Local Government TV

Friday, March 07, 2014

Werner Instructs Phillips to Stay Off WAEB

Bob Werner tells Hayden Phillips to Stay Off Radio
After being the sole No vote for $698,000 in open space projects that included improvements to a miniature golf course in Pen Argyl's Weona Park, Northampton County Council member Hayden Phillips recently took his case to conservative talk radio. Appearing on Bobby Gunther Walsh's show on WAEB, the lone dissenter explained that the money went for a miniature golf course, walking trails, playground equipment and preserving open land. He was irate that the County would spend this money right after Executive John Brown had announced a $13 million structural deficit in 2013.

"Do we really need the government building a miniature golf course?" asked Walsh. In all of their comments, which are available online, Walsh and Phillips both made clear that this was a miniature golf course.

Yet at the March 6 meeting of County Council, an indignant Bob Werner complained that Phillips had misled the public. "I want it changed. I want it corrected," he demanded. He accused Phillips of falsely stating "that our County is building a golf course."

"I take a great deal of offense when things are misrepresented in public," Werner huffed.

Werner took it one step further. "I don't believe you should go on radio," he lectured Phillips, "and I don't believe you should allow people to say things that are not correct."

Phillips stood by his radio remarks.

The taped radio transcript reveals that, at all times, this golf course was described as a miniature golf course. So in reality, it is Bob Werner who misled the public.

Perhaps what really upset him is that Phillips actually told the truth in public. In the course of instructing Phillips about misrepresentations, Werner made several of his own.

(Updated 11:12 am to included how Phillips reacted to Werner. A reader asked me to include his reaction.)


  1. Werner is a one termer. Phillips is an honest and refreshing change on county council. This Werner character thinks he is Winston Churchill.

    He and Parsons may be the smallest county councilmen but they haul around the biggest egos.

    Did Werner ever thank Sal Panto for handing him his victory by running a strong mayoral campaign. Without that campaign Werner would be sitting at home looking at himself in a mirror.

    Another legend in his own mind.

  2. He was incredibly arrogant last night.

  3. People find Werner arrogant most of the time. He is another one who is running for the next higher office before he even knows what he is doing now. Good luck with that.

    Go on any show you like Hayden and tell Werner to buy a better hairpiece.

  4. Word to Werner and those who lie in an effort to quell free speech: Fuck You. Resign, asshole.

  5. Lets get back to saving farm land period.
    These council members are getting like New Jersey in spending money incorrectly to appease their contributors or their districts

  6. Bernie
    For those of us not so swift...Is it or is it not a miniature golf course? And why should taxpayers pay for it? Was there a referendum? A golf course when folks can't pay for heat or food.

  7. All open space spending is a waste of money unless it goes explicitly to maintaining government operated parks and trails, It's nonsense feel good spending to "preserve" the past. The LV is the fastest growing region in the state and people should welcome that.

  8. There was a referendum that was voted on back 2002. This money was set aside for open space/park projects per the voters. Which was explained during the vote Hayden obviously didn't do any research in regards to this. You can't just come in and play councilman, you need to listen, learn and ask questions. Hayden deserved his in a sling

  9. Both men were a little over zealous. Bob in council and Hayden on WAEB. I listened to the radio interview and watched the video of council. The problem is Hayden and Gunther focused on the small part of a particular project that fits the open space place. Hayden in his interview made is seem like the entire 600,000 for these projects was all county money and could be set aside for use to balance out budget. Only a portion of the money is actual Northampton County money. Without the state, county and municipality coming together these projects would not happen.

    Hayden is right that while the executive is saying Northampton County is in a fiscal crisis it seems silly to spend this money on open space. Angle had the same position.

    However, Angle knew better that only a small part of that money was county money.

    The best part in all this is frequent Gunther guest Glen Geissinger is gonna have to explain his vote to Gunther! Gunther seemed concerned one of his own would vote for these projects!

  10. Well when the voters voted for open space we were in different times. With the hardships now I wonder if it would pass. Farmland maybe, open space should be a township issue. Hayden is right to complain and let others know what they are paying for.

    So he did know this money was there. It just means he disagrees with it and again right now why wouldn't he? Many of the complainers have jobs, and can live decently or better. What about the ones who are having a tough time.

