Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Judge McFadden: Mezzacappa Must Pay For Her Own Lawsuits

Last week, West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa responded to a $67,140 defamation verdict against her, not with an apology or an ounce of remorse, but a lawsuit. She filed a retaliatory lawsuit against me for libel and other things I still haven't quite figured out. She asked the Court to excuse her from paying filing fees and other court costs because she's broke, and also made the same request in the libel case I already have against her. Essentially, she wanted taxpayers to subsidize the lawsuits she has planned for all her perceived enemies.

Fortunately, a Judge has said No.

This is due in very large part to a blog that Matt Dees wrote at WestEastonPa. It infuriated Mezzacappa so much she called state police. It made her so angry she called Dees to threaten him with libel. It provoked her so much she showed it to Judge F.P. Kimberly McFadden, and demanded that her claims of poverty be sealed from prying eyes.  

Fortunately, the Judge said No.

What Mezzacappa filed is what is known as an “in forma pauperis” petition (IFP). Those are pretty perfunctory, and are granted liberally, and for good reason. Access to the courts is very important, especially for those with little means. In fact, Judge McFadden initially granted Mezzacappa's IFPs. Then she read the Dees blog that Mezzacappa insisted she see, and did a 180. Judge McFadden vacated her Orders, and scheduled a hearing. She even vacated the Order on a third IFP that Mezzacappa had obtained for a Superior Court appeal of her harassment conviction.

Maybe Mezzacappa should have thought twice before presenting a blog that pretty much does her in.

I learned of the Thursday hearing on Tuesday afternoon, at the same time I was told I had been sued again. It was too late to notify Attorney Rick Orloski, so I went to the hearing alone.

Allowing her to proceed IFP would open the floodgates to all kinds of baseless complaints against half the County. Even more troubling, she was pulling a fast one. She's no pauper.

1. Mezzacappa’s Home and Car are Owned Free and Clear of Liens

Mezzacappa owns her West Easton home, valued by Zillow at $73,829, free and clear of all liens. Real estate records in the Recorder’s office reveal that she acquired title to this property on 3/5/99, for $57,000 consideration. She took out a $51,300 mortgage the same date. She paid off that mortgage on 2/13/14, and owns the property free and clear.

Did she do that by offering free massages? Obviously, she had income she was not disclosing to this Court because she wanted to burden taxpayers with the cost of frivolous litigation instead of paying her own way.

At the hearing, Mezzacappa denied she still owned the property, noting she had conveyed it to her mother earlier in the day for no consideration. That's obviously a fraudulent conveyance, and she damaged herself with that obvious attempt to hide an asset.

She also owns a 2008 Toyota RAV, free and clear. That has to be worth at least $15,000, but she can't pay $250 to file a lawsuit and have it served?

How many of us can say that both our home and car are paid off?

II. IFP Petitions Inconsistent with Filed Statement of Financial Interests

In her petition, Mezzaccappa claims her sole source of income is the $200-500 she gets monthly from some outfit in Maine for "insurance defense."

She does not list her massage business, which she advertises online at Mezzacappa.Massage. She performs in-call and out-call massage at $60 per hour. Mezzacappa listed this business last year in the Statement of Financial Interests she filed when she ran for County Council.

She told Judge McFadden that she no longer does massage. But I produced an email Mezzacappa sent to Attorney Orloski, dated late last year, indicating she does massage therapy. She was offering gift certificates to another attorney.

Mezzacappa also failed to list her private duty services as a registered nurse, which she refers to on her web page. "She provides in home nursing services, respite care, temporary and long term cases at reasonable rates, with no minumum [sic] hourly requirement." In her Statement of Financial Interests, she identifies "RN" as a source of income. Mezzacappa is licensed by the Department of State as a Registered Nurse.

She told Judge McFadden she's simply unable to get work. The Judge asked her whether she had applied to different places, and Gracedale is one of the places she mentioned. She told the judge that she never heard from the nursing home.

In fact, and I pointed this out to the Court, Mezzacappa did work at Gracedale, and walked off the job after 1 1/2 days.

