Local Government TV

Monday, March 03, 2014

President Jello

While President Obama skips out on a National Security Team meeting on the Ukraine, and tells fellow Democrats it's "Happy Hour," at the very moment that Russians are invading Crimea, can anyone really doubt he's the Neville Chamberlain of the United States? Yes, the very man who ridiculed Mitt Romney for calling Russia our greatest geopolitical foe, has allowed a former KGB to make a fool out of us time and again. Putin's Crimean gambit is just the latest example.  

Whether it is Afghanistan, Iran, Syria or Israel, Obama has forged a new image of the United States as a weak and undependable ally.

We all should have known. After all, before his re-election, he was overheard telling a Russian President that, after the election, he'd have "more flexibility" to discuss Europe' missile defense.Then he went to cancel every part of the deal that bothered Russia. So basically, he's already thrown Eastern Europe under the bus. What's one more state? Given Obama's weakness, the only question I'd ask the Kremlin spy is, what took you so long?

At least Obama is not talking about crossing a red line again.


  1. And we're going to stand by while he guts our military? Wake up people!

  2. Fuck those Russians, let em kill each other off with their own money...

  3. What a bunch of teabaging nonsense. I guess we should send in troops. Or better yet send Cheney and a cardboard cutout of Reagan.

    Get a grip people. I remember when war was a big deal. Now all the chicken hawks can do is squawk for the next war.

    Grow the fuck up!

  4. I'm not beating any war drums, nor are any of the Republicans I've read. In fact, a military solution is unworkable. But the tepid response that Obama gave on Friday makes this nation look pitifully weak. I would adopt all 8 of the measures Senator Rubio proposed. We would not be in this mess if Putin was more worried about what America might do. He is not bc Obama is weak.

  5. YUou are more full of shit than a Ron Angle field. First Sen. Rubio is full of hot air and his points are meaningless. Second, We can if we wish create holy hell for Russia and Putin knows it. Stop being a drama queen for your buddy Dent's forthcoming quote's provided by the RNC.

    Speak Softly and carry a big stick or do it the republican way Talk loudly and carry a twig.

  6. chicken hawk shits

  7. enough american adventurism.

    my sons wont die for the Ukraine.

  8. This is what happens when low information people vote in a rock staresque community organizer. This guy had absolutely no experience, none that is, running anything of any significance. The charade is up. Hoping we don't end up in a real war against real countries with real military's because of this fool.

  9. screw the ukraine. Let Europe and Nato, sans the US fight it out for that rock and not spend 1 ounce of US treasure and blood in another wasted war effort.

  10. Romney was ridiculed for calling Russia our primary geopolitical threat.

    It's reminiscent of Jimmy Carter as the Soviets marched all over Angola, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Mozambique, Grenada ....

    Obama's doing a fine job, however. His toothless red line statement of Friday will be followed by a sternly worded letter, today.


  11. 12:11 AM -

    Crimea River ! ! !

    Let's just say, we've never had a President quite like this. OK?

    Fred Windish

  12. It is not in the American interest to worry about the people of Russia and the Ukraine. The 21st century has to be to protect our interests and stop being the police force for the world. People are struggling here to make ends meet and to feed themselves. The US will isolate Russia economically and that is enough right now. People are waking up and realizing the 20th Century way of foreign aid and protecting the world is not working for the best interest of the American people. We have to be smart and find a balance to help and support other countries but not always be their savior.

  13. Ukraine was never our problem. It shouldn't become one now.

  14. Wow. who pissed on your corn flakes this AM ?
    Sounds like you prefer the Bush/Cheney approach to foreign policy.

  15. Considering the fact that the USA recently invaded and attacked two sovereign nations who have never, in all of history, done anything to us kind of negates our position as moral arbiter of the world.

    This is none of our business.

  16. While I agree we do not need to send our soldiers off to fight others wars that doesn't stop the danger to our country that an Inept president and admin. poses for America. We are weak and gutting our military at the very least shows we want to be weak. The missile shield Bush started over that way was halted by this president to satisfy Putin. I have never known a president here who has given Americans so much to worry about and wonder about. NEVER. When you are totally non transparent, caught lying, you bully it's your way or the highway, you get caught making ominous remarks, you administration lies and on and on then their is no trust. Only fear. You can't love like or respect one you fear. What is the endgame? Scary...
    These people on here who say Keep our military out of conflicts etc care not a bit about people dying in Benghanzi or the 37 seals who were shot out of the air right after Obama said that SEAL TEAM 6 killed UBL right after Obama got him. It is disgusting that the left turns a blind eye over and over and then we are suppose to believe they care. Really??? I hope the right is learning. Enough turned on Bush and I get that, to vote in a democrat. The tide will turn and we have learned much about getting what we want. BO it's about time you brought this up again.

  17. The real problem in the world is conservatives and people who don't agree with the president.

    Allentown Democrat voter

  18. 7:32, you neglected to mention that those special forces who were shot out of the sky, were shot out of the sky with one of the surface to air missiles Ronald Reagan 'donated' to the Afghani rebels in the 1980's.