    Kraft and winner have plenty of money. And job security and these are the voices for these things.
    Open space shouldn't included things like golf courses. Why are we subsidizing such things?

  11. Kraft and Werner have plenty of Money? What does that even mean?

  12. This post has nothing to do with the merits of appropriating public money for open space.On a case-by-case basis, I believe it is a worthwhile investment, but the advisory boards reviewing these proposals are stacked with people who are already predisposed to support these things,. There needs to be more objectivity in evaluating individual projects, but I believe opposition is short-sighted bc there are many long-term benefits. But my post is not about open space.

    It is about a Council member wjho takes another to task for misrepresenting facts when he himself has his facts wrong. It is about a Council member who tells another he may not appear appear on radio.

    That is simply outrageous.

    I did not vote for Phillips and consider him an extremist. But he was elected by the people and has every right to advocate for his beliefs. That is the way democracy works. It even includes going on radio shows.

    Werner shamed himself and Council with his behavior.

  13. 7:53, The open space referendum called for farmland preservation, preservation of environmentally sensitive land, and park acquisition and improvement. A small portion of the $698,0000 went to a municipal mini-golf course that has long existed at Weona Park. It has always been a source of joy for children, as I can remember. It improves the quality of life in that borough, and a family taking their kids there is likely to buy ice cream or pizza at a shop nearby. It is good for the community.

    One member of Council believes this is a waste of money. Eight others disagree.

    Both sides have good arguments.

  14. Weona Park and the mini golf course are community heirlooms that survive today because of community efforts along with the carousel. Werner needs to travel to the Slate Belt and see that there are county tax payers living here who want some investment here as well as in Easton and Bethlehem. We will not play second fiddle to any one..anymore. Money well spent and we are here to stay..thank you.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. What that means is those who are in good shape financially should not spend money on their pet projects while less fortunate are doing with decent food.

    The money isn't much for the golf course but the townships should take this on. The people who live in each township should have some skin in the game. If everyone did this who would complain. People in Easton and other places never even go near these places but they pay for them.

    This is not the time to spend what we really do not have.

    Food is more important as is rent, heating bills and everything associated with keeping a roof over your head.

  17. Bobby Gubber Walsh is a nut. If Phillips wants to go on waeb and have a lovefest with fellow terabagger Gubber that is his right.

    Werner, another guy with a Napoleon complex.

  18. As I mentioned, the focus of this post is not so much the topic of open space. It is about a Council member who behaved poorly, and who should apologize publicly.

  19. Why doesn`t Gunther ever have the opposite views on his show ?

  20. Like that's going to happen Bernire. There are few if any realizations much less apoligies coming from the left.

    Wenner was wrong and it is none of his business what Hayden does. What he says can be corrected but not when he was more truthful then his criticizer.

    The left is always right and the right is just stupid and on and on. You only have to look closely to see this is twisted.....

  21. Gunther Walsh is the one who is a legend in his own mind. He is nothing more than a charlatan who wants to be another Rush Limbaugh who is another asshole.

  22. Bob, You have known me now 37 years.Boy ,does time fly. You can not interfere with Mr Phillips's 1st. Amendment rights to be on any media of any sort. Now, I like you , you have served us here just fine. Please find a way to get on common ground with Mr. Phillips someplace !Even my house for a hotdog. He.He has tremendous personal integrity ,like yourself/ This is why I supported the both of you even with different backgrounds and politics. Sincerely, your friend and neighbor-Pete.

  23. Your picture is perfect, with the Solicitor Phil Lauer in the background, just waking up and wondering what the fuck is he doing there! Classic!

  24. an indignant Bob Werner complained that Phillips had misled the public. "I want it changed. I want it corrected," he demanded.

    When I read this, all I could see is Werner as Cheswick...


    Werner... Heh!


  25. Well said Peter.

    But I still have my own reservations!


  26. WAEB is still exists? Gunther is still on? Terribly irrelevant.

  27. Ever notice how a certain group of people can get so emotion and hateful of certain people on the radio and will never look around and see the few who might be following them.

