same incident.

    The leak of her firearms-carry application showed she had listed Orloski and Northampton County Executive John Stoffa as her references. The county has stopped checking the references due to the surge in applications, and the two men were never contacted.

    Both men, however, said they would never recommend Mezzacappa be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. Morganelli acknowledged he could press charges against Mezzacappa for allegedly filing a document with false information but chose not to because she was a victim in the case."

  19. "Her lawsuit against me was dismissed because she failed to pay the filing fee after failing in her attempt to get taxpayers to foot the bill. She's filed a petition to open, claiming she is entitled to some sort of six-month payment plan. A hearing on that matter is scheduled for Friday."

    Hey Bernie, what is the status of Mezzacappa's Superior Court appeal of her criminal harassment conviction by Judge Dally? Did she fail to pay the filing fee in that one too?

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Be careful, please, about what you say.

  22. 10:09, The Superior Court Appeal of her summary harassment conviction is pending. Taxpayers are subsidizing that one, thanks to a false and misleading application. She is stringing that one out, and got an extension to file her brief.

  23. 9:59, In its brief, the DA's office acknowledges that Mezzacappa's LTCF application was fraudulent.

  24. "Bernie I sat in on many a conversation when you were beginning a friendship with this fool and I know that this friendship never took off so to imply more is just ridiculous."


  25. "Gross should have been forced to step down as a public official. Her conduct is embarassing. Good for Mezz for trying to right a wrong."

    This obviously comes from Mezzacappa.

  26. "there are no late campaign report fines asshole. stop telling lies"

    It was at $1,000 last summer. You were sent and ignored certified mail. Technically, they could take your name off the ballot.

  27. Hey Bernie, another day another blog about the Miracle that is Allentown. I thought that I would give a shout out to your dad'd buddy today :)


  28. "How will this look on national TV, when the reporters ask county officials why a woman with disabilities is being dispossessed and her only worldly goods are being given to her accuser."

    It will look like justice. That accuser is her victim.

  29. 11:34, if you respect Molovinsky, as you claim, you'd spell his name correctly.

  30. there were no fines assessed. stop reporting lies.

  31. It was $1000 last time I checked. You know this bc a detective visited you. You should not be allowed on the ballot. I will make this information known to county Rs so they can refuse to seat you.

  32. there were no fines assesed . stop reporting lies

  33. Look, it was $1,000 last I checked. Call the elections office. In fact, I have copies of the letters from them to you. I am not like you. I respect the truth .

  34. Thanks for the copy edit Bernie. "Molovinsky" has been corrected.

  35. there were no fines assessed. stop telling lies. They were wrong and corrected the error.

  36. Mezzacappa, call the elections office. You owe $1000 or more.you will not be seated if I can help it

  37. there were no fines assessed. stop telling lies. They were wrong and corrected the error.

  38. Repeating the same nonsense over and over does not make it true. You owe at least $1,000.

  39. Boy, somebody really needs to get back on her meds!

  40. boy Bernie you picked a WINNER!!!

  41. ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

    ohare is a revolting liar with a tic tac dick and has an undercurrent rage directed at society

  42. Her meds might be kicking in. Her copy and paste jobs are slowing down.

  43. Did you say something? Sorry, we were ignoring you.

  44. Is this lunatic still carrying a gun or was it's permit revoked?

  45. Its almost surreal, I have a craving for tic-tacs and feel anger towards society. Bernie stay safe,I think she a few sandwiches shy of a picnic.

  46. U donz mezz wit da big T. White and MC gonna get pro sed wit the yellow driver and da jurist dat dit her wrong. Word!

  47. When you collect, will you donate any portion to organizations serving the mentally ill?

  48. Wow! That is some serious crazy, Bernie. Hope you notified some authority about this online insanity. Also hope this loon doesn't have a permit to carry a firearm.

  49. I left one of her comments here so newcomers can see what has people worked up.

    4:57, I have not contacted any authorities bc it is fairly easy these days to delete this crap.

    4:43, I plan to contribute it to myself, so that should cover the mentally ill.

