Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Tale of Two Directors of Administration

Ryan Kish
By a 6-3 vote, Northampton County Council recently rejected Executive John Brown's nominee for Director of Administration, Cathy Allen. Council complained that Allen's education (a high school diploma) and her relative inexperience (two months of County employment) made her unqualified to administer a $360 million budget with 2,200 employees. But she's still Deputy Director. Before he went on a week's vacation in May, Brown designated Allen as the person to contact in his absence.

Hanover Township's budget and workforce is decidedly smaller than Northampton County. But at their May 27 meeting, Supervisors approved a new "Director of Administration" position, to be filled by Tresurer Ryan Kish at a annual salary of $55,000.

Kish has a Master's degree in Public Administration and Policy Planning, and two years of experience working under Township Manager Jay Finnigan.


  1. Maybe he will end up wo9rking for John Brown.

  2. This is the way you are supposed to make appointments. Maybe Brown should visit Hanover township with his pen and paper and start taking notes at every one of their meetings. He may learn something

  3. Compared to the county position, Kish is an underachiever or poor negotiator or both.

  4. He should have been Brown's administrator pick. The guy has 3X the education and experience of Allen and will be paid 40% less than the county position. Makes perfect sense in the bizarro world of Norco politics.

  5. 7:59, He probably never went after the County position, sure he may be making less money, but it is the smart move career wise. Hanover and the County are two polar extremes, one good government, one a mess. Maybe this is Finnagans pick as his successor.

  6. The young pup is too wet behind the ears for the county position. He lacks the "street smarts" necessary for the dog-eat-dog world of county politics.

  7. I doubt Kish went after the county position. Any professional would be reluctant to go for an exempt position.

  8. Kish will be learning from one of the best. Mr. Brown should really be getting his advice from people like Finnegan. Hard worker, rolls up his sleeves and has the utmost respect of his peers.

  9. Jay is one of the best, but township managers are not going to apply for the county position. The pay is too low and there is no real job security. In addition, you are subjected to ridicule.

  10. Excellent point, Bernie. Especially if working for a one-term executive like Brown.

  11. This guy is being severely under paid.

  12. But then again, Hanover Twp is the size of a postage stamp. They shouldn't even need this position.

  13. Any professional would be reluctant to go for an exempt position.

    What does this mean? Pretty much every white collar job is "exempt" - otherwise known as "salaried".

  14. What this means is that anyone who works in a cabinet position is at will, very vulnerable and subject to political winds. The winds are more steady at the township and borough level, and there is less politics.

  15. All of us are "at will" unless you have some sort of contract that binds the employer. Is the guy under contract with Hanover Twp? "Exempt" is probably the wrong term to use here.

    By the way, your CAPTCHAs are really hard to read.

  16. I have no choice unless you want to see this blog flooded with more spam.

  17. Exempt is the correct term and is used in the Administrative Code and HRC to refer to these at will employees who serve at the pleasure of the Exec.

  18. Can't Executive Callahan do something about this???

  19. Johnnie Casino is on the lecture tour promoting his new book "How to Screw Up a Political Campaign You Should Win in a Landslide."

  20. And what exactly does this have to do with this post?

  21. No sense of disingenuous humor BO.

  22. This has nothing to do with humor. You go completely off topic to disparage someone in the private sector.

  23. Exempt is the correct term and is used in the Administrative Code and HRC to refer to these at will employees who serve at the pleasure of the Exec.

    OK, but I'm sure his current job is also "exempt" which merely means they are not bound by the 40 hour work week.

  24. 1:36. Your an idiot

  25. 1:36. Your an idiot

    Says the asshat that doesn't understand the use of contractions.

  26. Well, it was an interesting story and it's the right way you are supposed to make arrangements for meeting. And for sure there's so much of learning scope here for everyone.

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