    Hayden and Werrner are polar opposites. They've been in a room together. While they both are respectful unlike so many others, they will find little to agree about.

    Hayden has raised his children and has exemplified and maybe at times demanded that they do what is necessary to be good members of society. Education, of course family first, a skill, self reliance, accountability, treat people respectfully, make good choices and fix the bad ones and on and on. And then do this for his grandchildren. When they fall short they are not excused and left to go on food stamps. And this is wrong for our country?

    Without these people who would support any charity, or provide the food stamps?

    Wenner I can't say as I do not know him well, but I do know libs. And many, well lets just say most of those kids and youths pitching those tents and and disgracing their country and themselves are not Hayden's family. Half of us were embarrassed for them. Sadly probably not many of their parents though.

    They are the ones his family and about half of the country still pay through the nose for.

    When did welfare or unemployment ever give anyone a decent life? It can't possibly and these people are pissed off at those who choose to work 2 jobs and maybe allow a wife to be home to raise the children. Disgusting I know.Oh and they GIVE them them unemployment and food stamps along with every other handout through being taxed to death. Hoorah for these people...where would we be without them???

    There is little parenting of these people early on. The reasons are evident. And this is what we all get.

    How then can anyone expect Hayden or any responsible self sufficient person will feel comfortable around people who are opposite of him?

    This excludes those in real need. Some of the needy are hand made others never had a chance. The handmade ones bother half of us. We know why and how this happened but they can still choose to pull themselves up. Jobs and better life choices even if no one taught them or cared. Care for yourself and do better for you spouse, girlfriend, husband and especially your kids. We need some help here.....not excuses.

    Now for the emotion irrational left........

  28. Stereotype much 7:57 AM?

  29. Label it any way you want but you have no real argument. And labels change nothing.....

  30. 7:57, You are being just as bad as the people you condemn. And incidentally, there was nothing civil or respectful about the way Werner acted. Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm Phillips' pal. I'm nit. I think both of them are nontransparent. I's JUST that One of them presumes that because he was elected by Sal Panto's voters, he can tell the press what to write.

  31. Why is pointing out what seems apparent a bad thing.? Maybe we all need a little tough love... I've had a bit of it myself and it helps more then it hurts most of the vitriol I read on here is demeaning and name calling towards the right. Tea baggers are a great example. They don't give any facts or common sense in their statement, just name calling and put downs. Now if they gave me some truthful reasons for what is so bad about tea party people I would appreciate that at the least.

    There are differences and saying them only points it out.

    Bernie where you there when the tea party was being slammed by some? The left again supports these tent people and the right the tea party types. Other then them being too traditional for the left what is the real beef? The fight for what they believe it? So does the left. The difference is in the behavior and we can't hide from that nor should we be okay with it.

    The truth is always on display when these people get together.....

    I work hard not to be like what I believe they are, but frustration takes over on occasion. They have always been the activist we are just trying to catch up.

  32. Look, both the tea party and it's more strident critics are equally responsible for the divisiveness and deterioration in dialogue I've seen in this country, wHether it is bitter Tony Simao, who really should be ashamed of himself when you come right down to it, or nutty Jim Gregory, these folks are destroying this country. There used to be a time when our more dignified citizens code to serve. Now it's choose between a wicki flicker like Simao and a woman beater like Gregory, whose defenders will proudly remain anonymous.

  33. Well for me I do not support either of these guys in any way nor do I like them.

    Even many party members had distanced themselves from Tony and they use to support him.

    It just seems like the left far too many times, coverup, ignore, spin or lie for those on the left.

    It was not always this way but when the far side of either party takes over there seems to be little choice. I don't remember a far right that compares. While disagreements were there it somehow must have worked out because vitriol is fairly new. It's just too extreme for many.

    Even Nixon who did little compared to now lost support big time. It use to be a liar, deceiver, and the like bothered people. I'm afraid too many connect now and that does not bode well for the rest of us.

  34. 3:54 am, why use my handle?

    -Clem (the original)

  35. Tea Party FootsoldierMarch 8, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    Hayden is a pillar of the community and knows how to reach his constituents. For those who bad mouth BGW, and cite the savage beating he "alleged" to have put on his daughter years ago, know this. He raises huge amounts of money serving up his hot meaty balls during his spaghetti feasts and that alone cancels out any domestic savagery that may or may not have occurred in the past.