  19. Yes, let's go to war with Russia. Genius. It's a new world, old man.

  20. By the way, the day Marco fucking Rubio out-thinks the President on anything will be the day hell freezes over. If you don't think Obama is working all diplomacy angles and has any reservations on applying steep economic sanctions (the proper response) you have no clue about foreign policy. Well, it;s obvious you don't. Weak. What a pathetic assessment of someone that hates peaceful solutions to issues we don't own.


  21. This is what happens when low information people vote in a rock staresque community organizer. This guy had absolutely no experience, none that is, running anything of any significance. The charade is up. Hoping we don't end up in a real war against real countries with real military's because of this fool.

    But Marco Rubio is a genius who achieved the lofty status of college graduate from a shitty college.

  22. We have to get a Backbone,
    Russia is training students to assemble and dis-assemble AK-47's

    While teaching kids how to put Condoms on Cucumbers!

  23. http://www.the-american-interest.com/blog/2014/03/01/putin-smashes-washingtons-cocoon/

    "How many times did foolishly confident American experts and officials come out with some variant of the phrase “We all share a common interest in a stable and prosperous Ukraine.” We may think that’s true, but Putin doesn’t.
    We blame this in part on the absence of true intellectual and ideological diversity in so much of the academy, the policy world and the mainstream media. Most college kids at good schools today know many more people from different races and cultural groups than their grandparents did, but they are much less exposed to people who think outside the left-liberal box. How many faithful New York Times readers have no idea what American conservatives think, much less how Russian oligarchs do? Well bred and well read Americans live in an ideological and cultural cocoon and this makes them fatally slow to understand the very different motivations that animate actors ranging from the Tea Party to the Kremlin to, dare we say it, the Supreme Leader and Guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

  24. But...


    Free phones!


    Global Wa... er, uh, I mean Climate Change!


    The guy is an unqualified, incompetent, derelict assclown.


  25. The 'free phones' are actually called 'life line' and began under Reagan. The program was continued under every president since. It doesn't cost taxpayers a penny.

    Man made climate change has been accepted as fact by 97% of the worlds climate scientists...

    Food stamp recipients increased considerably more under Dubya than under Obama...


    Other than that, you're 'completely' right.....moron

  26. Look at all the Obama Apologists go!

    How is that Hope & Change working out for y'all?

    So long as you get your free Obamacare, right?


  27. When did the US replace NATO and the UN, as the world's policeman? Why shouldn't the Russian's protect their own military bases?
    Crimea was annexed to Ukraine only in the 1950's, with a Russian majority in the annexation. They do have interests in that area. This is basically the only warm weather port for Russia and they need to keep it. Their naval port off Syria is tenuous at best.

  28. Wow! Nobody is suggesting the US become the world policeman. I am suggesting that we are in this situation because we have a weak president who invites aggression.And you're remark that Russia should be allowed to invade the sovereignty of another nation bc it has a military base in Crimea is simply amazing.


  29. Obama is "gutting" the military. really? we're deeply i debt. our national infrastructure is crumbling. since we already spend as much as the rest of the world COMBINED on our military, i suspect we can cut pretty freakin' far without getting to the "gut" point.

  30. Obama Freaks in high gear offer the kind of entertainment that money just can't buy.

    They got their free Obamacare, Yo.

    It's all good.

  31. :"Sounds like you prefer the Bush/Cheney approach to foreign policy."

    Absolutely. As bad as those guys were, Obama has made me miss them.

  32. "When did the US replace NATO and the UN, as the world's policeman? Why shouldn't the Russian's protect their own military bases?
    Crimea was annexed to Ukraine only in the 1950's, with a Russian majority in the annexation. They do have interests in that area. This is basically the only warm weather port for Russia and they need to keep it. Their naval port off Syria is tenuous at best."

    Let us appease Putin for peace in our time, eh?

  33. "Obama is "gutting" the military. really?Z"

    Really.. His budget proposal ridiculously reduces the military to pre-WWII levels. I doubt Congress will ever go along with that, but it sheds light on just how weak Obama is.

  34. Yeah, what's not to miss. I loved losing a small fortune when Dubya hurled us toward a second depression. And who could forget the fun and games of 9/11? I also miss military funerals, 7 under Bush, only one under Obama, and he was wounded before Obama took office.

    then there's that whole awesome 'personal responsibility' we saw under Bush, 59 Americans killed in 12 attacks on foreign diplomatic facilities.none of which were ever investigated. Benghazi! And who could forget the 9/11 commission report that noted thousands of failed communications that could have easily prevented the attacks. Well, those responsible certainly paid... 800,000 jobs lost on average each month in the second term, the highest food stamp increase in history...

    Oh, nostalgia!

  35. As bad as those things are, I will take them over a President who invites aggression. Obama is weak. In fact, I am so disgusted by the way he has handled foreign policy I I wish he'd resign.

  36. "By the way, the day Marco fucking Rubio out-thinks the President on anything will be the day hell freezes over."

    First, it's cold as hell. Second, his politico column, positing eight steps Obama should be taking, clearly out-thinks President Jello.

