Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Damn It! Sued Again

West Easton resident Tricia Mezzacappa has responded to the $67,140 verdict I obtained against her by suing me. I'm kinda' getting used to it. This will be the eighth time in two years that she's gone after me. She wants you to foot the bill, too. She's asked the Court to excuse her from paying anything because she's a pauper. I'll have something to say about that, too, but I'll say it in court.

In the meantime, let me introduce you to Bitstrips. Above you can see one of my selfies.


  1. I always though you were gay. Now the rainbow confirms it.

  2. True on the gayness and the rainbow support where the sun don't shine!

    I am jealous as most gay's have more money than straights and with the 67K windfall, feel proud Bernie.

  3. THis is ridiculous. The courts just allow this to go on and on wasting money and time?

  4. Is she gonna get herself locked up yet? Judge Baratta has to be sick of her tying up his Judges.

  5. 817 nailed it!


  6. I find it ironic that Ms. Mezzacappa frequently puts up posts on her blog inferring that Rick Orloski is terrible lawyer and providing examples of where he has lost cases. That's pretty funny, considering that she claims that she lost her defamation case not due to the facts, but because of Orloski's legal gamesmanship.

    According to Matthew Dee's blog, she is also threatening to sue him.

    What is she suing you for this time?

  7. Kevin, it starts out as a libel complaint, but morphs into some kind of fraudulent obtaining of a verdict. I heard she is threatening to sue Matt Dees and wonder whether she will do that IFP, too.

  8. Bernie, I recall about a year ago there was an order by Judge Beltrami banning TM from further pro se litigation against you without leave of the court. If I am correct about that, isn't this latest lawsuit a violation of Judge Beltrami's order?

  9. She was barred from filing more stalking claims without court approval, but this is something else. I have not looked closely at it and have not been served, but it appears to include some of those allegations.

  10. Based upon the picture I thought this was an article about "The" Donald Flad, very dissapointed

  11. Is this the second "Coming Out" we are hearing about this week?

    First was the Bethlehem Area School District School Board Director Basilio A. Bonilla who I personally think should resign ASAP.

    That type of behavior should be known prior to voting.

  12. I see a contempt of court and jail time in her future.

  13. Bernie,
    You forgot the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow?

    patent pending

  14. That pot of gold is all over someones face

  15. I have to admit, my farts are gay.

  16. I don't get it. Farts are happy?


  17. How come you didn't delete the wicked witch of west Easton story. I found it last night while searching your blog o hate

  18. Why on earth would I delete it? Every word in it is true. You did not like being exposed an that's when you started your campaign of outright lies. Now you can deal with the consequences.

  19. You never got help

  20. Do yourself a favor and take your drug cocktail.

  21. Wicked witch doesn't help me getting hired. I have proof

  22. Who is "me"? Be clear. You don't get hired bc you either quit or are fired at every place you work . Kirkland hired you after my post and so did several other places. Every word I wrote is true and the public needs to hear it bc you have political ambition. Even now you are running for GOP committee. What you have done since I wrote that post is far worse. Maybe threatening to drag the West Easton Boro Council President to the river and drown her scares prospective employers. Or posting death wishes. Or writing a LTE that in essence commends the murder of innocent people in Ross Township. Or getting convicted of harassment for disparaging a Boro clerk who is just trying to do her job. Maybe employers get turned off when you publicly call the victim of a PFA a slut, or stArt crusading for a convicted child molester. Tricia, you are a mess, and have no one to blame but yourself. Until you recognize that you are your own worst enemy and seek help to deal with your demons, the rest of us have to protect ourselves. If you were to do that, apologize to the many people you've hurt, kill your blog, stop posting hAte under pseudonyms and anomymously, you might learn to enjoy life. Do you have any idea how many good people you've hurt with vicious lies? I think you should talk to your family, tell them you're sick and you need help. You have to stop blaming everyone for what you've done to yourself. Your problems have nothing to do with a post I wrote on 10/31/11. It is you. There is no shame in having a problem, admitting it and fighting your problem instead of everyone else. Do that and you'll learn you don't have so many enemies.

  23. "I find it ironic that Ms. Mezzacappa frequently puts up posts on her blog [implying] inferring that Rick Orloski is terrible lawyer...

    Exactly. She posted a case that he lost in the past few days, totally unrelated to anything here. OK, so he lost a case - that happens to lawyers. But it doesn't alter the fact that he kicked her ass! The point is she lost, not that the opponent's lawyer lost some unrelated case. If he sucks so badly, why was he able to beat you?

  24. Tricia will legitimately be a pauper at the rate she is going. Bernie effectively owns a good portion of the house.

  25. Actually many of those cases are settled. There's no real inquiry by her. She is just talked to bash my attorney. And she is opening herself up to another libel suit. She really is her own worst enemy

  26. Bernie she truly is her own worst enemy who really wants to be someone else's worse enemy as is witnessed by the way they go after others. These people never ever get it. Their brains have a short in the wiring. I know her and I know another who is very similar to her.

    These females are ruthless and take no prisoners. The only thing any of us can do is to make sure they lose to us. We have the truth and the law on our sides and just as important we have the means and the determination to see it through. They love lawsuits and many just appease them as it isn't worth the fight. This emboldens them and they foolishly think they can never lose.

    Well they are losers to begin with and that fact remains the same. Society has no good place for them.

    I bet you would help anyone else she sues if they ask you. If only with direction to court records.

    She won't win any political seat and I for one am embarrassed that my political party has included her. Then again maybe there has to be a place for the misfits......

  27. "Waaah, BOH is not allowing me to get a job!"

    Are you fucking serious? Get some help lady. Go find your gun wielding sheriff - maybe he'll set you up in his goofy militia.


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