In addition, there's the income she gets from the "Estate of Joseph Mezzacappa". She listed that source of income last year in her Statement of Financial Interests. Joseph Mezzacappa is her deceased father, who passed away over a decade ago. She appears to be a trust beneficiary.

Mezzacappa denied that, claimed to have the Will, and insisted she is not even named.

III. IFP Petition Failed to List Previous Jobs

In her IFP, Mezzacappa is required to list previous employers over the past 12 months. She acknowledges that she was receiving unemployment, but lists no employer. She was employed at Kirkland Village last July, but neither made that information known nor listed her income from that facility as required in the IFP. In a blog she wrote on or about July 23, 2013 (which she has since deleted), she states this: "When a responsible and caring RN tries to help the non-medicare paying patient, she is bullied, reprimanded and fired. Get your family member OUT of Kirkland Village. THEY SUCK."

Quite obviously, Mezzacappa is shielding income. She attempted to have her IFP placed under seal. The reason is obvious. It's a bogus attempt by someone to force taxpayers subsidize a private vendetta.

As Judge McFadden began to question, it began to appear that she had at least three to four sources of income that she included in her tax return last year. McFadden asked her if she was amending her petition to reflect this additional income, and Mezzacappa agreed. Whether she knows it or not, that probably purged Meezzacappa of a false statement prosecution.

IV. The Waterworks Defense

After being caught with several dishonest statements by Judge McFadden, Mezzacappa resorted to the waterworks defense. She broke down and started sobbing in court.

"Oh my," said the Judge in sympathy, making sure she had a tissue box.

Then Mezzacappa just as suddenly stopped crying and began blaming everything on me, calling me a maladaptive.

That's an adjective, not a noun, Tricia. Something needs to follow the word maladaptive. That's kinda' like me calling you a very.

Mezzacappa bolted the courtroom, and not long thereafter, Judge McFadden denied the request to have taxpayers fund her lawsuits. So her suits should come a little less frequently now. This is a big conservative Republican who is more than willing to let you pick up the tab for her frivolous suits.

Post-Trial Motions Filed

Despite this setback, Mezzacappa filed post-trial motions in my libel suit against her yesterday, claiming she never got notice of the trial, that I have no damages, and wants Attorney Orloski sanctioned because he "took advantage of Mezzacappa's lack of knowledge in tort law," among other things.

She didn't get notice of the trial because everyone who walked on her porch, slipped on their ass. About 100 people slipped on their ass.

She also claims Orloski and I are both in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Apparently, the mere mention of her name is a violation of the Act, in her twisted view. She's already notified Orloski to "cease and desist" any contact, which is probably a relief to him.

Just to be clear, this blog is no attempt to collect a debt. I'll do that through the courts. This blog is intended to inform the public about a person who, despite criminal convictions and libel verdict, still has political ambition. She's currently running to be a GOP Committee member.


  1. Christ O'Hare. First Mr. Gregory and now Trisha. How many lives will be destroyed. Is a pound of flesh worth this human carnage?

  2. @3:01
    You should ask them that question. Both believed they could say whatever they wanted, against whomever they wanted, without consequence. Their lies, threats, and attempts at intimidation have placed them in the position they now find themselves. The result is due to their own actions and they have nobody to blame, but themselves.

  3. She has become the county joke. She now says she might sue Dees and its an easy win because his case was frivolous. Guess that means she will be going after Morganelli who approved it and Judge Yetter who only found her not guilty on a technicality. She should hope he doesn't present his case in civil court where she'll be paying out more money.

    I wonder if her mother is aware of the transfer of the home. Hard to believe Meril Mezzacappa, her other daughter and an asst. DA in NJ, would allow mom to do something unlawful.

  4. You are talking about two very nasty individuals here. Watch the newspapers.....I "believe, not one hundred percent sure" but 99 percent sure, that Gregory is going to be coming back to Court for "stalking" from his prison cell. "Destroy this man's life"? He did it to himself. Mezzacappa???? She is self destructing. Even if only one percent of what she calims happened to her, she had her day in court and lost. She didn't even win one percent of her claim. She let everyone know she had a very close "AHEM CLOSE" relationship with Bernie. She lost at every turn of the "court system" Time to move on Tricia. As foor Diamond man Jim Gregory, he will come out of prison and never be the same. A disgrace to his name and his community.