    But he didn't go to Harvard Law.

  37. "And you're remark that Russia should be allowed to invade the sovereignty of another nation bc it has a military base in Crimea is simply amazing."

    What's amazing is your lack of memory of the US doing the same thing for a hospital in Grenada or protecting a consulate in Lebanon.

  38. The country was much more secure under Bush and Cheyney...except for little attack in 2001...

  39. Stick to local politics BOH.
    You look silly with this post.

  40. Bernie, you seem to do a good job on local politics. But when you attempt to do national, you are way out of your league.

    I suppose you would have been happier with McCain-Palin handling this. "We are all ______s now" (insert the country of the day, which happens currently to be the Ukraine). I guess some people never tire of war or threatening war.

  41. What would happen if US entered Syria?

  42. One of the many points eluding you, in your feeble attempt to defend a weak President, is that the Unitrd Stated has always maintained some things are worth fighting for, even when intervention in another country is required. Obama is one of the persons who was saying that himself. Russia and Putin, on the other hand, condemned intervention in the internal affairs of another country. Russia is doing exactly what it condemned, and you are defending their naked aggression in an effort to pretend Obama is not so weak . We all know better. Unfortunately, our allies know better, too.

  43. "One of the many points eluding you, in your feeble attempt to defend a weak President, is that the Unitrd Stated has always maintained some things are worth fighting for, even when intervention in another country is required."

    Such as when the country has oil or other resources?

    I absolutely agree with you that Obama is a weak president; however, this is not our fight and if Europe has such a hard on to stop this, then they need to pony of the troops to do it instead of waiting for the US to foot the bill in blood again.

  44. Nobody has advocated a military response. They are not included in the 8 steps outlined by Senator Rubio. His response is far more powerful than Obama's tepid remarks. My point is that our President is so weak that he invites aggression.

  45. So much BS here from the left as always. There is no defense so say something stupid.
    1. Kerry just said all options are on the table.
    2. This president went along with Putin and did away with missile defense over there. How's that workin out?
    3. This prez wants to golf and vacation. Oh and party not do his job.
    4. OBL was killed under plans Obama at least kept in place. Took 10 years so u figure it out.
    Obama outed the seals and right after that we lost a helicopter full of them. Where's the outrage???
    5. Benghanzi is still a lie for these people including Hillary. No problem people died. American people.
    6. Fast and furious. Our guys get bean bags the thugs, Obamas people get our guns.
    7. Afghanistan. We continue to enrich Karzai and our people get killed. No problem it's only soldiers.
    8. Gut the military and put these people in a different government job. Welfare and food stamps if they can ever get help.
    9. Afghan. Is and was the war Obama wanted.
    10. IRS goes after those who this thin skinned president won't tolerate.
    10. Do away with traditions but allow Muslim tradition.
    What exactly did Bush do???? And yes he did burn me out but not for a worse person. He is no ones leader. Not even in his own family from what I see.
    I can't go on but I sure could.....

  46. The last point refers to Obama.

  47. Our national security can't take another Obama.

  48. Right on, Bernie!...another Obama might lead to an attack on US soil, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties!

  49. I see. An ignorant attempt to blame Bush for 9/11 requires no response. But a President who draws lines in the sand from which he backs away invites precisely the kind of aggression that just occurred.

  50. Anonymous 12:45 spouts the Fox News talking points like a pro...life must be very simple in that bubble.

  51. Don't forget, Dumbya looked into Putin's SOUL!

  52. Bernie,

    I didn't realize you had so many Low Information Voters trolling your site.

    I worry for my children and grandchildren. More every day.

  53. Evybody arguins over fkin Ukrainins. Gubment think tank don't give no shits to Ukraine. Bama response part of plan makin Europeeings thinkin we gives 2 sheets.

  54. Doc Roc, sheep need no information.

  55. anyone who thinks Bush doesn't bear responsibility for 9/11 had obviously never read the report. 41 days of daily intel warning of imminent attacks and absolutely no strips taken to losses the danger.

  56. Like I said, I won't dignify those smears with a response.

  57. There should be a rule that only men 60 years of age and older can go to war. I wonder how many wars there would be then?

  58. For the third time, I have not advocated a military response. There really is no military option here. The attempt to make this war-mongering is wrong. We just have a weak president who invites aggression.

  59. Berny,
    This blogs intent to get people commenting and be controversial? I know you're more intelligent than to actually parrot Faux news and the teabagger party. This was one of your best comedic pieces yet. Better than your, Let's get mired in Syria skit.

  60. Bernie says: "Doc Roc,sheep need no information."

    Don't worry, you don't give sheep, or anyone else, any information. (at least on national affairs.) Your vapid analogy with Chamberlain fails on so many grounds, not the least being that Eastern Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union until 1991, and many of its people continue to want strong ties with Russia. Crimea has an even closer relationship.

