Local Government TV

Thursday, April 03, 2014

NorCo Controller Suing Over No-Bid Contract

On Wednesday, Northampton County Controller Steve Barron filed a declaratory judgment action to challenge the validity of a controversial $84,000 no-bid contract awarded by Executive John Brown for public relations. The lawsuit names Brown, the County and Sahl Communications as Defendants. Barron is being represented by his Solicitor, Tim Brennan.

Barron complains that there's been a "breakdown in essential internal controls" that have resulted in him not being invited to bid openings, something required under County law. He claimed that, as a result of an audit of the County's compliance with the Administrative Code, he had three major concerns with the Sahl contract. First, Brown never stated why a no-bid contract was necessary, which is a requirement. Second, like four members of County Council, he believes this is a contract for "professional services," and as such, must be bid. Finally, he called it a piece meal contract, meaning that the Executive would continue issuing contracts with Sahl, but would keep them under the $100,000 threshold that would mandate a Council review.

In his complaint, Barron noted that competitive bidding should be encouraged as a "guard against favoritism, improvidence, extravagance and corruption."

I saw a smiling Executive John Brown in a hallway as the lawsuit was still being filed, and gave him the bad news. It seems I'm always dumping on the guy. He seemed nonplussed.

But not long after that encounter, I received this email from Sahl Communications. It's the first and only email this "public relations" firm has ever sent to me. And as it happens, it is now the County's former "public relations" firm.

In a meeting held Monday March 31, 2014 Northampton County Executive John Brown, informed Sahl Communications, Inc that he will be pulling the company's public relations contract with the county. After having had a meeting with his legal team and advisors the decision was made on the best interest for the county.

"After decisions with legal council and the contractor, Sahl Communications, I decided it was in the best interest of the county to withdraw the agreement."

"We came to this conclusion prior to learning about Mr. Baron's decision to file suit," said Brown "I met with Mr. Barron on Monday morning and told him I would respond back to him after considering his request."

This is from a public relations firm? The decision was made "on the best interest of the county"? After decisions with legal council?

This kind of grammar and spelling makes me agree that Sahl was not offering professional services after all. In fact, I'm not sure what that firm offered.

Will Barron withdraw the lawsuit? That seems likely. The matter is moot.

Barron finally did something right.


  1. What the? Guess Lamutt has fetched his lapdog on Brown.

  2. That should be sicced.

  3. I like Brown but pretty soon he will be at least threatened to be sued as much as you have been sued.

    All he needs is a TM and look out.....

  4. Great to see Barron doing his job! This had to stop.

    What ever happened with Deanna Zosky's payout?

  5. Barron is a champion of the people. He has no political agenda. He is doing his job to root out spending abuses. This contract cries out for legal intervention. The thousands spent in pursuing this lawsuit is well worh it.


  6. Of course she sent you an email, she had to justify the 7K that you and I as county taxpayers have already paid her.

    And, Brown has the pics from the dog and pony show in South Bethlehem she can also provide to him (more justification) for his next election run, if he runs that is... at taxpayer expense!

    Barron will spew this as his victory but I'm not buying is grandstanding.

  7. Steve v john? Who the hell to root for? Kinda like general zod fighting the red skull. (Brown does actually remind me of the red skulll, a bit...)

  8. Brown says Barron lawsuit played no part in the decision.

    Brown said he met with Barron on Monday morning and told him he would be making a decision.

    He also met with Sahl Communications on Monday and pulled the contract.

    Timeline would indicate that the meeting with Barron did influence his decision and who would possibly believe that Brown wouldn't be warned by Barron that if he didn't pull the contract he'd be getting a lawsuit sent his way.

    It would have been said, just out of professional courtesy, if nothing else. Brown wants to make it appear as though pulling the contract was his own idea and we know that dog just don't hunt.

  9. 4:34, near as I can tell the Zosky matter is over

  10. No freakin' way the Saul contract was pulled. Why would a lawsuit be filed today? Because the HRC and AC are so vague, Brown would win this in court hands down. He has a hardball solicitor who will make a strong case.

