Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Three-Way Dem Primary In State Senate Race

In the new 40th State Senate District, which includes most of Monroe County, the Slate Belt and even Nazareth, three Democrats have filed nomination petitions.

Northampton County Council member Scott Parsons has filed a nominating petition that boasts 850 signatures, well in excess of the required 500. Also filing were Bangor Mayor Joe Capozzolo, who won his recent Mayoral race by one vote, and newcomer Mark Aurand, an attorney at Allentown law firm Davison and McCarthy.

Of the three candidates, only parsons has been open about running. The others have refused to confirm what they are doing until now.

Whoever wins will have a tough race against Republican Mario Scavello, a State Rep. who has been raising money for this race over the last two years.


  1. Joe and Mark have been to many county democratic meetings and have supported other Dem candidate events over the past month, as has Scott.

  2. And I heard that Scott's petition signing event last Friday at the Stroud Twp. Fire Co. was forced outside after a call from Mario Scavello telling them that having it inside would jeopardize any future grants. Whoever wins the primary is in for a truly dirty brawl with one of the slimiest of pols.

  3. A Scott Parsons supporter told me that Mario Scavello called the fire house where Scott was due to have a petition signing event and threatened the volunteer fire company with the loss of public funds if they allowed "partisan" event to be held there. A Stroud Township supervisor also said that Mario had questioned him on the Scott Parsons event. This will be a dirty campaign. Trust me.

  4. Scavello follows the Chris Christie strategy of political thinking. He's notorious in Monroe County as a bully and quick to threaten people for supporting his opponents. He's been into stores to remove his opponents signs telling the owner "this is my district" and many of the Democratic local government officials are afraid to come out in support of Democrats running for Harrisburg seats because they've been told that to do so would mean being blocked from access to state funds by Mario.

  5. Here 's the thing. I know nothing about this incident, and it certainly sounds like a petty complaint. But this fire company is almost certainly a 501c3 nonprofit. Hosting a political event there places that status in serious jeopardy. In the future, any political event at a nonprofit should be sure to invite and provide equal access to all candidates.

  6. They charge for people to rent their room. If they refused to rent to a tea party group Scavello would be all over it. There is no threat to their IRS status so long as they don't discriminate. It is just Scavello being a bully who threatens people who don't do what he wants. He really is that nasty.

  7. Mario Scavello holds "Townhalls" at Monroe County firehouses all the time. Where he then just delivers his political propaganda. My mother and our next door neighbors went to the one in Coolbaugh Townships Firehall last year.

    Twice a year that very same room is a polling place for two precincts here.

  8. NORCO Republicans really missed the boat by not recruiting Ron Angle into a primary with Scavello. Mario's big city ways and intimidation tactics are going to turn off voters across Northampton.

  9. There is nothing wring with a "town hall" inside a fire hall.

  10. Nor is there anything wrong with holding a political event in a fire hall that you have rented for the occasion. The point is the level of bullying Scavello has initiated before the primary is even settled.

  11. Scavello will beat Barney by so many votes it will not even be a contest. Keep attacking Mario because once the actual campaign begins, Barney will be running back to Bedrock in tears!

  12. Scavello has made a career out of dissing Monroe County's neighboring counties, trying to prevent Mt Airy funds from going to Northampton County and trying to block the new Monroe Campus of NCC from getting Monroe County money. He's no friend to Northampton or the Slate Belt and if he's the new Senator for the 40th his ego and bullying will continue their exponential rise.

  13. Bernie I was incorrect on the year. It was 20-12 when he sought re-election. And then claimed my mother was a "plant" from the opposition because she asked him a tough question he did not want to answer.

    He used that as a soap box why he needs the people to keep him in Harrisburg. Its Fleck with an (R).

    Notice I have the courage to post under my name.

  14. BTW Bernie, even though I live in the township gerrymandered in a different Senate district than the rest of my county. I like having an excuse to post on your site. Its been too long. lol

  15. There you go. Spike, I designate you as the Monroe County desk.

  16. Barney places a distant second in this primary. Scavelli will have to deal with one of the other candidates.

  17. Agree, believe it will be Scavello vs. Capazolla.

  18. Inasmuch as he didn't want anyone to know he is running, was trounced by Emrick two years ago, has no money and won his Bangor race by one vote, only Joe himself would make that prediction. And he'd do it anonymously. Kinda' like you.

  19. Scavello is lucky. The district was drawn for him. I hear that Siptroth, Grucela and Alicia Karner were recruited but all 3 turned it down. Any one of them would have given Scavello one heck of a race and may have beaten him.

  20. Bernie, I think Joe would spell his name right.

  21. No one solicited Karner. Boscola throws her name around because they are friends. Other than that no one would elect her to state senate. Not very winning personality.

  22. Translation: Karner is a strong woman who does not know her place, so I'll attack her anonymously bc I'm a coward.

  23. Tricia is a strong woman you constantly attack for standing up to your abuse. karner kisses your ass so you love her. Karner has a foul mouth and curses more than Tricia ever has.

  24. So the anonymous hate is being thrown at Karner by a Mezzacappa supporter, most likely Mezzacappa herself. All one need do to see her foul mouth is look at what she writes in her blog. It is so full of filth it would make a sailor blush.

  25. As far as Mario dissing other counties and protecting his own. Well now that he will represent Northampton county I am happy to read this.....

    Bernie I disagree that Kramer is strong because she is foul? Strong goes a lot farther when it shows up respectfully.

    Sounding off never helped Angle. We all wish his delivery was better to go along with his wisdom and strength. He'd still be on council.

  26. mARIO WON'T BE REPRESENTIN Northampton county. Hes going back to the Bronx!

  27. I agree Grucela would beat anyone, including Scavelli. Karner not so much. And Siptroth? He couldn't win re-election to his house seat. Losing to Brown. Incumbants lose about 3% of the time in Pa. Parsons and Capozzolo both have a shot at beating him. Lastly Mark Errant? If he comes in any place but last, it will be a miracle. No Name, no money, no personality, etc..


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