    Some sort of partition between East and West may be inevitable, and with cool heads in control, hopefully can be achieved peacefully. Now for some real information, read this:


  61. Baaaa. We'll tel you what to think. Baaa.

  62. Fox news found its lost sheep.

  63. Say what you will about Bush, but there is no way he would be sitting by idly while there are hostilities in Ukraine. He would have invaded Panama by now.

  64. I'm no fan of Bush, and voted against him twice. I did vote for Obsma once. But I'm no Kool-aid drinker. His foreign policy is a disaster and it has undermined our own national security.

  65. "Anonymous said...
    anyone who thinks Bush doesn't bear responsibility for 9/11 had obviously never read the report. 41 days of daily intel warning of imminent attacks and absolutely no strips taken to losses the danger."

    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

  66. Bernie O'Hare, 1:49 "Baaaa. We'll tel you what to think. Baaa."

    Well, point the finger at yourself. I am shocked, just shocked, (chuckle) that your arguments so quickly get reduced to mindless name-calling.

  67. No. I won't point the finger st myself over this. Any criticism of the One results in an onslaught of anonymous personal attacks. Here you go so far as to tell people what they should be thinking. That's not name-calling. That is correctly pointing a finger at the propaganda machine.

  68. Bernie is right!...if there's one thing the US should never permit, it's the invasion of a sovereign nation without provocation!...after all, we would never do something like that.

  69. NATO itself has just issued a statement claiming that Russia's actions have threatened international peace and stability, while you attempt to justify a land grab so that Obama does not look like the weak Predident he is. I guess NATO watches FOX news, too. Gimme a break.

  70. Obama, Romney, McCain, Bush, it wouldnt matter who was in the White House, this was going to happen regardless.

    Putin is a shoot first, think later type guy and I don't believe he factors any potential domestic or international repercussions of such a move.

    On the surface it makes sense, he's out to "protect" ethnic Russians and associated economic interests in the region, most notably an energy pipeline.

    What he fails to see is the long term harm he's caused to himself. Poland and other countries directly to the West will now distrust Russia more than they already have and restrict market access to Russia's new business class which will make them very unhappy.

    Meanwhile he'll crystalize negative Ukranian attitudes toward Russia for the next decade or two, while physically cutting himself off from Western European energy markets.

    Lastly, he's "invaded" an area with many ethnic Russians, but just as many Tartars who are predominantly Muslim.

    This doesn't end well for Putin and it doesn't matter what any current, former or hypothetical sitting US President did, could or would do.


  71. Since when are facts talking points? What an idiot...don't vote. You are a low information voter who is just self serving.
    And Clinton gave up the chance to get UBL after the first attack. Leaving him for a new president. He was too busy eating burgers and sexually harassing and taking advantage of women. But I digress...we can do that too.
    This president has woken up the moderates and it should meant the tide is a turning. Better late then never....and yes the last generation of real men are about 60. They would go before you girly men would for sure,. Maybe some of our females would take your place. I bet there all a small percentage of them who would kick ass, yours included. You have become the French.....God help this country because u surely won't. And Bernie your record of picking winners is on shaky ground.

  72. Yeah, the Daily Telegraph is a much better judge of international security.

  73. " And Bernie your record of picking winners is on shaky ground."

    True, Dat.

  74. Bernie, I agree with you 100%

  75. This administration is wrong on so many fronts I don't even want to start on it. Let me just say that we have known for some time that our food is making us sick and killing us. But no we don't worry or inform the public because they would insist the FDA and this president do something about it. Think he doesn't eat organic90% of the time. Think he can't afford it 100% of the time? The idiot sheep can perish, who cares. He is in the dreaded 1% who has done better under his policies. We are the 99% of the idiots. He will never go after himself and those in his elite category. I don't care about anyone making a fortune by good decisions and hard work. I do care tho that Obama finds ways to enrich them. Obama. Phones and the green companies who went under right after they got paid off. Again his donors. No one likes a bully, a sore loser or a thug except those who benefit from it. We are learning who they are. Remember it at voting time.

  76. Scott is as clueless as Bernie.

  77. I have said that the young generation of Russians have an installed since of Nationalism that is reminiscent of the old USSR days. There was a very well done documentary on HBO a few years ago on this issue.

    I feel that it is time to stop talking and harshly and swiftly hand out economic penalties to Russia.

    Then we they cry foul and cannot survive, the US can say that hope the invasion of the Ukraine was worth it!

    No military intervention is needed at this time. But it is time to execute Operation Isolation!

  78. Agreed. Putin, the former KGB spy, obviously longs for the old Soviet days. It is time to isolate him until he realizes his actions have very real consequences.

  79. the 9/11 commission report determined that Clinton had zero opportunities to get OBL. you should probably read more and whine less

  80. Bernie with the feelings Putin has about homosexuals, does it get us anywhere having the gay woman in his administration talk down to Putin? Or worse, threaten him. Same is true when dealing with Muslims and their countries? Is this helpful?????

  81. Bernie, have we established that NATO is a disinterested party, and that it would never issue any statements that are self-serving, or at least, that reflect that organization's point of view. My point is, this mess is so complex, there are so many interested parties and factions and historical acts to settle or revenge, that we have to take it all in with a grain of salt.

