Local Government TV

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kane Approved ""Deal of the Century" For Sting Informant

When AG Kathleen Kane pulled the plug on a sting operation that had already netted four state representatives and one district judge accepting gifts or bribes, she blasted a plea agreement with the confidential informant as the "deal of the century." Now, the Pittsburgh Tribune reports that it is Kane herself who approved the dismissal of over 2,000 fraud charges against this operative. One legal expert states she had no choice.


  1. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/charlotte-nc-mayor-facing-corruption-charges-23072837

    It's everywhere... Out of control

  2. Republican and Democrats alike are just like pigs in shit when it comes to money and power. Sad, very sad.

    What is even sadder is that so many people think it is just one political party living this lie.
    The big money boys and the bigtime pol's all sleep in the same bed.

    They toast our collective ignorance and enjoy how we the people kill each other while they live high on the hog.

  3. Very true! Time to vote out the two gangs!

  4. Republicans AND Democrats? Stop it. This was criminal Democrats, exclusively, being protected by the state's highest ranking Democrat. No Republicans took the bribes. She just guaranteed Corbett's reelection.

  5. 10:58 In THIS case it was only Democrats, but both parties are corrupt, they kinda take turns at being the party that gets caught in corruption stings though. It encourages the *idea* that there is a difference between the two parties. I do find it absolutely incredible that she blasts the investigation, blasts the deal… and then the guy gets the deal anyway and the Representatives, who by Kane’s own admission, broke the law… but she won’t do anything about it. Unreal!

  6. This isn't that unsimilar than when Corbett investigated corruption in both parties but only had Democrats paraded before the TGV camera's.
    Funny how these guys take turns making sure justice is dispensed in apolitical fashion.

  7. Correct. Both administrations have had their hands full with Democrats on the take.

  8. @12:50
    Everywhere but lehighvalleylive.com. Guess they are too busy covering the phillipsburg wrestling story and pintrest projects


  9. Corbett said there were indictments of top Republicans on the way. of course then he ran for Governeo9 and the indictments never came.

    Things that make you go hmmmm...

  10. You can go hmmmmm, but apparently don't read. Corbett convicted 13 Dems and 9 Republicand in Bonusgate. He went after and convicted GOP political consultant Tom Severson here in the Lehigh Valley. I disagree with many of his stances as Governor, but he was a strong and very competent AG.

  11. http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/02/tom_corbett_and_bonusgate_did.html


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