Local Government TV

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why You Don't Elect Row Officers

Lamont McClure and Ken Kraft, who want elected row offices for the patronage jobs that will be created in those little fiefdoms, need to read about Schuylkill County.


  1. His only mistake was he got caught.

  2. seems ole Zito spelled out some terrific advice to Mezz, dump 4 and 5 and sue Orloski instead.

    Orloskis big win may not be so big, now

  3. The court should have kicked her fat holstered ass out of court.

    her filings must have comic value that entertain the judges. Even judges need to laugh at least once a week.

  4. Mezzacappa is referring to her lawsuit against the Express Times, which was basically gutted by the court at the preliminary objections stage.

  5. not really. Smillie got slapped on the nose twice, Mezz three times...shes a big girl and can take it

  6. Mezz lost 35 cases straight at the OOR. It was only after 35 cases lost that she finally figured out how to file them correctly, and then started winning a few.

    Shes proabbly going to need about 50 torts to figure out how to win those. Shes a dunce cap who needs a flashlight in the daytime.

  7. she is constantly shit blogging that she is undefeated in court with these OOR cases. 35 dismissals doesnt sound like a winning record

  8. she must really be "on something" if she thinks she is actually going to win in a newspaper case.
    She should do the right thing and pull the case before she is sanctioned and defeated, and assessed legal fees

  9. i guess her newspaper case must not be brag worthy otherwise shed be posting like hell over at her shit blog. nothing yet, just checked

    please post about it...i'd love to see how badly she was bitchslapped by Zito. halarious!

  10. Smillie will depose about 50 people to testify that Mezz is a cracker plant

    i see a line forming at the courthouse to testify aginst her. gross, dees , garcia (needs three spots) maybe even ohare, defiantley stoffa and even orclownski and shortell, deegan, if he can walk, Layman if he can drive, and then all those neigbors she pissed off in West Easton.

    she's done

  11. can you please do a post about how many times the court shit all over Angle, and then how that compares to Mezz's record....

    I think Mezz has more losses than even Angle. Is it a new world record? Or does Angle still hold the record for getting pissed on by the norco judges?

  12. Her case against the ET is basically on life support after Judge Zito's decision, and will be dismissed without ever making it to a jury, from what I've seen.

    Right now, she is staring down at a $67,000 verdict in my case against her, and will lose on the frivolous post trial motions. At that point, I intend to collect by executing on the home she fraudulently conveyed to her mother after the verdict was rendered, for no consideration, in an effort to defeat my claim. She has continued a barrage of insults and lies, not just about me, but about my attorney. The only way to get her attention is to take everything from her. We intend to do just that.

    She can be as cocky as she wants on her blog, in anonymous comments here, and in comments she posts at The Express Times under made up names. She is going to lose everything, and she did it to herself.


  13. If you think for one minute that a Sheriff is going to execute on a piece of property that is not owned by Mezz , you've been smoking some serious crack...then again, you may have been born that way.

    You have no clue what you are talking about. "Fraudulent " conveyance is a matter for the courts to decide , not a unilateral order from a disbarred asshole like yourself and your attorney (for now)

    and if you think the Sheriffs are going to ruin their own careers again to do your dirty work, you are sadly misinformed, and delusional. You will have to post an enormous bond to even collect a fork and spoon.

  14. Ditching property ownership to avoid paying a big verdict never works. Get ready to move out of the sty. And be glad the local homeless shelter has cots. To lose one's house over narcissism and stupidity is .....well, narcissistic and stupid. I'm buying extra popcorn and will enjoy watching her final flailings.

  15. Mezzacappa, you saw the look on the judge's face when you described what you did. It will take us five days to get an order authorizing us to execute on that asset, and we will also go after everything else, from your car to your computer to your gun collection. The price of your 3-year barrage of lies is that you lose everything. And while you continue to taunt, 6% legal interest is being tallied on that $67,140 verdict, which relates back to the original judgment entered against you in May. You can add $11 for every day you make us wait.i have told you from the beginning we were very serious, but you chose to play games. Your games have resulted in putting yourself on position to lose everything. You can try to delude yourself, you can continue the taunts, but you are going to pay for your malice.

  16. keep drinking that kool-aid, deluding yourself and your "audience."

