Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Legal Action Being Considered Over Brown's No-Bid PR Contract

Northampton County Executive John Brown's no-bid public relations contract has become a public relations disaster. It's been condemned here as well as in both dailies. The most damaging indictment, however, comes from one of his own, Republican powerhouse Elmer Gates.  In a caustic letter to the editor, Gates rips into Brown for hiring consultants to "start doing the job we elected him to do" instead of governing by consultant. Whether that happens, however, depends on the Gates' fellow Republicans.

On Thursday night, Council will consider a resolution to sue over Brown's $84,000 PR consultant contract with Kim Plyler. Undoubtedly, this will be supported by all four Democrats. But one Republican will have to vote for this as well. Will one of them agree with Republican Elmer Gates, or will they go along with an Executive who never even voted regularly until he became Bangor Mayor?    


  1. No. It will be tabled.

  2. Seems as though all the work is being done under the table, wink wink...

  3. We the people deserve the right to recall politicians as they do in many western states. This bumble stump Brown is an affront to even fat cat Republicans. He really has no clue to operating county government!

    And Elmer is right leadership does not abdicate responsibility.

  4. I agree with Elmer that he was elected to lead- but quite frankly, I'm surprised he was fooled by a "man & his wife's successful marketing company." What a bunch of BS- anyone can have cards printed and call themselves a "marketing/PR relations company." No one in the slate belt knew what this guy did for a living. The only time you would see him would be leaving the gym in the morning and walking in mid-afternoon. I know Bernie tried to find out what this guy did for a living (pre-election), did the local media? Post election, he's running around with a notebook in-hand; I knew we were in trouble....

  5. The writer of this blog ignored the people who saw first-hand, the ineptitude of Brown. Selective hearing I guess?
    Now he jumps all over it. Me thinks he has lost the edge.

  6. Council needs to unanimously support taking this to court. How can the Republicans claim to be "fiscally responsible" and allow this wasteful spending. The only this this PR person has done is made Lamont McClure look good. At least the public will be benefiting from the miniature golf course in Pen Argyl.

  7. Really the teasbagger Republicans that would not even or ever consider a Democrat voted like lemmings for the "straight ticket". You got what you deserve.

    Also if you think you got the "real conservatives" on county council you are in for a shock. Old teacher Ferraro has never seen a tax hike she didn't like and you will be sorely disappointed in Benol, Giessinger and Vaughn.

    Reality, its not the 50's anymore!

  8. I trust the Republicans if they are Ok with this or table it, it must be for a reason. I hope they are not fooled by the liberal fleabgger Dem's.

    Mr. Brwon and Republicans stick together. It is a game for the demoncrats.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. If you can't comment without being disgusting, go somewhere else.

  11. Ferraro and Vaughn will be the only two good votes against the executive for this, the other three will try to table or kill. You voted for them Elmer, now take responsibility for them

    The republicans cannot vote to table this issue. A vote to table is a vote for supporting Brown hiring the consultant. The vote will be to take the issue to court. This will pass along party lines plus one or two republicans abandoning ship. Elmer Gates is still respected in the community and still has a lot of power.

  13. Bernie, Now that you have given us John Brown's voting record (after the fact), can we assume that you will be providing the records of current candidates? I would like to see who votes, and who doesnt. Hahn and Altieri, Simmons and Beyer (if he makes it) Arrant, Capozzolo, and Parsons. And lastly, the 183. Long-time do nothing Julie Hardiharhar is getting a primary challenge, then Terri Powell in the general. Now Im not sayin Harhart is stupid, but she ain't too bright!

    Mr Anon.

  14. I suspect that there is no story there and that you'll have me spinning my wheels. Incidentally, I have posted Beyer's voting record. It is spotty. You need to pay attention. Simmons is 100%.

    I have not looked at Hahn or Altieri bc they are obviously 100%. They both eat, live and sleep elections. Same is true of Harhart (whom you demean anonymously), Parsons, Capozzolo and Aurand. I know nothing about Terri Powell.

  15. Yo, Scumillio sez the contract is legal. He said he read it in a book.

  16. I hope council does the right thing here and votes against this hire ! I voted for those I thought would represent us the taxpayer out here, this is a total waste of taxpayer money! I am growing more and more discouraged by what is happening in Northampton county ! lets all hope council does the right thing here! I have the impression john brown thinks he is king of the county and can and will do whatever he pleases and has no intention of working with council, when you go around calling them clowns at a circus it cause one to have there doubts ...

  17. Demeaning Julie Harhart as a person is just plain wrong.

  18. 1:44 ok how bout as a potted plant.

  19. As a potted plant....gotta give you that one, funny! I disagree with Julie's politics many times, but I know her personally and have a good deal of respect for her character.


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