    Disagreeing with you is not at all an attempt on my part to make Obama look not-weak. Obama is such a pathetic tool, no one could help him look good if they tried, and I certainly do not widh to try. As for FOX news, they are more pleasing to my stomach, but really one can't take everything they present at face value on international matters especially.

    When we talk about a "land grab," ought we not be aware that until 1954, the Crimea was a part of Russia? Khruschev for whatever reason, decide to transfer it to Ukraine at that time. It is populated by Russians, and Russia has assets there. The Russians did not invade Ukraine, the Russians are so far securing their own assets in Crimea, and attempting to protect their own people there. Similar to the way the United States kept Guantanamo when Castro took over Cuba. The United States at that time did not "invade Cuba," nor was it a "land-grab." The United States simply said keep your hands off our base, or we will invade. Putin is now doing something similar in Crimea. So far. Frankly, there are no good guys in this matter. The only really bad guys are the faction of neo-Nazis in western Ukraine, and they do not represent the whole of the region's people. Cate

  82. I'll leave that to the Obamaphiles to sort out. Putin doesn't give a shit what we say bc he knows he can do what he wants with Obama in charge.

  83. All hing up about NATO, aren't we? I think they know a little more about international stability than The Daily Telegraph.

    Here's another voice, a Democrat, a Senator who holds Biden's seat, saying pretty much the same thing I've been saying: "I frankly think this is partly a result of our perceived weakness, because of our actions in Syria."


  84. Here's what The Eashington Post, not exactly a bastion of conservatism, opines about Obama's foreign policy:

    "President Obama’s foreign policy is based on fantasy

    By Editorial Board, Published: March 2
    FOR FIVE YEARS, President Obama has led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality. "


  85. Why do these people under Obama tell other countries what they can and cat do. Much of what they say is hypocritical as it relates to us Americans.

    Gas going up. The democrats should bear the burden of the increase.....

    We are THE laughing stock on all levels with this president and his minions.

    It's so bad that even Palin said in 2008 the this would happen in Ukraine if Obama got in. Right there she knew more them him and when I hear her speak she makes me dizzy. But she did know....

    Putin is no more a bully then what we have here.

    Obama should freeze Russia's assets but he has painted himself in a corner with his ineptness and bully tactics have left him little to do. This would send our stocks and big banks in a tizzy but then again every threat does too.

  86. "Look at all the Obama Apologists go!"

    After reading all of the hate and vitriol of the right wing extremists, thank God he is the president.

    You understand neither foreign or domestic policy and your grasp of history is pathetic.

    You are spoon-fed what to read, watch and think by a fern sources and as a result you make stupid statements like O'Hare.

    If only Obama were not President, Putin would not have done this or that. Can we all have a look at your crystal ball.
    The Russians are making sure their naval base stays. Just as we would in Cuba, if threatened. All the drum banging and screaming is not going to deter Putin from that move with instability in the Ukraine. History is clear in t hat Russia believes that base is vital to its national interest. Even more so than invading Iraq was vital to US interests.

    As to "deep cuts in the "military" standing army down 40,000 is the call. Please check the speech by Pres. H.W. Bush's' Sec of Defense Dick Cheney when he "slashed" the American military in the early 90's.

    Facts and history are bitches but you really need to get out more.

    Now for you Bernie, please put Charlie Dent's RNC speech back in your hope chest with that wedding gown you haven't got to wear.

    The Real Human

  87. Well said 4:17. You would think(or know) thes epeople have neve rread a contemporary history book. I was citing a historical fact to a bagger the other week and he said I am welcome to my "opinion". I told him a fact is not an opinion. He stated that like in the Soviet Union many American "facts" are not facts and we have been deceived by liberal education and media.

    Oh boy, we are so fucked!!

  88. Well only now are we fu....? . First time in a long time and we have known it for a few years already. Why? Left wingers and their president. All nothing but sheep and girlie men. And the military cuts when everyone else is building up makes no sense. Not with the enemies and hatred we have under this president. And what do we do. Put these guys in the welfare line? I'd rather see them serving their country. At least they have a job. We are cutting the military to grow welfare etc. yea that sounds about right with the leftwing nut jobs and maybe the unions. He'll throw the girly men and activist I. There too. The worm will turn.

  89. It was obvious that this was going to happen. Since Kiev is NATO leaning friendly forceS should have pushed into the Ukraine first. Russia knows it can win a war with any unaffiliated former Bloc country. However; the Russians would never be stupid enough to put their rusting unmaintained, undertrained, and under paid military against the United Sta.....err NATO. Instead Putin gets there first and it's basically August of 2008 all over again. I will be interested to see what comes of the NATO meeting that Poland called under Article 4.


  90. Bush was not always agreed with and eventually turned many people. So now because Bush did something you reference that like it matters? Really selective aren't you? Don't blame republicans for what democrats do. You protect and stick up for Obama no matter what which only builds up frustration and hatred. Bush did not have that support from those I know. Also if history is what you reference look at what socialism has done to other countries and how many want to change that. Look at what the Romans did and so on. So you need to get real and stop the hypocrisy if you are to be listened to..... Much like when a president looks you in the eyes and repeatedly lies you then believe nothing he or his other liars espouse. First lesson taught to a child. Guess you missed that lesson.

