Local Government TV

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Miracle That Is Allentown!

Who'd have thunk it?

Actually, quite a few of us. All the la-de-das were sitting on their asses inside some tent outside the Allentown Symphony Hall today in yet another propaganda show when reality burst on the scene.

According to a Morning Call account, the beautiful people at a Pennsylvania Society Gala were quite upset to see ... crime and violence in downtown Allentown.

Gotta' love King Edwin blaming Whitehall.

There goes about $50,000 in campaign donations, Ed.

Hope the cops are OK. Cynthia Mota seems peeved that her day was ruined. Maybe she spilled her drink.

Not to worry.J.B. Reilly is hiring Omnicorp to protect Allentown.


  1. Crap, and they got to see the cops who don't spill over their duty belt as well. I heard Hizzonah King Edwin makes those kind of cops keep old Gregg Jefferies and Von Hayes cards in the spokes, so people see the few cops the city has. Guess it backfires when you want to proclaim everything is unicorns & rainbows.

    But man, good luck with it being a short trial. Casey Stengel was an eyewitness. He will drift in stories on that stand. Hope there were no placards to distract him.

    Here is exclusive footage of him speaking to the Morning Call:


  2. Aside from the injured cops, this was a laugh for center city residents.
    We haven't seen six bicycle cops out in the city this whole year - and certainly not in one place....
    A wrecked cruiser too.
    Our own little reality show.
    A foreshadowing of things to come: the same as always.
    See if patrons and attendees can be safe, or even be made to FEEL safe out on our lovely city streets.
    Oh yea, and during the little tete-a-tete at symphony hall, with an Allentown Parking Authority facility just feet away, somehow all the parking spots were full for a couple of blocks. This is not a laugh for the locals.

  3. After the incident occurred, word on the street is that the Mayor was on top of it. He had his handy emergency PowerPoint presentation ready. He explained that what the attendees saw was not really a crime and just a perception problem.

    He went on to use statistics to prove they were safer in downtown Allentown than in their own bedroom.

  4. Reality is that Allentown is a drug infested, crime riddled, spanish speaking town whose educational system is bleeding the taxpaying homeowners of their livelihood.

  5. " .... makes those kind of cops keep old Gregg Jefferies and Von Hayes cards in the spokes .... "

    effin' funniest line I've ever read here.

  6. The symbolism of a fancy luncheon and a crime that almost cost the lives of two Allentown officers is frightening. It was almost unbelievable to read. How can this happen?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    After the incident occurred, word on the street is that the Mayor was on top of it. He had his handy emergency PowerPoint presentation ready. He explained that what the attendees saw was not really a crime and just a perception problem.

    Having attended neighborhood meetings at which the power point presenting mayor has actually ignored all mention of crime, can't say the above writer is off the mark.

  8. I think its time to bring in the Baldin - Felts Detective Agency to maintain a perimeter around the Allentown Galas! LOL

  9. Everyone is damn lucky no one was killed. Or seriously injured.

    The miracle that is Allentown, indeed.

  10. This incident reminds me of school history books where Oil Barron were said to use hundred dollar bills to light cigars.

  11. Even if one believes the square mile containing the arena complex does NOT have a crime problem, nor exhibit an abundance of unsavory human behavior, the public's perception it does is VERY strong. Too strong to simply dismiss away with words.

    Allentown has a real chance (thanks to unknowing taxpayers across the state) to use its new 'look' to become a place people want to visit and live. But, it is going to be a very, long road.
    This initial year will require significant police presence, over-the-top lighting, and easy parking nearby.

    Any transformation will require great effort and expense. It will take, at least, 7-8 years of positive 'vibes.' I'll be interested to see how all of this plays out.

    Fred Windish

  12. I hope the police officers are ok. Other than their injuries, the story is a comedy of errors.

  13. Until reading this, I had serious doubts the King could still pitch a tent. Keep it up, Ed.

    Yours in urban growth,
    Hugh G. Rection

  14. Is there a spin doctor in the house?

    Alfonso Todd

  15. HAHAHA! Alfonso that's a good one.

    This whole thing is hilarious, assuming all injuries are temporary.

    So the Governor was there, too???? Is that right???

  16. But seriously this situation is going to call for the "powers that be" to do some ser
    ious cultivation of positive components that exist in Allentown. In fact, I would advise
    them to reach out to the actual residents they
    believed they would push out with
    gentrification. Why? Because it is the people
    and the attitudes that will actually transform this city, not bricks and mortar. Billions have
    been spent and we still have car chases and
    police with guns drawn running up the
    streets. I could have stayed in Miami for this.