    "Shrewd lies, unremittanly repeated....etc..."

    your fraudulent case had no merit from the start, and had you played by the rules, the outcome for you would have been nothing short of a sanction. Your success in manipluating Northampton County has reached its final destination. You're nothing but an expensive mess of a person who really needs to follow the court order from 1986. Commit yourself and admit that you have a problem. Healing can be a good thing, but the first step is to admit you have a problem. I'll take the word of the Suprerme Court , over your's any day of the week.

  17. I can be a convicted murderer. It does not matter. You lost, and we are going to collect every dime you owe.

  18. Sheriffs and cops hate her guts and are likely conducting a lottery to determine who gets to actually throw her out. Will the borough erect bleachers to accommodate the crowds who want to watch? I want the popcorn concession. This should be fabulous. Bernie, will you spare the pig or smoke it for bacon? Inquiring minds want to know.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. a convicted murderer would be a step above the life you lead, and have lead for the last 30 years.

    seeing you caged like the rabbid animal that you are would be a great service to the community that you damage with your hatred day in and day out.

  21. I know of 3 cops and 4 sheriffs that are waiting to get in her holster panties

    hands down, you collect zilch

  22. Mezzacappa at 3:59, you miss the point, as usual. The point is that it makes no difference that I lost my law license in.'86. I have a verdict against you, and it is collecting interest. I will be executing on your home, car, computers, bank accounts. If the money is not enough, we will be coming after your mother bc you dragged her into this with a fraudulent conveyances, and Pa. Courts are very tough on those who participate, even innocently. You have given us every reason to go after you to the fullest extent of the law, and that is exactly what will happen. Instead of being remorseful and conciliatory for a three-year barrage of lies, much of which is still out there, you have thumbed your nose at me and my attorney.if you try to waste the assets or continue making fraudulent transfers, we will freeze everything and ask to have a receiver appointed.

    But by all means, bray away about your doomed lawsuit against the ET. Continue convincing yourself you have nothing to worry about.

  23. Mezzacappa @ 4:20, you really are disgusting piece of filth.

  24. check up on the federal collection laws before you engage in online harassment to collect a debt

    though you are a hypocrite and think laws dont apply to you because you are in northampton county, you'll find out the hard way just how harsh those monetary penalties are

  25. Guess what, moron? The federal collection laws have no application to me or my attorney. In fact, people like me and my attorney are specifically excluded. You'll find that out soon enough. Also, don't come on my blog and start taunting me, and then run and complain about online harassment. You come onto a story that has nothing to do with you, start taunting my attorney and then shriek online harassment when I respond and point out just how full of shit you are.

    To be clear, the FDCPA has no application to me or my attorney, as a matter of law. We will collect every penny you owe. You can kiss your house goodbye. We're gonna ' sell it. We'll sell your guns, computers and car, too. You are going to pay the damages you owe.

  26. freezing assets is also not something that is done without the courts,

    there are procedures to be followed , strictly, and in accordance with law.

    you may have been able to score a secret trial , which is amazing and jaw dropping, but there is something called an appeal to a different court, where you cant pull your sheanigans.

    sadly, you are the one in denial, and you are the one who will throw money and time, good after bad, in your futile attempts to collect a disputed debt.

    Orloski should have thought about this, but then again, his habits are to sue fortune 500 companies, cities, counties, schools and state agencies. Those entities have deep pockets. Individuls dont

    so continue on your silly deluded path of gradeur, that no one buys into , except you

  27. Actually, you're wrong. You'll find that out the hard way one the post trial motions are decided. You have made clear that the only option we have is take everything you have, and force you to move back to Jersey.

  28. While you're appealing, we'll be executing. Knock yourself out.

  29. seizure of any asset requires a writ, complete with interrogatories.

    only in your distorted view of the world that laws dont apply to you, can you snap your fingers and freeze anything.

    its a long costly process that involves playing by the rules. if you are lucky enough to actually find someone who voluntarily will destroy himself and his own career to do your lawlessness, knock yourself out.

    those people are generally referred to as gangsters, not officers of the court.

  30. post trial motions are deemed denied after 10 days. 10 days have passed. Knock yourself out...in the literal sense, but dont expect others to do your dirty work.

    when you come up empty handed, with more cash outlay than what you get back, ask Ron to pay your legal bills. I'm sure Orloskis unlimited line of credit wont last forever.

  31. Bernie,

    You're better off deleting the Mezzacappa comments. She knows she is done. You know she is done. We all know she is done.