  91. Bernie I think you get the most blogs when you blog about this president. So much to say so little time.

  92. "After reading all of the hate and vitriol of the right wing extremists, thank God he is the president."

    Let's review some of the intelligence and insight from the left, just on this thread:

    "teabaging [sic] nonsense."

    "chicken hawks shits"

    "Sen. Rubio is full of hot air"

    "the day Marco fucking Rubio out-thinks the President"


    "Fox News talking points"

    "I was citing a historical fact to a bagger the other week"

  93. It's depressing to see how many BHO apologists there are out there. Don't these people read? The man is so far over his head, it's embarrassing to our country.

  94. And they whine about our local ex. They just hate losing anything. Which is why they need to lose everything. As with a child there are lessons and there are consequences. At least for the parents who work at being parents and who try to live by example. The others well you get haters who bully and cheat. Oh and lie. Much like what we see with Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, and all the way to the top.
    BO you are spot on.

  95. When the Washington Post thinks you're too liberal, naively idealistic and generally spineless and stupid, you've begun to lose your base. And this, after he apologized to the "people of the world" from the Brandenburg Gate before being elected, and read so eloquently from the teleprompter in front of those awesome styrofoam columns in Denver he made his cultists weep. Who would've guessed he wasn't up to the job?


  96. While the POTUS is fiddling, the Russians have a Naval Destroyer in Havana, the Iranians are sending ships into the Atlantic over our way, presumably to Havana. China has introduced a new modern carrier and is setting up long range nuclear capable missile launchers that can hit Guam and possibly Hawaii. And, you throw in the nuclearization of Iran and the Russians flexing their muscle in the Ukraine. Throw in the idiot in North Korea launching missiles regularly toward South Korea and you get the picture. Russia+Iran+China+North Korea equals big problems for the USA. We need to wake up and see the forest through the trees with what is developing right under our noses. BTW, our so called UK partners want nothing to do with sanctioning Russia. Hoping our Pres is not the next Neville Chamberlain!!

  97. You Obama blowhards need an enima.BHO best skill set is community organizing who only cares about social justice. He is thee Affirmative action President. Doesnt have the qualifications to be POTUS. He is a lawless piece of shit that should be impeached.
    Hang your heads democrats because your about to get your asses kicked in the next two general elections.Payback for Obamination.
    BHO is an embarrasment to the USA.
    You stupid fucking democrats.

  98. Historical Footnote:

    When Obama capitulated to Putin and Assad in Syria, he doomed Israel, Ukraine, and Moldova as well. He also, at that moment, became Vlad's bitch and is now shared with Reggie Love.

  99. The Daily Telegraph, cited by an Obamaphile here as proof positive that there's nothing to see here, is now reporting that Putin has issued an ultimatum to Ukranian forces.


  100. Would love to have some WWII vets chime in here. Not that there are too many left, but what is happening relatively quickly is spooky. History does repeat itself and to be blind to that is dangerous. At one time, we use to make sure that this stuff was contained over there no matter what. i.e. use of military presence. The so called axis is testing the waters in the Ukraine, Syria and no one is stopping them. They are also positioning resources to be able to strike and put us in "check". I bet the WW2 guys would say WTF? We fought a war to keep this stuff from ever possibly oozing over here. Kennedy certainly would not have put up with the Russians putting its Navy in Cuba!!! He knew what the Ruskies were all about!!

  101. Again. State Department behind the 8 ball! The Yalta conference was here at the Black Sea WW11 with Roosevelt ,Churchill and Stalin . This area now a hot bed again in World history.What a mess ,USA not looking too good over this issue.Again!

  102. "At least they have a job"

    Yes and many collect food stamps due to what they are paid. What's that? Yes the republican chicken hawks have cut their food stamps, so military families are really hurting.

    "And the military cuts when everyone else is building up"

    Even with the proposed cuts the US defense budget is more than the next ten nations combined including China and Russia.

    Don't let the facts get in the way of a bagger rant. I am sure there is some "expert" on Fox that will tell you what you want to hear.


  103. "At least for the parents who work at being parents and who try to live by example. The others well you get haters who bully and cheat. Oh and lie. Much like what we see with Reid, Pelosi, Hillary, and all the way to the top.
    BO you are spot on. "

    I am a Democrat and veteran. I have been a union Democrat my entire life. I raised a family and have worked hard for everything I have. So who the Hell are you asshole?

    Gary L.

  104. "Kennedy certainly would not have put up with the Russians putting its Navy in Cuba!!!"

    Russian naval vessels have been docking in Cuba for over fifty years.

    just the fact checker!

  105. Never interfere with your enemy while he's making a mistake.

  106. "I'll leave that to the Obamaphiles to sort out. Putin doesn't give a shit what we say bc he knows he can do what he wants with Obama in charge."

