Local Government TV

Monday, April 14, 2014

Brown To Hold Town Hall in Bangor

Northampton County Executive John Brown is still spending taxpayer money to make him look good. In what is hopefully the last news release from a publicly funded propaganda, Sahl Communications has announced that Brown will host a "town hall " in what should be familiar territory to him - Bangor. 

It will be on Monday, 6:30 pm, at Bangor Town Hall. The news release also describes the County as a $1 billion economic development engine. 

While I admire Brown's willingness to reach out to the public, I hate the publicly funded puff piece from a propaganda machine. But at least there were no spelling errors. 


  1. When did the county become a billion dollar business? I remember in the level of 300 million in distribution of taxed monies and fees, but I didn't know that they produced anything at all to make that kind of profit

  2. As opposed to this blog during the Stoffa Admisntration?

  3. This blog supported Stoffa, but took no money from taxpayers.

  4. bernie,
    Has the hole of the nation gone nutz or am I imagining that this kind of money is growing on trees only in the Brown Hole of the valley?

    patent pending

  5. I prefer "Billion dollar drain on economic development"

    JOHN M

  6. Bernie... This is OT, but any commentary tonight on how Callahan set up Dolan's non-profit to get their bills paid and oil delivered?

  7. I'll be writing about that. Dolan does not have a reputation for honesty.

  8. I don't get the jihad against the public information consultant. Would it be better to have another government bureaucrat with medical plan, pension benefits, etc. It seems Brown is doing what governments all over the country do...privatize some of the functions that can be done better and with less cost to the taxpayer.

  9. Yes, that would be better bc a public employee would be bound by laws preventing the perversion of his public office to engage in taxpayer funded campaigning and to make inside deals with others.

  10. @10:25, you don't get it. Brown or any other government entity will spin and slant the spin to their benefit especially during an election year.

    And, the spinsters will not bite the hand that feeds them or no more easy government dollars.

  11. Billion dollar what???????Get us some good jobs in Northampton County. Let's go back to the Gene Hartzell and Gerry Seyfried Philosophy of creating Jobs that are not just "warehouse jobs". The warehouses are killing us. They are eating up all our good farm land, Destroying our roads and highways, polluting our air with tractor and trailers on the roads and deterring good financial economic growth. Reibman destroyed the Northampton County Economic Development Corporation for the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation and we have been paying the price ever since. We need good jobs.

  12. When is the actual date of the Bangor meeting? The paper gives no date..only the day of the week?

  13. Is JB coming alone or with his current posse?

  14. Yes, both of them.

  15. 7:57, I told you it's Monday. You need the date, too? Have we become this dumbed down?

  16. Brown should meet in Bethlehem where he won. He lost Bangor

  17. anon 6:07, get a life.

  18. He lost Bethlehem too genius!

  19. He lost Bethlehem to Bethlehem Mayor Callahan by 200 votes. Not quite an endorsement of Callahan. the newly discovered Dolan affair should give outsiders some understanding of why Callahan did so poorly in his own city.


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