    Again, it is not too late, but the thought process has to change before we make any true progress with the city and not just have a transformation of the skyline and landscape.

    Alfonso Todd

  17. Yes, Monkey Momma ALL of the PA bigwigs were there. The whole sitution was a true example of irony.

    Alfonso Todd

  18. Bernie,
    This one is almost as good as the Ron Angle shit slingging stories? At the next counsil meeting of the Brow Hole will there be a edited out powerpoint parade of the court jesters that ommits thins fine action in the city with no crime?

    patent pending

  19. Alphonso, as you know, if these structures can't get beyond the 'build it and they will come' mentality, the city has no chance.

    I've been to MANY cities of Allentown's size throughout North America. Some have found a rebirth this way, MOST have not. Everyone living in the immediate area must get involved, be welcoming, clean, and of course, vigilant about preventing crime. There will need to be a police/security presence on every block, at every intersection. I would also suggest developing a 'local hosts' group of volunteers who are dressed alike and sprinkled throughout downtown. This CAN be done, but only with good leadership.

  20. Oops, again! I wrote the 10:32 post. I will also add, Mayor Pawlowski will need to 'lighten up' his personality for his citizens to rally around the effort. Is he up to it?

    Fred Windish

  21. The City Without Limits

  22. Mota is an Allentown leader who perfectly personifies the future of "The City Without Limits".
    Mota for Mayor!

    1. Yea right¿ even the carnival powerpoint parade couldn't pull that off¿

  23. This incident may have been the best thing to happen for Allentown.

    King Edwin has ignored the crime problem for so long that he might actually believe it not to be a problem (in his mind). This incident put it right on his doorway and in sight of a lot of big names, who despite their trying to positively spin it, won't be so eager to come to Allentown for another gala event.

    He can be thankful this was a "minor" incident. Given the circumstances, many high profile names might be dead or in the hospital had any of those vehicles plowed into a tent, or a crowd.

    One thing is certain. I won't risk parking in Allentown for a hockey game.

  24. Let the Games begin!

  25. At the end of the day, the "City" model for human habitation and commerce is a sinking titanic. It may work for the tier one Cities but not places like Allentown, Reading, Scranton and so on. No matter how much window dressing is applied, casino's, ice rinks, ball parks and whatnot, the people with the real work ethic and spending power will not live amongst the new immigrant "takers". In fact, they won't send their kids to school with the "takers" either unless its places like Bethlehem and Easton where the suburban schools keep things in check if you would. The ice rink will be nice for a while and then the "newness" will where off and we will be having discussions about why we can not attract an NHL affiliated team to Allentown despite having an arena. PS: that will happen, the next saga will be filling the arena with a new team. Does anyone think the Phantoms will be here for the long haul? I along with many others will continue to bail water on this titanic with little hope of rescue.

  26. anon 1:06, are you a fan of Clive Bundy?

  27. Instant Karma. Only the best for humpy Ed-Dumpty and the pawns who support him.

  28. I guess this is Pawlowski's version of regionalization. ...share the blame. Let's see if the Morning Call corrects the story. It was an unfortunate event and I truly hope the officers recover quickly.

  29. I like how King Ed tried to blame Whitehall. Thankfully the MCall was smart enough to interview the police chief in Whitehall to clarify. Speedy recovery to the injured officers


  30. 10:32 am the last time I seen an effort like you are talking about the people working with the king and APD are no longer alive?

    patent pending

  31. According to the express times, the event started in allentown, the driver was from Allentown, but the chase went up into Whitehall and back into Atown. So the reality is Whitehall should be po'd :

    David Estes 36, of Allentown, is charged with attempted homicide after leading police on a chase that started at North Seventh and Allen streets in the city, wound its way to Whitehall Township and ended in center city, police say.

  32. Look, are you suggesting the King is wrong? Shame on you!

    Besides. APD have no time for drug investigations or looking for stolen cars. They are too busy patrolling the arena.

  33. I want to know more details about the high speed chase through a densely populated area. Was that really the right thing to do, regardless of whether or not it was Whitehall or Allentown? I love our police officers, but I think this situation merits an in depth look at the risk/benefit ratio. A poster on the MC was 100% correct when they wrote, "The MIRACLE is that no one was killed."

    And total douche move on Pawlowski's part to throw Whitehall under the bus. Was that really necessary?

