Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

D'Isidore Out at Northampton County

Director of Court Services Archie D'Isidore is the latest Stoffa cabinet member to get the ax from Brown. As far as I'm concerned, this guy was Stoffa's weakest cabinet member. He's also responsible for the two Stoffa decisions I consider his worst in eight years as Executive

It is D'Isidore who conducting some goofy Internet investigation of two County workers who were exchanging naughty emails. They were both canned, but were thankfully re-instated when the County came to its senses.

It is also D'Isidore who advocated for a former Secretary in the Solicitor's Office to replace the Register of Wills. A person who knows nothing about estates was selected over a 12-year Deputy.


  1. Yes now the 2nd issue he caused should be changed! What a shame that the deputy in Wills did not get that job. He is a disgrace!

  2. He was always really goofy....

  3. Yeah he only got our valuable records back to Northampton county from the hinterlands of Lehigh County.

  4. Hands down the best person got the job as Deputy of W&O. Bernie has never given her credit for turning that office around. It was a miserably mismanaged office before Gibbs took over. And Bernie should be ashamed to simply describe her as a "secretary" in the solicitor's office. She had a paralegal degree and was well qualified for the position.

  5. 5:13 you don't know what you are talking about. She is still a secretary but paid more now. All smoke and mirrors.

  6. I stand by what I wrote. It was a poor choice for a third floor favorite over a veteran with 12 years of experience and who was preferred by the courts.

  7. "he only got our valuable records back to Northampton county from the hinterlands of Lehigh County"

    Actually, that was pretty much all Stoffa. The only thing D'isidore did was nearly much it up with a cost overrun.

  8. Those who criticize Gibbs have no idea what they are talking about. They just harbor bad will because their darling favorite was passed over. Give specific examples where Gibbs has been a failure. Otherwise keep your bitter, nasty comments to yourself. Thought this post was about her boss.

  9. 5:29 doesn't know what he or she is talking about - a paralegal is NOT a secretary.

  10. I think I know what I am talking about, and am very familiar with each of the row offices. She was not the best choice by a long shot. Nor was she the choice of the courts. I'll leave it at that.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Actually Ross Marcus was the least qualified cabinet member.

  13. Wow Bernie I've never disagreed with anything you've said on this blog for the last two years until now. The 12 year veteran you're talking about got passed over on the job for a reason. Gina was an excellent choice and was far more than a secretary. 12 year veteran = complacency

  14. Needless to say, we disagree for the first time.

  15. These are the best posts.

    Feeder factions putting on the gloves and duking it out over who should get the big teat!

    Tune in tomorrow for another episode of...

    As teh Trough turns


  16. Funny...that 12 year veteran was groomed for that job by the out going. That 12 year veteran knew that job inside and out to be passed over by someone who does not have a clue as to what shes doing. I like Gina but lets be real...she didnt deserve that job. On another note....it's about time he's gone. He was never there.

  17. The woman who was passed over for that position was by far the best candidate for the job. She did not get the job because the Solicitors office wanted Gina to get a promotion. They wrote letters on her behalf and even lobbied for her to get the job over the veteran in the office. Now that Archie and the solicitor are both gone, an investigation should be opened to see what actually happened. Just because you're a paralegal is not qualification enough to be the Registrar of Wills. That reasoning is truly grasping at straws. The incumbent got shafted by the Archie and the Solicitors office.

  18. Is it weird it took so long to fill position? Wasn't she waiting to be off probation from new deputy position in elections? Timing was strange, just saying.

  19. @5:13 that office just recently became mismanaged when GG took over. Dot Cole ran a great office! She knew her job and trained who she thought was the best, most dedicated to do the job! As for GG and her paralegal degree...that was great for the solicitors office but what training and knowledge does she have for W&O?? NONE!

  20. 5:13 and 5:44 = GG obviously

  21. Let's be real here people look around the court services offices...how many of those hard, dedicated people that served their time in those offices worked their butts off and either got let go or moved on because of the BS that was going on with the "Director" in charge. All of the shady things that were happening under his nose and with him involved as well is unreal. He was definitely not liked by many of "his" employees. For the decision that was made about Gina taking over. Degrees maybe one thing but knowledge of the job at hand is priceless. From rumors around the courthouse some of the things that have been changed or going on in that office is not necessarily for the good. Some people may think that change is good but what's the saying "if it's not broken, don't fix it". Dot Cole.. for all who have known her, interacted with her, worked for her she is one amazing women and was liked by many. Ask some of the people that regularly do business in that office of how they feel when Dot ran the office or how it is run now. Most of them will tell you that by far it was better ran by Dot Cole. Everyone has their own opinion and is definitely entitled to it. Archie should feel ashamed and disgraced for all the things that he did or helped do. I wonder if he can sleep at night knowing all the shit he pulled while being the "Director". As people may say "What goes around comes around".

  22. The last several comments were from the bitter person who was passed over for the job and a couple of her crass allies who were canned for their disgusting, unprofessional behavior.that office is being run 100% better under Gibbs.

  23. So happy to hear Disidore is gone. He was as fake as they come.

  24. 11:20 PM: being ran better under who's opinion Gibbs??

  25. @11:20 must be one of Ginas flunkies or maybe Gina herself? ! Ingrid would of ran that office better! She knew the systems and how that office operates better than anyone! Their loss though. That office is falling apart!

  26. While I believe Ingrid would have been the better Clerk, I will ask people to stop naming names here of the two people involved.

  27. I was an active member of that office during Dot Cole's position as Register of Wills. There was not an Attorney that came into that office that did not praise her and the way the office was run. They would compare us to Lehigh County and the other counties that they encountered and the comparisons were always Northampton County positive. Ask the people that use the office who is doing a better job. Experience and knowledge does count in those offices and Gina had no idea what was required when she took over. Dot Cole was a person you could go to with a question about that office and she knew the answer or would get you a correct answer. I can only hope with time Gina will become half the person and Registar that Dot was.

  28. Fat chance, she's an opportunist and will move on when it suits her. Attorneys aren't too keen on her ignorance either.


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