Local Government TV

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Despite NIZ, Allentown Shrinking

Despite all the tax incentives of the NIZ and attempts to poach businesses from other Lehigh Valley communities, the Miracle That is Allentown is shrinking. Not by much, but it's an indication that all the public money poured into the downtown might be a mirage, after all.

According to Governing, Allentown's population dropped by 0.2% last year. That's just 187 people, but should be cause for concern. In the meantime, cities like Philadelphia grew 0.3%.


  1. What about the ille... er, uh, undocumented?

    King Edwin knows they've got greenbacks to burn and are the most rabid hockey fans.

    No worries ;)


  2. The 187 were likely unsightly minorities who formerly ran businesses in the NIZ. Ethnic cleansing was critical to the success of hockey, a predominantly white people's sport.

  3. All the illegal's are moving to Easton as Sal Panto is pushing to give them all drivers licenses.

  4. Blog Mentor is a putz.

  5. You were looking for an immediate boon to the economy? Give it a little time, my god man.

  6. Not a fan of the NIZ, but not sure if you can draw that conclusion from the data you cite.

  7. You are correct, but I would think things would be better in the Miracle that is Allentown.

  8. Must be a slow news day. Weak thread

  9. "Cause for concern?" 187 people? Exaggerate much, do we? Bernie, have you gone mad from your hatred of all things Allentown and Ed Pawlowski?

  10. First I was unaware that criticism of the NIZ translates into hatred of Allentown or even Pawlowski. Second I myself note that it is only a small decrease. Third it should cause for concern among those not wearing rose-colored glasses as you obviously are.

  11. Allow me to add a FOURTH logical justification for Bernie's privilege to mention the NIZ . . .

    he's helping to PAY for this investment!

    Fred Windish

  12. Give me a break! Are you claiming that you do not despise Ed Pawlowski? Should we look up every posting you have had of him over the years, your "King Edwin" characterizations, and vile comments? You can't stand the guy because he is successfully turning around a city that was going down the toilet. You are jealous of others successes when they remind you of your failures. We are lucky to have Ed as our mayor and Pat Browne as the author of the NIZ.

  13. I have been highly critical of King Edwin and his autocratic approach, as well as his lack of transparency and accountability. I have taken him to task for his man cave and how he ignored permitting requirements he imposes on everyone else. He is a bad elected official. But no, I don't hate him. If he was on the highway with a flat, I 'd help him.

  14. I sure hope the Niz devekopment does transform Allentown for the better. However, I wonder how fond General Trexler or Mayor Gross would be of Allentown adding electronic billboards to their parks by waiving their own code with a strike of a pen. Seems contrary to the Trexler Trust.

  15. Based on the logic used when the President is criticized, the only conclusion I can come to is that Bernie hates people of Polish heritage.

  16. You are correct, but I would think things would be better in the Miracle that is Allentown.

    Take a drive down there. It's a pretty impressive sight.

  17. "Cause for concern?" 187 people? Exaggerate much, do we? Bernie, have you gone mad from your hatred of all things Allentown and Ed Pawlowski?

    Well, he lives in Nazareth where there are 187 people total (not counting Floyd the Barber). Let's just say he lacks context.

  18. Let's just say you look down your nose at anyone not from the Miracle that is Allentown. You trash Nazareth, but were more than willing to take its money, and Pawlowski disparaged the borough, too. With that smug attitude, Allentown is already doomed.

  19. Electronic billboards are a menace and should be outlawed in Pennsylvania. They are a major hazard along roadways and a blight on the landscape.

    If our politicians weren't so money hungry they would have never allowed this abomination.

  20. What is next, electronic billboards in the Rose Garden? The Trexler Trust should hold funding until Allentown respects the Beautiful park system the General helped create. If bit against City ordinance to locate a billboard within so many feet of a park, road, and private residence, why should one individual (mayor) be allowed to override it?

  21. Hell Fleckster @ 12:34 we love all this shit slinging. Sometimes Bernie even makes a good point. The seasoned Pols dont mind. They need the tough skin anyway to enter the big leagues.Pawlowski has flat lined unless he gets appointed to a state job. Maybe a regional Hud job under Clinton. Heads Up . Allison Grimes killed it with acceptance speech in kentucky. New Dem rock star who could wipe the floor with mcconnell this fall.

  22. "It's all about the ... "

    Buildings? People? or Both?


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