Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Facebook Follies

This story is an example of the trouble Facebook can cause when people post stupid comments. Interestingly, this one involves the challenge to Michael Beyer's nomination petition as State Rep. It includes extensive Facebook excerpts, which blew out my blog. So I posted it as a page.


  1. Bernie, Facebook is loaded with this nonsense. The weird thing is these people do not realize that someone can and may use any of these comments. I doubt the Jim Gregory defense of ,"someone hijacked mu account" has made it to the law books yet.

    I am even more amazed by political candidates and ones who claim they are running and the posts they put up.

    You have to check out the off the wall comments by that Christian Borzo person who ran for county council. She claims she is running again but all an opponent has to do is use some of her nutty comments and pictures on Facebook to marginalize her.
    I guess I am still amazed at how these supposedly smart and savvy political types, come off as being pretty dumb.

  2. Agreed. She's another one who has said incredibly divisive things, and then thinks people will vote for her.

  3. nothing damning. just infantile.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. 9:22, You'll have to identify yourself if you want to make that kind of comment.

  6. 6:12, The infantile behavior might be enough to make a weak case strong. It was incredibly stupid to rant on about this matter on Facebook. Jeff Cook, in particular,

  7. isn't cook a relation to Ken Mohr? if so, he should take some lessons and counsel from Ken. No one was better at the game than Ken (i write with honest admiration). he was the most politically wired guy i ever met, whom most people thought was apolitical.

    youngsters could learn a thing or two from old farts.

  8. Jeff Cook, Barr, Joyce Moore and others acted very immaturely. Their comments can be seen by one and all, not just their Facebook friends. That means that a Commonwealth Court judge could soon be reading Cook's remarks about absconding or Tara's remarks about not answering the subpoena or Cook's remark about "messin'" with Simmons or his legal advice concerning this matter.

  9. Edgar, how is your buddy Dana grubb

  10. Might be a good idea to consult with James Schlener before posting to Facebook

  11. Why should they take any of it seriously? You have District Attorneys that won't enforce the law, and an AG who doesn't even prosecute people taking bribes.

    These people have no reason to think there will be any penalty for trying to cheat the people out of a fair election.

  12. I notice the immaturity stopped as soon as I published this blog, so I think they took it seriously. DAs are reluctant to get involved in election matters bc of the chilling impact their involvement can have on the basic right to vote. But push hard enough. Ask Tom Severson what happens when you continually thumb your nose at election laws.

    As for the AG, I'd like to believe her account, but can't.

  13. So many of these pols and wannabe pols are attention whores. They think the world wants to know what color underwear they have. Some of the pictures posted are hilarious. these people think they are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. More like Ma and Pa Kettle.

    To bad their talent and common sense is not as large as their egos. Sorry facebookers, no one cares about you.

  14. Love the facebook show., Wish I had the popcorn concession. those folks are funny and crazy.

  15. It is like a human Zoo.

  16. Surprise Surprise another Beyer surrounded by nut cases.

  17. Morning Call says she took a Philly defamation lawyer to her meeting with the Inky's editorial board where she didn't say a word. That's huge news. That the MC is still publishing, that is.

  18. Matt Croslis withdrew the subpoenas that had to do with the collecting of petition signatures. None of those folks had to go to Harrisburg after all.

  19. They should consider themselves lucky, and the next time, should remember that they should not write anything unless they are willing to read it on the front page of a local paper.


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