  5. Bernie, in case there are not enough assets, I hear Hatfield is always looking for pigs.

  6. Thank you OH for saving us all money by not having to cover the costs of her court BS.

  7. Thank you judges McFadden and Koury for holding Mezzacappa to account. Thank you O'Hare and Orloski for seeing this through. Now go ahead and collect your $67,000 libel judgment. Her house has sufficient value and she owns it free and clear.

  8. Mr. O'Hare,

    One point stood out to me. She told Judge McFadden she transferred the house to her mother on the day of the hearing. That would be fraud. Did she produce evidence that she actually did that(a deed) or was she lying to the judge? It seems clear that, beginning with her false IFP petition, her intent was to mislead the court.

  9. 10:17,

    She actually did transfer title to her home, minutes before the hearing, to her mother. This is what is known as a fraudulent conveyance and all it succeeded in doing is making her look like the dishonest person she is. Then, instead of no income over the past 12 months, which she falsely claimed on her IFP, it turns out she had at least four sources of income that she reported on her tax return. I know that there is additional income, and have been informed she was observed operating some stall last summer at flea markets, doing massage.

    The Judge caught her in several lies, basically, but gave her a chance to "amend" her petition. That is probably what saved Mezzacappa from prosecution.

  10. Bernie,

    Does Mezzacappa face any consequences, either criminal or civil, for making a fraudulent conveyance on the day she was asking a judge for IFP status? This seems like another example of her abuse of the legal system. Is this something you and Rick Orloski can bring up in response to her post-trial motions?

  11. This fraudulent conveyance will be brought up, but has no relevance I can see to the post-trial motions. It is criminal to coney an asset subject to a secured claim, but I don't know whether the May judgment on liability and subsequent verdict makes it a secured claim.

  12. Just a general observation: you are a very witty writer. I find this particular subject matter tiresome, but your style is great.

  13. Bernie, these matters should have been settled long ago but you and attorney Orloski have not acted in good faith.

    This calls for an informal meeting to move things along, could you and Rick meet me and Mezzacappa at Mezzaluna's this Friday night. I'll bring the Manischewitz you bring the O'Douls and in 3 hours all this will be behind us

  14. 12:04, thanks. If you find this tiresome, imagine how I feel! Her constant nonsense is very time-consuming.

  15. Not many people can rack up so many Pro Se wins without some outside assistance. Besides Alan Dershowitz who might be aiding the Mezzacappa legal juggernaut? My guess is that Merrill has been the puppet master behind all these astute legal maneuvers.

  16. Its SHirley Phelps Roper, didnt you know that?????????

    They plague the universe with their bibles and guns and have formed an unholy alliance

    They hate government and are very ignorant people.

    Maybe Fred left his estate to Trish instead, and she goofed in the dates, and the amounts.

  17. trish was havin way too much fun with her 'knock-outs' pro se taunts to the west easton lawyer.

    its good to see a judge take her down a few pegs, while she was high on her winning streaks.

    Those who gamble well do well, those who gamble high pay high.

    she hit the ultimate jackpot after her 6th straight victory, then waged a bad bet, when she forgot to shovel the snow off her porch.

  18. Face facts, BO, you talk shit all the time.

    How come no one ever sues YOU?

    Because you don't have anything of value???

    Have a great day celebrating your heroic victory.

  19. Astute legal maneuvers? She's been tried and convicted twice for harassment. She failed in seven separate attempts to go after me. She insisted on playing games in as serious lawsuit aimed at her, and now is looking at a $67,140 verdict. She lost IFP petitions. She filed ridiculous post trial motions and an equally ridiculous suit against me. She has lost nearly every RTK request she appealed. She won a few, but that's only bc there are so many and even a broken clock is right twice during the day. Her lawsuit against the ET appears to be in the tank. She has insulted most of the bench.

    In the meantime, you serve as an instigator. You encourage her to ruin herself, instead of telling her to get the help she needs.