  36. "Now for the emotion irrational left........"

    Why not? We just heard an opinionated non-factual irrational and emotional rant from the far right.

    Good Grief man!

  37. Word on the street is Werner has had a bit of a Jim Gregory past.

  38. Up until the comment posted by "tea party foot soldier," not one person cited that ancient claim of domestic abuse. What I know of that matter is that charges were dismissed by the DA, Gunther has reconciled with his very lovely daughter, and is a doting grandfather. Any anonymous personal attack will be deleted. I don't listen the guy, but let's be fair.

  39. 2:35, don't know about that, but his behavior Thursday night was erratic. The council member who claims he's nothing like Angle insulted a wide variety of people.

  40. This is what comes from the left.... They do not care if it's true they just spread it. About Hayden's business...

    The tea party is new. They happened because of what the other side is pushing down our throats

    This creation was necessary and before them there were to many things going unanswered.

    The vitriolic left create the group. Bout time...

  41. There is plenty of vitriol on both sides.

  42. "what the other side is pushing down our throats"

    Thus the teabaggers came about. From your lips to God's ear!

  43. I have just deleted an anonymous OT comment about a recent Philly case that holds anonymous commenters responsible for their defamation. That is not new law. Posters, anonymous or not, can be held liable for defamation I deleted the comment bc it cuts and pastes the entire story and does not even contain an attribution. It probably violates copyright law. But it's just ignorant and rude to extensively quote someone without even identifying him. That is what weekend trolls do.

  44. Well, my hot dogs are over done.No body wanted any.Anon 9;01 issue of stereotyping ? Yes Anon 7;51 was. IE; Who would support charity and provide the food stamps? He meant pay for the subsidies.Ever look around in a third world county? Who provides food and vaccinates their children they cannot afford? Charities, from upper nations. Lets calm down.Some leaders need to listen to their inner soul and not play into the agenda of too many other non-producer types. Make PUBLIC decisions based on logic and not emotions and you shall 'go forward' ---for real.Be grateful and graceful. OLD Pete

  45. Storm an Norman, Thank you,I think Bob is being 'sent up' by cheerleaders to establish a pecking order,I will not deliberate. But he is a good man and he is not ever exhibited inmate Gregory's personal traits as suggested earlier.He will find a way as he is a gentlemen and his life is in order. He ran for office and like others ,may have picked up vicarious votes as the result of Mr Panto's resent over whelming popularity here. I don't think it's fair to Bob that he be chastised for being a Democrat,or on the same ballot box with anyone else. Going to the range now,it's a nice day for-- the flinches.

  46. Peter, just ignore the trolls. I delete them as I get to them .

  47. Bernie from 11:31 AM - What is a "wicki flicker"?

  48. I wicki flicker is a particular kind of wood pecker.

  49. Bernie, Did I get some flack while away? If this works I will deflect them away from you and you won't wait your valuable time defending what YOU SAY?I love it.You know this months IMPRIMIS, Hillsdale College publication has an Tea Party commentary by Charles R. Kesler ,Ph.D. You won't like it ,but I do.I promise to lay rails for the new train this year on your blog.We don't agree all the time and that is good.

  50. Peter, please ignore them. They detract from what is being discussed. I will delete the jealous anonymous trolls.

  51. Winston Churchill , had doubles, he was not a school teacher and smoked cigars like Mr.Angle and myself do now. He also had a libation close by all day. He was a veteran of a war,and refused to submit his government to the the Nazis and any cost. He stood still ,in place, and was willing to fight to the last male at age 60. As the result, he grunted it out, and saved his nation. Not a good comparison Mr Anon 2;16--

  52. Bernie, why not comment on how Bob put an arrogant Cunningham in his place. Your buddy Donny boy is not use to people seeing through his bullshit and standing up to him. Good for Bob!

  53. Cunningham and Walsh deserve each other both jerks. Walsh big political commentator with a worse voting record than Brown.

  54. Werner made an ass out of himself with Cunningham, too, and i will be writing about that. He pretty much was a disaster on Thursday night.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.