    Anon 3:57, Don't confuse O'Hare and his poison posse with facts. It gives them a headache. Just read the Fox and RCN handouts, it is easier.

  107. Much ado about nothing.

    Our Secretary of State has much more important things to worry about.

    After all, he's on record as saying that Climate Change is the number one problem we face.

    Fact check that one.

  108. "We've had too many Americans killed here since he took over"

    Has that added up to 3000americaqn civilians.

  109. "Climate Change is the number one problem we face"

    As far as a world problem it is. Probably because so many of the teabaggers live with their heads in the sand and following the flat earth society of religious belief.

  110. 7:07

    Is there a reason you have such an infatuation with a crude sexual act?

  111. Bernie just as a pig is still a pig but with pearls on, these people lie and mislead for this president. They ignore facts.

    An 6:48 yes you seem like a fine example for your kids. My point exactly about parents who are going to be who they are no matter what it teaches their kids.

    Union, democrat. So what does that make you. A sheep twice. People die here and in Benghanzi as well as Afghanistan for this president and his policies.

    No jobs. Jobs jobs jobs.....yes the military does work and somehow I just bet you never had the horror or guts to serve. Let's put them on food stamps.......really that is a better plan.....

  112. Millions now have health insurance and he's getting killed over some country nobody's heard of. Ungrateful bastards. No more wars.

  113. "Russian naval vessels have been docking in Cuba for over fifty years.

    just the fact checker!"

    This is bullshit. Russian ships in Cuba are by no means a routine occurrence. In 1962, their presence nearly ignited a world war.

  114. Putin is about to checkmate Obama and America. When you are weak you invite the bullies.... Just wonderful for is.
    How about all of you Obama supporters join the military and go to the front line for your president and the policies he has blessed us with. You fight his fights and leave us to ourselves where we will manage just fine. We take care of our own and if you all did we'd be well off as a country.

  115. They deny facts Bernie. If they didn't they would not support this president. He is not someone to aspire to unless of course you are a needy or whiny D. The teabaggers can be proud for they knew what was coming. And it is coming....

    Putin is a leader and he is about to shove crap in Obamas face. I am not a Putin fan but look what we have to deal with here.

  116. President Jello?

    What an insult to Jello!

  117. Another attempt to educate Bernie: here is an excerpt from an article by Michael Cohen:

    "You don’t have to listen to the “do something” crowd. These are the same people who brought you the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, among other greatest hits. These are armchair “experts” convinced that every international problem is a vital interest of the US; that the maintenance of “credibility” and “strength” is essential, and that any demonstration of “weakness” is a slippery slope to global anarchy and American obsolescence"


  118. The visits by Russian naval ships to Cuba, while rare, are not unusual . Ships visited for the first time since the Cold War in 2008. They visited again in 2009. An " intelligence" ship is the most recent to visit. It should also be noted that starting in 2007 the Russians began east coast flights of their Tu95 "Bear" which would terminate in Cuba or Venezuela for refueling. As recently as Feb 2013 TU 95s made a pass at Guam. The bombers were intercepted over international waters and turned around. Two tu160s "blackjacks" flew to, and landed in, Venezuela back in October. While these missions are interesting, and should be monitored for something more, they are really nothing more then grandstanding by Putin and Moscow. A poster above mention that the Iranian "navy" was steaming to the Atlantic coast. This is nothing to worry about. The two ships involved offer no challenge militarily, and most experts agree that the US Coast Guard would have a field day lighting up both vessels.


  119. After The Daily Telegraph failed, you now turn to the Guardian. I'll stay with The Washington Post.

  120. So you failed to read the Guardian article also. Too bad, your loss...

    You know, there is something strange going on here. You have a link to Sullivan's Daily Dish on your national blog list. The Guardian article was featured prominently today, with very positive comment.

    In general, your national political opinions are diametrically opposite to what you will find on the Daily Dish. Do you in fact ever read the Daily Dish? I recommend it: if you did read it, it would save me some time trying to educate you.

  121. Hank, Please check Janes history of naval vessels. Russia has had docking rights in Cuba for decades. Some of these knuckleheads seem to think that means a naval base. No, the Russian's do not have a naval base in Cuba but have docked their ships there, some military but of low value. We have never made a big deal about it because as you astutely point out, we could light up anything they docked there. Also we would no doubt park a few of our warships twelve miles away form any high value warship they would dare dock. Regardless of the President. Russian subs have docked there in the 80's and 90's. Of course this "fact" will turn into an opinion in the new Fox flat earth society that lives on truthiness as opposed to facts.

    Theh fact checker

  122. A fact checker is not a fact checker unless there are links establishing the source of your assertion.

  123. Wow! Nobody is suggesting the US become the world policeman. I am suggesting that we are in this situation because we have a weak president who invites aggression.And you're remark that Russia should be allowed to invade the sovereignty of another nation bc it has a military base in Crimea is simply amazing.

    It was George W. Bush who presented a weak presidency to the Russians when he said that he could see into Putin's soul.

    It was George W. Bush who "invade[d] the sovereignty of another nation" under false pretext.