    I can't wait to see the spin on this from the City. You just know the social networks of all of those attendees is lighting up with their snapshots of the scene in Allentown right by the arena.

  34. Also, sorry to be a comment hog, but why didn't the Morning Call include the detail that Governor Corbett was in attendance at this event?!? WFMZ says it up front, but Corbett's name does not appear in the Call's story at all. Why not?

  35. How did a bicycle officer get hit?
    How did the patrol car get rear ended?
    Were the fantastic cameras positioned all over the city used?
    This stuff happens routinely and never makes a blurb in any of the papers.
    How opportune this occurred in front of the very folks Mr Mayor is trying to attract. Sirens have been wailing for days here in center city but nobody will ever read about most of those incidents .....

  36. It's a miracle more people wern't seriously hurt.

    Are you ready for the Eagles?

  37. As reported using the Eagles Greatest Hits......

    While he was “BUSY BEING FABULOUS" telling folks there would be "NO MORE CLOUDY DAYS" he said it all started in Whitehall with those "LYIN’ EYES". In fact, it started in the "HOLE IN THE WORLD" for a 36 year old "OUTLAW MAN" from Allentown who was not a "NEW KID IN TOWN". He was trying to live "LIFE IN THE FAST LANE" when "THE LONG RUN" went into Whitehall over "SEVEN (street) BRIDGES ROAD" and back into the City to "TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT". Attendees of the Society Gala still can’t "GET OVER IT". After the suspect was "ALREADY GONE", some attendees wondered "HOW LONG" the investigation would take before their vehicles can be moved. When asked what he thought, one official said "I CANT TELL YOU WHY" but "I DON”T WANT TO HEAR ANY MORE". It was certainly a "HEARTACHE TONIGHT" in Allentown.

  38. "I'm really impressed with Allentown."

  39. Hilarious. The Eagles can sing all these songs at their arena concert.

  40. It's the City Without Limits kids!

  41. Speaking of conflicts of interests with these not for profits, BO, it would be interesting for you to look at these small towns where fire fighters are also Town Supervisors and they vote on the budgets that support their companies. Oops, did I just say that? It has happened and happens somewhat frequently. While the Dolan thing might be interesting, this conflict of interest thing is huge in the Valley when it comes to not for profits putting their people in elected positions.

  42. 7:54, You are off topic. I had any of a number of Dolan posts where you could have put that comment. Inserting it here is rude to me and to my readers.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. The press accounts from the "luminaries" in attendance were revolting. What a shame the politicos' day was ruined! Where was the concern for the injured?

    And right in Center City??? How could this happen? lol Welcome to reality.

    Great piece, Bernie, and good observation on the "blame game". P is probably thinking back to how he was hoping for a chance to parachute out, and into the Governator's chair.

  45. New city logo " city without spending limits "

  46. Bernie,

    Sorry to go off topic. I didn't know how and where to address this. Wanted to see if there is any truth to the rumor, for the second week in a row that Father Alex died. Although this week there seems to be a different spin in the rumor mill. The word is that he committed suicide. If any of this is true it is so sad. I hope it isn't true because we understand that his family takes it to heart everytime something like this comes up, especislly because he is so far away and it isn't easily verified or disputed. I hope the person who keeps perpetuating these rumors burn, if it is really a rumor.

  47. This is the kind of crap that the Blog Mentor posts. What a vicious bastard!

  48. He's probably in Heaven with a bunch of children

  49. Hey asshole! You crossed the line. I was only questioning the angry priests suicide and you have to make fun of a grieving family and the tragic loss of their chikd? Come on. Grow a set. Do i smell something? It's your wet panties. I win.

  50. That was uncalled for Bernie. The poor man lost his daughter and you really crossed the line on that snark.

  51. I am not one of the beautiful people. I was not invited. Someone in City Hall suggested that I crash the party. Apparently someone else did.

    Just earlier the Mayor visited the East Side Youth Center for the Sammuelsson-McNeil Senior Fair. I suppose it might be the last time this affair will be held in the East Side Youth Center as neither of the two representatives will have constituency there after December. Anyway volunteers from my group rushed up to him to talk. One said she asked him to visit our table. The Mayor never got there. Was it that he saw me and didn't want to come over ... Or was it at that minute just before he got to our table he had to go to this party.

    Dennis Pearson

  52. People better pack heat leaving the arena at night.

  53. The scared children like 6:53 have no place watching hockey at the new arena. Better seats for those of us who aren't afraid of life.


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