    And you'll be anonymous bc you know that you are unwilling to take responsibility.

    What rocket scientist gave her the astute legal advice to fraudulently convey her assets?

    Now go back to rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth, Blog Mentor.

  20. word on the street is judges and DA are having conference call with the state police and even Panelli to have a major round-up in one clean sweep. Pokey people have names like orloski, ohare, gross, mezzacappa and dees, all from kookville, and all to be tossed cell-side with greggy in the big slammer.

    they will fish each other taunts through the big iron sally ports, instead of the bloggo, and hope no one will snitch

    then Norco can at least get back to business and make sure mommy toilet killer gets a cell next door.

  21. you and Mezz are broken records and a bad crack habit. both need to get help and grow up

  22. seems like Bernise is having panic attacks cause the ridge st castle conveyance is not one that is fruadulent.

    his lotto jackpot was lost in one big bet. BRAVO mezzi, I like your harball style mixed in with pure sleeze and plenty -o-guns

    can i get a massage please...i'll pay a rate over market value, if you slip me the magic OOR sauce that is causin so much heat.

  23. orclonski has all his feathers in a big messy ruffle after mezz got her guns off his terrific recomendation

    he wishes he hung up on ole randy when he placed the ring-a-dingy to his office

    sicko-ricko is havin a bad losing streak lately, so koury just added some air to his shoe lifts.

    Mezz keeps right on going like the energizer bunny with a sidearm...its the best entertainment since I love lucey


  24. Her poor mother and sister. They probably wish for the days when you could hide somebody like Trish in the basement so the neighbors wouldn't know about the mistake.
    Now the internet has everyone knowing there embarrassment.
    She needs mental help desperately.

  25. one loon plus one loon equals two loons

    multiply by three and there are six loony tunes who need to get jobs at disney world at the snow white and seven dwarfs exhibit hall at the southwest corridor near the groovey new medical marajuana planters that glow in the dark.

    space rocket tickets are free for those loons, who all get lost in outer space.

  26. deeznuts is sellin pedal powered wheelchairs , powdered water and solar flashlites.

    i'm loving the dried egg sale at his fiesta garage sale too, and may get tickets to the extravaganza if I can afford the $250 ticket price for front row center. its getting good they say, and its gonna be a blockbuster hit sort of like the titanic, but in the lehigh river instead of the atlantic

  27. You don't even sign your name, which indicates you don't want your reputation besmirched. Yet you call me a "loon" for taking offense at two years of nonstop accusations of criminal offenses on the world wide web. Let's see how you'd feel if someone called you a rapist, stalker and pedophile for two years nonstop. Defamation is an actionable offense, and I pursed the remedy to which I am entitled. I am glad to see that the courts will not allow Mezzacappa to clog the judicial system with IFP lawsuits against every Tom, Dick and Harry. I look forward to disposing of the post-trial motions, which must be decided within 120 days.

  28. 1:37 is just not all there. Wonder who that could be. But not too much.

  29. Mezz must be drunk.

  30. O'hare you cant blame her for not taking this seriously because it seems that she is right on, at least in regard to you never having any sort of game plan or goal , and never knowing when to shut your mouth.

    I think your actions in this matter are more to blame than her actions and your lawyer needs to have his head fixed with shock treatment or something really potent because he's not doing things the way they should be done.

    all you do is bother this woman and I dont blame her for arming herself solid. you need to get your head screwed on straight before you take your lawyer on a very unsavory trip to hell and back.

  31. She must be into that drug cocktail again. She's flailing away at everybody again.

  32. one loon plus two loons equal three loons on a ferris wheel

    you cast the first hook with wicked witch and lamblasted this woman as a racist, mentally ill gun toting whack job with no job. you have accused her of every crime and even compared her to the worst criminals we have in norco, many times and with abusive regularity. you have been seen following her around like a sick pup with no home, and you constantly post her whereabouts , describe her clothing and her shoes.

    you posted more vitrol yourself . cukoo is one who actually thinks no one will ever dish it back...sorry i dont feel bad for either one of you.

    ask the dock for a -de-trolling pill and take a nap. the courts are sick of it and have better things to do.