    But it's OBAMA that's weak - the guy that actually sent Seals into Pakistan when McCain didn't even have the balls to say he would enter Pakistani airspace.

  124. Really.. His budget proposal ridiculously reduces the military to pre-WWII levels. I doubt Congress will ever go along with that, but it sheds light on just how weak Obama is.

    You really dig no deeper than the headlines of the National Review, do you? You provide a disservice to readers and become just another outpost of right-wing misinformation.

    I believe the person who devised these cuts to reshape the military was a hawk former Republican Senator who served in combat in Vietnam. Is Hagel weak? Do you know more than Chuck Hagel about what the proper troop level should be? Do you even know what the numbers are?

  125. First, it's cold as hell. Second, his politico column, positing eight steps Obama should be taking, clearly out-thinks President Jello.

    But he didn't go to Harvard Law.

    Wait, do you actually think because the President didn't institute sanctions on Saturday morning that he's weak? You are a joke. A reactionary fool who for whatever reason chooses not to think coherently.


  126. I see. An ignorant attempt to blame Bush for 9/11 requires no response. But a President who draws lines in the sand from which he backs away invites precisely the kind of aggression that just occurred.

    Bush deserves no responsibility for 9/11 even after he was warned time and time again in 2001? You sir, have lost all credibility on the topic.

  127. Hey look! The US is readying harsh sanctions and providing aid to the Ukraine! I wonder if Rubio convinced Obama (he's a smart little man, that Rubio) or if the President came up with those complicated ideas on his own and needed to have strategy meetings before announcing major world changing actions?

    BOH, your condemnation of Obama is shameful.

  128. The Daily Telegraph, cited by an Obamaphile here as proof positive that there's nothing to see here, is now reporting that Putin has issued an ultimatum to Ukranian forces.

    To illustrate how out of touch you are, you posted this comment at 6:15, WELL after this was debunked. Talk about low information voters. It's this reason why local politics is in such a shambles, only old, low information, get-off-my-lawn voters vote in them.


  129. This is bullshit. Russian ships in Cuba are by no means a routine occurrence. In 1962, their presence nearly ignited a world war.

    Surely, you've read a LITTLE about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Or are you as uninformed on that incident as well? Did Kennedy attack the Soviets like his military commanders wanted and you seemingly want in Ukraine? No, he worked back channels and imposed a blockade for 13 days. You presume THIS president should have his entire package of responses ready within hours after the incursion into Ukraine. You were just waiting to bash the President again and did so with such flimsy standing that you just appear like one of these reactionary Fox News Obama haters.

  130. Putin is about to checkmate Obama and America.

    I suggest you leave our country if you feel that Putin is about to "checkmate" the United States of America. You make me sick. This is what your right wing looks like, BOH. Have fun.

  131. Leave the country for daring to suggest that Putin is running circled around Obama. The hell with the truth.

  132. All Hail Lord God King Obama!

  133. "Hey look! The US is readying harsh sanctions and providing aid to the Ukraine! I wonder if Rubio convinced Obama (he's a smart little man, that Rubio) or if the President came up with those complicated ideas on his own and needed to have strategy meetings before announcing major world changing actions? "

    Obama has been embarrassed into doing the right thing, but his response was tepid, and his weakness is what invited the aggression that occurred.

  134. "You really dig no deeper than the headlines of the National Review, do you? You provide a disservice to readers and become just another outpost of right-wing misinformation."

    Actually, it's the Washington Post. I linked to it yesterday. Never knew the Washington Post was right-wing misinformation. That God we have anonymous commenters who provide no links to anything but seem to know everything.

  135. Why did Obama skip those national security meetings on Ukraine last week?

    Was Jay Z giving a concert for a bunch of rich Democrat Super Donors somewhere?

    Or did Michelle Obama need to go out shopping for another expensive dress so the President can have another expensive State Dinner?

    This is the Obama Apologists' cue to commence their silly little White Talking Points now!

  136. Ronald Reagan had 35 state dinners.

    Barack Obama has had 6.

    Next time you call into Glen Beck, correct him on this one.

  137. Well- Mr Putin's forces sank a large ship in the Red Sea to block traffic. After the fall of the USSR Senators Luger and Obama engineered the dis-armament of the Ukrainian people ,we ended up paying them over 15 BILLION and guaranteed the Ukrainian boarders ! Putin holds the valves that bring both n and natural gas and oil to all of Europe. Mr. Kerry is fighting a great uphill battle with his own administration he works for. No missile defense for Europe , gave that away too. WHO IS ON TOP NOW?Putin has secured his much needed 'warm water port in the Black Sea, and the vote will be that he gets the 25 provinces of Crimea. How are we doing?.

  138. Anon 2;05 IF this sitting President entertains his family and all their friends in Gondwanaland Africa after flying them all over there and hobnobbing with former tribe members is that not a STATE DINNER at this point, does this count-- at about 25 Million Dollars.

  139. If Fact- I will forecast that Mr.Putin will be on the front of TIME MAGAZINE and Lafayette College will have him as a guest speaker.I would love to meet this guy myself.Yes I said that.


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