  11. Brown should be ashamed and has been a tremendous disappointment. To let a unethical, dishonest mooch with no self control call and that hilarious lisp call him out is a case study in professional stupidity.

    Is Barron still stealing time from taxpayers by working an illegal second job during daytime hours. If he's no longer stealing, and has resigned his illegal position, has he repaid the money he stole? Has he ever apologized for running a company out of the area, costing over 100 jobs?

    Once a thief. Always a thief. Once a public asshole. Always a public asshole. The guy is going to end up in jail some day and he'll probably enjoy it more that that idiot Gregory.

  12. BTW, the only reason we know about Barron's theft of county time was because of this very excellent blog. Thank you, again, Bernie. And congratulations on being recognized for it. Much deserved.

  13. Yes Bernie you broke the story about that fraud Barron snd caught him in the act in his cargo shorts at NCC during work hours. He should have been impeached for that embarrassing abuse of power. You were the only one to enlighten the voters about this farce and deserved recognition for your journalism.

  14. Barron better be careful as Bernie sues all of his old lovers and wins!

    Male or female.

  15. Ugh. There goes my dinner.

  16. Man what a feather in Barron's cap. real or perceived, that has to be a victory for the D's. Has Brown done ANYTHING right so far?

  17. Hardball solicitor? Please. How about a smug little twit whose lack of knowledge in county govt matters has already caused embarrassment to his equally clueless boss on 3 occasions.

  18. Normally Bernie, I would call foul that you assessed the spelling and/or grammar of someone else. In this case, however, I agree 100%. That's pathetic.

  19. Baron threatened to show Brown what was under that man dress he wears and Brown folded like a cheap tent.

  20. Something isn't right here. I saw Plyer in the courthouse on Tuesday morning meeting with Brown. Did he engage her alone in a new contract? Is this an April Fools joke? She is still working for someone.

  21. Glad to hear he's investigating this contract. No reason for an $84,000 independent contract to this woman. Put it out for bid and see what happens.

    What ever happened with Deanna Zosky's payout?

    4:34 PM

    Yea. What ever happened. Bernie...Research.

  22. Brown's doing the right thing because he was forced to. Barron has stolen the equivalent of far more money by not actually working his job. Examples like this are why our kids grow up fat, lazy, cross-dressing, lisping, and dishonest.

  23. Anon 6:53 am sounds like someone who just lost a lot of money in an illegal no-bid contract. Barron filed and Brown buckled cause he knew he could not win in court and Brown's solicitor (a wanna be judge) did not wanna take a loss that would have been as high profile as it was.

  24. 6:44, I already answered that question. There was no payment to Zosky bc there was no contract.

  25. Brown is aweful. He knew he was wrong and was going to lose. Forget about whether it was a justified no bid or not the real issue is why with a huge deficit would he hire this group at all. He is not leading by example.

  26. What about the 5 county council members who voted to say Brown was right? Where is the conversation about that. The law is spelled out to you and handed on a silver platter and you still vote to allow illegal contracts? Bernie you need to do a story behind this story, why did the 5 vote to allow this when clearly the Administrative Code spells this out?

  27. 653

    Barron is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't! Had he done nothing, he wouldn't be doing his job of protecting your money. When he does it's coincidence and should get no credit for fulfilling his duties. Barron's job has never been 8-430 and to say he intentionally would steal from the taxpayers is wrong and proves you do not know him at all. You resort to name-calling like a 5 year old stomping their feet when they are crabby. Grab your blankie, put your thumb in your mouth, and take a nap-maybe you'll be more pleasant after.

  28. I am probably Barron's harshest critic. There is no excuse for what he did at NCC. None. He violated the public trust and broke his own word. In this instance, he did his job. While I'm glad he did the right thing, he has abused his offices for political purposes so often that his credibility is questionable, even when he is doing the right thing. In this instance, he did the right thing.

  29. I hope the Republicans are smart enough to run a good candidate for Co9ntroiller. After looking at the 2013 results this is a very winnable seat. As are the County Council seats.

  30. 6:04. Never happen


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