  33. Bernie, my goodness, this time you've somehow come to the attention of the mentally ill population of the Lehgh Valley; All of these posts written in some kind of code only a lobotomy patient cound interpret.

  34. If she cp0nveyed her [property to he mother that is her right. Nothing fraudulent in that. If the courts say so she needs a change of Benue, as that raises serious questions as to her getting affair hearing in Northampton county due to your involvement with the courts.

    That may be the result.

  35. Realize you hate hearing this Bernie but without players like Callahan, Kelly and Hanna none of this happens. Many are complicit in her game. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

  36. Christ! Put down the booze and type when you are sober - or sane.

  37. Tricia Mezzacappa is unemployed and batshit crazy. She's a poster child for mental disability.

  38. Over on her blog today Mezzacappa claims she was driven out of business by West Easton officials who would not grant her a certificate of occupancy to operate a massage studio out of her home. At the same time she admits she does not have the required state massage therapy license. It seems to me a certificate of occupancy for a home-based massage studio wouldn't do her much good without the required license. More BS from the poor, pathetic Victim of the Year.

  39. Anonymous @2:35 pm - Are you for real?

  40. O'Hare, your getting blown away over at WEFP with fact bombs about what really hapenned with the IFP hearing.

    Its time for you to stop acting like such a hate spewing flamethrower, and post a retraction for all the facts that you conveniently forgot to mention.

    Your stock in trade is to make this woman look like an asshole, and all your doing is reducing your own credibility, not that you have any

    your blog actually used to be informative before you became possesed with hatred and revenge.

  41. I dont blame Mezz one bit for conveying the property. Within hours of the verdict you were like a pit bull out of its cage and off its leash.

    No one wants the likes of you as a debt collector.

    you're nutz, and you cant be responsible with anything you touch. She sent out an email I received about your conduct...you never know when to stop. Now you'll get nothing.

  42. 3:16, Mezzacappa is an adjudicated defamer. She has no credibilitY. After hearing from her and catching her in several misstatements, the court has ruled that taxpayers won't be shackled with the cost of Mezzacappa's abuse of the judicial system. She had every opportunity to make her case in court and failed. She can spew all the venom she wants on her blog. The fact remains that she failed to con a judge to force taxpayers to subsidize her private vendettas. Since she continues to hold political ambition, this is something the public should know. She got caught trying to pull a fast one.

  43. 1:55, I did my job. I exposed someone who should never hold office. My weapon is the truth. She responded with a two-year crusade of libel. I took her to court and won. You continue to instigate this unstable person, but don't identify yourself or give her any real support bc in the end, you don't give a shit.

  44. no my take is that she wont get IFP, because the courts are going to bounce your judgement in a NY minute, and dismiss her lawsuit in the same sentance, case closed.

  45. you stand no chance at a fraudulent conveyance suit. Given the aggrvated circumstances that have been made progressively worse when you didnt take your lawyers advice and shut the hell up, combined with the the tyranny she faces on a daily basis from the West Easton Borough assholes not even letting her in the building to pay required tax, a conveyance sounds normal to me. You're reaching to the mountain tops and wont get anywhere. For all you know the conveyance was already planned, and since her mortgage was only done a month ago, theres really nothing you can do about it. loose lips sinks ships.

  46. 4:14 -

    The judgment has nothing to do with having/not having a mortgage. It's about a claim being awarded against the individual's assets. It's about EQUITY in whatever asset the person has. Same would be true if the only asset was a car, for instance. If the mortgage was only one-fourth paid, then one-fourth is up for grabs. If the mortgage was satisfied, the entire value of the property can be tapped to help settle the claim.

    Fred Windish

  47. Mezzacappa is a hard nose pain in the ass sometimes, but I know her personally, and she is not some crazy.

    Driven in her beliefs yes, but not crazy. Shes not stupid either and I could have sworn I saw her and Karaseck out for breakfast on Sunday.

