Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Turns Out Clinton Oxford really Is a Real Person

Regular readers of this blog may remember Clinton Oxford, a person who frequently commented here. He first became familiar with this blog as a result of my stories about the substandard housing and slave welfare being orchestrated by "Reverend" Chris Santos, the supposed chaplain at Northampton County jail. Santos had a good thing going. He was filling up unlocked rooms for $300-400 per month, with recently-released inmates on probation. if they bothered this man of God, it's back to the hoosegaw. Clinton Oxford is one of these unfortunates.

I won't pretend that I understand what's wrong with him. My sense is that he was a heavy drug user who was trying hard to kick the habit. I encouraged him to participate on this blog. I thought it might help him. Though he rarely had any idea what he was talking about, he did a lot of legal research. I even encouraged him to consider going to school. When he'd cross the line in comments, I'd point it out, and he always backed off.

His comments offended Tricia Mezzacappa, Jim Gregory and the Blog Mentor. They regularly accused me of using "Clinton Oxford" as a pseudonym. Jim Gregory and Mezzacappa even made that claim on their short-lived radio show. But as we all now know, Clinton Oxford is a very real person and was posting his own comments.

Clinton had support from a former inmate. This man I Won't name him) is an alcoholic who finished college, has been sober for over three years and is doing post-grad work. Clinton and his wife also had help from a prison volunteer who devoted countless hours.

Late last year, Clinton began using again.

And snapped.

His interest in this blog vanished. His probation was violated not long after he falsely accused another guy of sexually assaulting him. His probation officer, whom I happen to know, even discussed it with me at the courthouse. She told me he was also sending her lots of letters, but I was unaware they were love letters.

Now Clinton faces charges of harassment and stalking, according to The Express Times.

Instead of apologizing for getting her facts wrong, someone named "PorcinePrincess" posted this comment at the Express Times: "Clinton was a blowhard fake, enjoy your time in the clink Clint and the road to becoming institutionalized."


  1. Just another member of the O'Hare insane poison clown posse. Of course you will defend this stalker who has frightened a probation officer for her life. All the while you attack a Jim Gregory.

    As I said, loyalty runs deep in the O'Hare insane poison clown posse.


  2. Still think the other "Clinton" is fake or lies. At the time he was called out, he supposedly lived in Roseto or East Bangor. According to his fake facebook and blog (down the rabbithole), he went to Bangor high, every day. Maybe someone else was using this guy's name.

  3. OT, but Bernie's getting Mezzacappa's house. It just feels good to type that. Have a great day, all. Thank you again, Bernie!

  4. He is indeed a real person. We used to live on the same block in Bangor when I was a kid. Clinton was a few years older than me, and I was friends with his younger brother. Sad to see the choices that he has made.

  5. What about Santos Bernie? How does he get away with this and become a paid employee at the prison? At least I think he has been brought in full time as the chaplain.

    Sad for this man Clinton and your usual haters are already blogging here I see.

    One thing I have come to realize is that haters will accuse someone of the very thing that is flawed in them.

    So when I hear or read this crap, I almost always know they are describing themselves. They really are transparent.

    You are accused of making up this guy and posting in his name.

    Well here again it is these very people accusing who do this themselves.

    As always keep up the good work Bernie.

  6. "Still think the other "Clinton" is fake or lies. At the time he was called out, he supposedly lived in Roseto or East Bangor. According to his fake facebook and blog (down the rabbithole), he went to Bangor high, every day. Maybe someone else was using this guy's name."

    Or maybe you're just full of shit, like you've been so many times. I remember the same accusation about "Retired ASD". You insisted I was he. Believe you offered to pay me money if you were wrong. Then he called you.


  7. This industry just like the healthcare, indigent childcare insurance is the only growning industry in the lehighvalley? This being the money magnet that is attracting people from abroad with the promise of cheap housing, jobs? NOT

    patent pending

  8. Wasn't Clinton a graduate of the proclaimed NCP CEC program? Guess he's heading back to try PEAK! Or, maybe just wanted to get a hedstart on one of those public tours that are upcoming at NCP

  9. Not sure if Clinton went thru the CEC. If he did, this won!t help the stats.

  10. Clinton faked his way thru the CEC program. He was too smart for his own good and took none of it to heart.Did time at the Santos Estates also. He currently resided in Roseto.

  11. The jail is becoming quite an issue once again. Very timely blog entry and by the way..it's all true. I will go on the record if Bernie needs me to vouch for the facts of this sad story. The jail is a meat grinder and it breeds return customers. Cultural shift needed and new leadership is essential. Time to pull back the curtain..

  12. Bright guy..many are..but addiction is a relentless demon so to speak and escape is not always so easy. It's hard work to face the image in the mirror staring back at you. I hope he gets serious about his problem soon. He is slowly but surely destroying himself and his family..innocent victims.

  13. It's hard to keep some from returning to jail when just about all of their needs are meant and at no cost to them except loss of freedom. It's a trade they willingly give up.

    It is disturbing and making it rougher on them will never happen. Too many rights and do good ers feeling sorry for them.

    What a tangled web we weave.....

    No matter what your illness or religious beliefs the prison will cook to suit you. There must be 8 or 9 different ways they have to prepare and offer food.....

  14. Just another O'Hare insane poison clown posse member. They are all nuts.

    One of them will blame Obama soon.

  15. Yes, I was.i never hid that from anyone.

  16. @ 1:17's comment is well worth repeating:

    "Bright guy..many are..but addiction is a relentless demon so to speak and escape is not always so easy. It's hard work to face the image in the mirror staring back at you. I hope he gets serious about his problem soon. He is slowly but surely destroying himself and his family..innocent victims."

  17. Boo Hoo, blame it on drugs and alcohol

  18. "Someone named PorcinePrincess"?

    Gee, I wonder who that is ;)

  19. Mr. Okford and the sbeltfan love in the same neighborhood in Bangor. Perhaps ot could be in the water. Dave were you his prison mentor?


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