Local Government TV

Friday, February 28, 2014

Tom Muller's Wife Addicted To Blogger!!!

As is often the case this time of year, I was unable to get up in time to hear Tom Muller's State of the County address yesterday. Free breakfast, Coca Cola Park and political intrigue were unable to rouse me. We bottom feeders do our best work at night. We come out with the rats, zombies and vampires. So when the alarm went off this morning, I slept right through it. I missed the speech.

But I wish I had been there. Muller started out by mentioning his wife MJ's addiction "to a certain blogger." Tom even mentioned one of my readers, Clem, and his "perverted interest in my mustache and my car."

I was thrilled. Somebody actually likes to read me! I called MJ right away.

"MJ, it's me. Can we get together and discuss your addiction?"

- Who the hell is this?

"It's me, Bernie. You know, the blogger. maybe I can read a few posts to you."

- That's Michael Molovinsky. I love his railroad stories. Do you have his number?

I gave her Ron Angle's number.


  1. she is easily impressed.

  2. LOL! THis was great!

    Alfonso Todd

  3. Muller is obviously as full of himself as his critics here believe. I don't live in his county, haven't a clue about the car he drives and haven't said anything, until now, about that God awful mustache.


  4. Clem, the LC Exec mentioned you in his speech! I'm just the pseudo press.

  5. His wife's addiction. Um,... OK.

    I don't think that even teh boy wonder of Befwum ever gave a speech fretting about and misattributing blogger comments.

    If I did live in LC, I'd be plenty worried of one who puts that much time and focus on you and your boyz in teh cyberhood.



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