    You say she gamed the court but the only player I see here is you Bernice

  48. you filed suit against this woman and then publically and agressively defamed her for 2 years straight , I know cause I read the blog.

    its too bad that a 62 yr old man has the judgement of a fruitcake and actually expects to be taken seriously.

    when you visit a doc and he delivers the bad news that you have 2 months to live, and then charges you $70K for the consult, I dont think too many people would be whipping out their checkbook.

    This is Attorney Orloski being a deadbeat ambulance chaser who knew he was going to lose, and stopped at nothing to violate this womans rights.

  49. "theres really nothing you can do about it."

    Maybe in Mezzacappo world, but here on Earth, the property has been subject to a lien since May. You wasted money you claim you don't have conveying property subject to an existing lien. It's a fraudulent conveyance, as a matter of law. You'll learn that the hard way. No problem.

  50. Bernie,

    As I understand these things, the conveyance only means the new owner inherits the lien. In other words, if Mom now owns title, Mom now owes the debt. It's doubtful to me, the person on the wrong end of a judgment can't simply re-title the asset after the debt is logged and make everything go away. I CAN understand why someone in despair would would hope this to be true.

    Fred Windish

  51. Fred, that is correct. It is a fraudulent conveyance, and Pa. courts are very aggressive when confronted with them. She is obviously posting most of the nutty comments here, with a little help from the Blog Mentor. The fact remains that she is staring at the wrong end of a $67,140 verdict that will easily withstand the frivolous post trial motions she filed, which incredibly argue that Orloski had some obligation to school her in tort law. She is exposed, and is deluding herself right now into thinking that she isn't. She can say what she wants, even though much of it makes no sense. She's in a bad way.

  52. Bernie any thoughts on the letter from Spartacus Maximus that just got posted on WEFP?

  53. Trish da dish just posted a letter from Greggy on her blog that tears O'Hare apart on every level. It is riddled with corrections, misspellings, and poor sentence structure and suggests Jim's medical treatment has failed.

    I would link to but presume O'Hare is going to do a blog about the matter by midnight so enjoy the insanity!!!

  54. Don't be jealous. The full moon isn't until next week. 8

  55. Can you clarify the part about people slipping on TM's porch? Was there some type of booby trap set up perhaps to stymie mail delivery or is this some type of tongue in cheek joke that is going over my head?

  56. This woman wants to hold up our court system at the tax payers expense! She should be held to pay for her contemptuous discriminatory attempt to counter the defendant. PAY THE COURT as ordered.Let this issue be a statute in Pennsylvania Court system.OLD PETER

  57. Can you clarify the part about people slipping on TM's porch? Was there some type of booby trap set up perhaps to stymie mail delivery or is this some type of tongue in cheek joke that is going over my head?

  58. By transferring the house to Mom, Mezzacappa has made her elderly mother a necessary defendant in an action under the Pennsylvania Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act. Nice going, Trish. You might want to rethink that move for Mom's sake.

  59. 7:07, No joke. She claims her porch was too slippery, and everyone on it was falling on their ass.

  60. Don"t believe any one of these fart-smellers. None of them can carry the truth, except me.

  61. This is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS - and she brought the entire matter on herself. She deserves everything she loses - the essence of maladaptive.

    Very funny recounting, Bernie. You have quite a way with words.

    Sure enough, tax records indicate a transfer of the castle to Joann Mezzacappa of Califon, NJ on Apr 3. Would have loved to see the look on the judge's face!

    Can you still go after the house, Bernie?

  62. It may have been Tricia's porch when people were slipping on it, but it will be BOH's when they kick the piggy supplies and old furniture out to the curb during house cleaning.

  63. Once post trial motions are decided, we can execute.

  64. re: 10:44 - sorry Bernie - I see the transfer of the house has been already covered in several posts.

  65. Looking through the posts above, someone posting here is both batshit crazy and under the influence of PCP - a very potent combination.

    When this person comes down off her high, if she doesn't jump out a window first, she should review the spelling of the word "judgment". Maybe while she is brushing up on the law in preparation for representing herself pro se...

  66. Bernie, I read the latest Jim 'Spartacus' Gregory letter to Trish regarding you. It is of course great. He is ready for you. No more Mr. Nice guy!

    Apparently the prison system encourages the residents to express themselves in letters.