  50. This R is writing in Mr. Ed because he has a shorter gave and smaller teeth.... and he hasn't been so stupid s to lose his stable. Stay safe Bernie. She's going to shoot you eventually. She should have her weapons taken away and her Adams apple shaved.

    1. Shorter face..... Damn word completion. Why the long have Trish?

  51. This isn't going to end well.

  52. I cannot believe you deleted my comment about her living in a box when you take her to the cleaners. See what compassion brings? Mezzacrappa is an unrepenent lunatic, pure and simple.

  53. Had that been it, your comment would still be up. You said a little more

  54. LV R'S for progresMay 13, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    Mezz is our best hope for defeating the Ron angle Slate, check out the WEFP for a great shot of B.OH from a far hob knobbing it up in garish orange t shirt whilst sipping from a foam chalice

  55. Mezzacappa is loaded again. That picture was taken at a recption for Judge Emil Giordano, and both parties were welcome. MezzacRaZy was thankfully absent.

  56. Is she hoping to mount the Krazy Kessler Kannon now that Little Greg is keeping his distance? Her recent post shows she is itching to get a full load from his steel jacket magnum round.

  57. When does the sheriff come and padlock her house?

  58. After he padlocks your mouth ahole

  59. Mezzacappa is such a sweet person, ism 't she?

  60. Mezzacappa may be appearing on the CSF 3% show with Chief Kessler in the near future to elevate her radio credentials. Kessler doesn't hold back and once he get's a libtard on his radar they are pretty much going to be verbally castrated by words that fly through the internet like metaphorical shears creating eunuch's in their wake.

  61. After he padlocks your mouth ahole

    That would never happen because I don't do stupid shit to warrant (no pun intended) any involvement with a sheriff.

    And by the way, you are the walking embodiment of the term, asshole. Asshole.

  62. Heyyyyy Wilburrrrr. I think she'll be the cutest homeless person in the county by a loooooooonggg face.

  63. "That would never happen because I don't do stupid shit to warrant (no pun intended) any involvement with a sheriff."

    Like threaten to kill the West Easton Boro Council President? Or start cursing in the courthouse like a drunken sailor?


  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. Spartacus speaks (roars)! His mind is sharp, body is indubitably rock hard and colon free of any animal flesh or products. His impending release will ignite a maelstrom of political change in NorCo culminating in the ascendance of UNITY PAC and it's highest officers.

  67. 5:35, If you wish to discuss violence, please do it on your own blog.

  68. Bernie - is this appeal in county court? Is there a judge/time assigned, or will this be chosen in the cattle call in the morning? I'd love to go and see the whack job in person, getting the smack down she richly deserves.

    Don Mooore

  69. Friday's hearing, which she scheduled, is in county court.

  70. Molon labia? Ha. The British asked Afxentiou to surrender in a conflict in Cypress in 1957. Afxentiou tried the Molon labe routine, and the British burned him alive.

    A loser picks a loser for a rallying cry.

  71. So there isn't a hearing time? Do you have to go to whatever it is called where the cases are called?

    Don Moore

  72. Yeah, I have to go to courtroom 1 at 9 am, then sit around while the judges hear real cases.

  73. Mezzacappa just put the revolting liar, tic tac dick thing all over my blog comments. What is her problem. Doesn't she know we disagree about virtually everything?

  74. Pubic hair you're one of O'Hate's lackeys who will be dealt with in a court of law

  75. OK - the cattle call thing in courtroom one. I did that once. Quite the spectacle. "cattle call" is perfect for your opposition.

    She published her complaint, which reflects that someone wasted $200K on her education. A mind can be a terrible thing. Also a reference to problems with her NJ family, allegedly due to you. Hasn't your house been transferred into her mother's name? There is all kinds of miscellaneous stuff in that complaint, including numerous misspellings of "judgment". Quite the legal mind.

    The thing that astonished me most were allegations that you wrecked her reputation. Didn't she do that all on her own?

  76. Letg me note that this Complaint, which is identical to the one dismissed, has no time-stamp or docket number. It's unclear to me that she filed anything, thouggh I'm sure she will continue wasting judicial resources.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.