    There is nothing left for her except to pound her flat chest and put on a show. It's her same shit she put out for the last few years when she thought the 1st amendment meant she could defame and accuse people of criminal acts.

    She fucked herself and is hoping you'll say something that she can use to argue against the judgment you won.

    Her blog of mental illness is read for the laughs and everyone realizes she is a loon. When she pulled the Hitler card, parroting Gregory, you know she has nothing left and offers no legitimacy in any argument.

    Godwin's Law.

    Delete her future comments, take her house, and send her back to Jersey.

  32. Boy are you dumb. Based on what you just wrote, we can now all conclude your post trial motions have been deemed denied. God, what an idiot.

  33. you stuff your face into court dockets daily, know you have been sued before you are served, post judicial opinions before they are entered, and somehow you actually didnt know the PT motions were denied?

    Of course you knew....unless you've been hiding from the court and the Sherrifs who have been trying to serve you with a solid libel/fraud complaint

    keep running

  34. No, Bernie, nooo...don't delete her comments!
    Thanks, Tricia. Thanks, Bernie.
    This is pure entertainment! I love it.

  35. ohare is so filled with hatred on good friday, good grief, you are the devil. shame on you, and pray for your soul

  36. Mezzacappa @ 5:44,

    1) I look at court dockets daily bc that is what I do. I am a title searcher.

    2) I knew I was sued before I was served bc you also wanted taxpayers to subsidize the suit against me, and I had a right to be notified.

    3) I post judicial opinions after they are entered. Until then, I have no idea. They suggestion I post them before they are filed is a lie and insults the integrity of the Court.

    4)I have hidden from no one, ever, and unlike you, sign my name.

    5) If your post trial motions have been denied, we can commence execution immediately. I will check first thing Monday. You have a habit of getting things wrong and lying, so I won't take your word for it.

  37. Go for every dime you can collect from this moron. She has screwed he taxpayers in West Easton, caused a police force to be disbanded and abused the courts. Take her for every penny you can.

    BTW, keep after Dolan as well. She screwed the Bethlehem taxpayers.

  38. I don't know about anyone else but all this fighting between Mezz and Bernie is making me hot. Also all the dirty words being thrown around is a turn on.

    Holster panties? Wow!

  39. Damn, I thought this article was about the Clerk of Courts who stole money. How did messycappa get into this? Lets talk about Lamount and CO.

  40. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil men.

    Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepards the weak through the valley of darkness, For he truely is his brother's keeper, and the finder of lost children.

  41. Bernie I too think there has been enough on your blog between you and TM. There are no words to use that she will ever ever get. She is done and deserves to be. You are talking to a brickwall that can utter words.

    Do what you are going to do and then let all of us know that it is done.

    If I could I would join the sheriffs and take her home and whatever else you are entitled to.

    She calls you disbar raging names and yet no one is her friend. No one speaks for her. Even that doesn't open her eyes so please delete her and let us know when she is on her way to NJ. We can all celebrate.

    She is 2 cents maybe 3 short of a nickel and while I can feel sorry for others who are, I can not for her. She is dangerous and that has to concern all of us. The judges get it too.

  42. Trish: allow me to share a story. In my career, I worked with a family that was struggling. The father in this family reminds me a lot of you. He was very pro 2nd ammendment and wanted to advance his militia ideas. He used to go on weekend rallies where he "learned" things such as how to "successfully" sue government entities, that government agencies such as the ATF, DEA, MH/MR, etc...were unconstitutional as they aren't recognized by federal law (constitution), etc...

    conversely, he was a family man who loved his family very much but believed all the government bodies in his world were corrupt and he could tell them to pound sand. I tried to use every skill I had to get him on the same page with with the governing bodies, but sadly, to no avail.

    I spoke with him gently. I was direct with him. I confronted him. I encouraged his positive strengths. I could go on. On occasion, he hired "big name" attorneys in this area such as john karoly, to help fight his losing battles. Sadly, he lost his family. He lost his home. He lost his business. He lost every lawsuit he filed against multiple government bodies and individuals; both in their professional and personal capacities. I hope you "understand" a lot quicker than either this man or even jim gregory.

  43. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

  44. I know there are people who believe you should forgive and forget. For the record, I'd like to say I'm a big fan of forgiveness as long as the bitch pays first. ~ T.T. Bone Man

  45. Ms. Mezzacappa is a middle-aged rebel without a cause. Sad.


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