  67. I read Gregory's letter. he said let Bernie have it.

  68. I don't think prison is helping Greggy. Messycrapper isn't helping him. Printing his letter might provide her with a feeling of righteousness but also makes the courts aware he is hasn't accepted responsibility and has mental issues.
    The simple delusional use of calling himself Spartacus sends out the red flags of warning.
    I'm predicting about 6 months out before he goes back in again.

  69. Hokie Joe says
    I finally broke down and went to WEFP to see what this is all about.
    Bernie, you have an "AWARD WINNING BLOG". With that honor will come all types of jealousy and attempts to discredit you. Unfortunately it comes with the territory.
    You are being baited to get into an argument on your "blog" with a known wacko criminal who could never have a letter printed in any newspaper, so he must use WEFP to attempt to get back at you. The courts have ruled this guy to be a manipulative dangerous person and he was sentenced to a "STATE PENAL INSTITUTION" to serve out his sentence. He hasn't learned anything from this and I predict he will do more time because he doesn't learn his lessons well.
    It is obvious that only your personal haters and distractors would draw attention to WEFP comments about you from Gregory. They want you to get into the cesspool with them. The haters will continue to "goad you" by making personal attacks and calling you names. They have been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be "wackos and women beaters" who demonize and even assault their own friends and families.
    Stay away from the nonsense and continue winning awards with your excellent journalism skills and investigative reporting.
    You know the old saying. Never get into a issing contest with a skunk. It is quite obvious that much of the negative posting and goading is done by Mezzacappa herself.

  70. Hokie, I'm taking your advice, my man.

  71. Mezzacappa will destroy Dees in her upcoming lawsuit, Dees knows it and should issue a retraction before the pro se hottie takes his house

  72. You have to laugh at the trolls who speak for others and attempt to stir shit. Mezzacappa would lose simply because she had to amend her petition, to show income that she tried to hide. Go back under your rock.

  73. You're all trying to figure out what went wrong inside her head. Fucking idiots. You'll never crack the code that's inside her head. You'll never get into her castle. You'll never even get past the gate.

  74. @7:13 (Matteo Deez) you are a gutless troll who operates a hate blog with a defunct classified section and no comments. See you on the 14th

  75. @7:13 (Matteo Deez) you are a gutless troll who operates a hate blog with a defunct classified section and no comments. See you on the 14th

  76. Mezzacappa, when you stare at the ceiling these many nights you can't sleep because you lost your home and reputation, know that I sleep well. Having helped to expose you as a liar provides me with immense satisfaction.
    As to your comment, as "Porcine," a new persona you use on
    LVL, I would think one of those voices in your head would have told the rest that there was no need to repeat yourselves in a rant that is misdirected.
    I once had a bit of pity for you, but knowing you and your methods has left no sympathy. You are like a rabid dog. Dangerous to everyone it touches.
    Most are grateful to Bernie for putting you down.
    By the way, next time you infer you will be seeing me, make sure you reference the borough meeting date. I don't want people thinking I'm slumming.

    Matthew Dees


  78. Very astute and informative reply. Do yourself a favor and stay off this blog.

  79. In reference to 6:28 p.m., I read the letter that was posted on the West Easton blog. Is this an actual letter written by J.G.? If this is true it is quite disturbing. Apparently he is making no attempt to help himself. In fact, he may be looking at doing more time if it is proven that he is harassing anyone from prison. The most important thing is that his victims are safe from him. No one ever should have gone through what they did due to his behavior and actions.

  80. It's him. He is nuts for writing it, and may spend more time in jail. IF TM were really his friend, she would not have posted it. But she's as nutty as he.

  81. So she is broke, but has money to buy top of the line guns?

  82. Bernie if he did in fact write it(JG). Can the courts actually add time to a different charge to his existing jail sentence?

    He seems to be spending a lot of time in the old state click for a non-violent crime. I am surprised
    he wasn't let out by now. Not that I am advocating for the guy, he comes off as a bit unhinged.

  83. His letter to me is the least of his worries. I suspect he will remain in state prison beyond his minimum in view of certain information I recently learned.


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