Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Illick's Mill Chair: Dolan "Transparency" Email a Mistake

Andrew Bollinger, who chairs the Illick's Mill Board, has acknowledged that Karen Dolan's "transparency" emails were a mistake. "At our most recent board meeting, last night, we agreed that all future public correspondence would be reviewed and edited by the board prior to its release. More eyes, less haste."

He also indicated that Karen Dolan's last day as Executive Director is tomorrow. The Board voted to accept her resignation at a Sunday night meeting.

Dolan, a member of Bethlehem City Council, has come under fire for using her influence to ensure special treatment.

Most members of the Board, including Bollinger, are relatively new, and I have no desire to paint them or the Mill with Dolan's mismanagement.


  1. What a shameful person she is. She needs to find some sore searching and do what is Best for Bethlehem. Resign. I had supported her in the past and I am embarrassed to say that I voted for her. Never again will I make that mistake !

  2. People like Dolan are incapable of doing soul searching.

  3. Explains why her car or square box vehicle is parked at the mill, cleaning house in more ways than one!

  4. Persistence pays off Bernie. Keep it up!

  5. There is no question, citizens have grown tired of overbearing politicos who begin to scramble around under scrutiny. Some remain silent until things blow over. Others spin, even openly lie.I really can't evaluate where Mrs. Dolan belongs in this description.

    I will say this, Mrs. Dolan is now 'tarnished goods.' She was right to end her connection to the Mill effort. Staying on would have made future fundraising difficult. Same could be said for the group over at the Industrial History museum. A total resignation by Donches would be best despite whatever good he did in the past.

    Should Dolan resign from City Council? Not sure. However, her service there will never be the same and she'll undoubtedly be uncomfortable. Probably be best to not seek re-election. How much remains of her term?

    Fred Windish

  6. Fred, you give Steve Donches too much credit --- "whatever good he did in the past". My question is whatever did he do with the $17M???

  7. The issue in these "transparency" posts goes beyond not receiving the advice of an expert in message management, though that is hard to understand in itself. What concerns me is that with the unsigned tax returns, suddenly there appear to be multiple versions of the truth, not only one. If I were an investigator in this matter, it would be a reason to begin deep discovery of documents held by the non-profit to see how final documents were massaged. Work product and final documents are different - unless there are two final documents. Every non-profit 501(c)(3) has a strong mission statement. They live and die by the means they employ to accomplish their missions - if they do at all.

  8. What time is the going away party today? Don't want to miss it.

  9. If I had no strong opinion at the start of this misadventure,I certainly do now. It's time for this public servant to set aside gracefully and quietly.

  10. Mezz will represent dolan pro bono and sue ohate for all his worldly possesions, Orclownski is gonna get shamed again

  11. Willie is certainly displaying an extraordinary lack of leadership.

  12. I have no criticism of Willie, who has not posed any obstacles to anyone, and certainly can't be held responsible for Dolan. I do think he should take her off the Parks Committee.

  13. Not removing her post-haste,from the Parks Co. is in and of itself one example of a leader MIA.
    It leads one to speculate whether Ms Dolan is holding potentially damaging information with a threat to reveal,

    Who's protecting who? Ugly.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Willie needs to do something or lose the "stay at home mom vote."

  16. Willie could have and should have removed her already. He's a good Democrat in a one party town. 3:29 should lay off the sexist rhetoric. What's between one's legs does not make one dishonest and deceitful, as Dolan has been.

  17. The calm before the storm.

  18. I'm curious how much "volunteer bar tending" the board members do,given the limitations on their PALCB licence.

  19. She should wear a scarlet letter in public.

  20. Go ahead and make light of it. She is above the law.


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