Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NorCo EMS: Be Prepared

(Nazareth, Pennsylvania) – Northampton County Emergency Management Services (NCEMS) continues to monitor severe winter weather expected to impact the region and urges residents to prepare now.

Area residents must take steps now to prepare for the storm by gathering supplies, reviewing emergency plans and preparing for the possibility of power outages. County Emergency Management officials have begun preparations for EOC activation and key response agencies have been placed on standby.

Robert Mateff, Director of Northampton County Emergency Management Services, noted that the County will activate the Emergency Operations Center to a Level 3 as a precautionary measure in anticipation of significant snowfall. Mateff said “Citizens should stay tuned to local media outlets for storm related information and instructions.”

Northampton County residents and visitors are encouraged to sign up for the County’s emergency notification system NotifyNC by visiting www.NotifyNC.org. “NotifyNC allows emergency management officials to send real-time emergency alerts to cell phones, pagers, email, and other registered devices,” said Northampton County Executive John Brown. “This public alerting system greatly enhances the County’s efforts to prepare and protect the public.”

In areas where forecasts are calling for significant snow and possible icy conditions, motorists should postpone travel whenever possible. Those who travel in adverse conditions should ensure that their vehicle has a full tank of gas and an emergency supplies kit. The kit should include warm clothing, blankets, food and water, and any items needed such as medications, baby supplies, and items for pets.


  1. Bernie, that's my older son Douglass James Cochran you have there! He'll be in EMT class tonight.He serves with both the Pa. National Guard and Station 17 Bethlehem Twp Fire. The more experienced at this station 17 are terrific folks, selfless and proficient. I am happy they protect my parents . They get into a lot of big messes on the highway, The resident/ tax payers should be proud of this stations personnel, my son should learn well from them.

  2. Pushed the wrong button on this button box.

  3. Woe, Peter!! So cool. I took that pic right after Sandy at EMS. You must be proud. He helped communications and probably saved lives. Good for you, Peter!!

  4. Not good for old Peter but good for his son!

  5. Great post. Thanks for the good info Bernie. Most people forget the preparedness stuff.

  6. Well---- Anon 6;23 --- 'OLD PETER' yep,seems that's me,I had an age waiver for Officer's Infantry School at Ft. Benning GA at about 34 years old.AND-------- will be walk'n in to work in the snow at 5AM while you are --- probably not going in . It's OK! non -essential personnel need report!

  7. Peter, politically, you and I are miles apart. I had to be rushed to the hospital after seeing that you contributed to Haydrn Phillips. And some times, I have no idea what you are saying. But you are a good man and should be very proud of your son.

  8. Anyone have a hot and horney wife or girlfriend that wants out for the next 24 hours or so?

    I'll shovel, and take care of her in between the snow storm.

    I'm figuring on at least 4 shifts outside so she'd have to be able to keep up with me a minimum, 4 times.

    Sure do wish Bernie would allow pictures on posts.

  9. I am stronger, smarter, shoot better and run further than Peter. I am one solid man.

    I am the guy that rescues old do9gs like you who think they are still twenty and try to walk in two feet of snow!

    Jack. Mason

  10. "non -essential personnel"

    That would be you old man.

  11. Anon 747 Where are you, I. m having a CVA on Cattell Street walking on my way back home~@ My play on they phrase sucked you in , I'm non-essential and replaceable That's why I go TO WORK. I hate putting chains on, but at least the out riggers help.'Need Not' does not exist in my mind.I am an oath taker. Keep up the good work you do ,Bub.1

  12. Back home now , The real workers of today were the U.S.Post Office, my hat off to you all . They were delivering mail today in the middle of this historic storm. You folks deserve a hand .I;m impressed with your perseverance under the conditions. OLD PETER

  13. Thank God for Public employees Peter. They are a greet bunch and dependable.


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