Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Meet Cathy Reuscher

Cathy Reuscher
Bethlehem's newest member of City Council, Cathy Reuscher, is a New Jersey native who was educated in Pittsburgh and at the University of Buffalo. Since 2008, she has lived in Bethlehem's Southside and is City Council's sole representative south of the Lehigh River. She is a co-founder of the Bethlehem Food Co-op, and is Mid-Atlantic policy associate for the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Q. Where you surprised by the appointment? - "A little bit. There were 11 very competent candidates up there. I wouldn't be surprised if they had picked any one of them."

Q. Why did you seek the appointment? - "I love the City. I chose to live here and have been here since '08. I love the people. I do have experience that I think is relevant to City Council."

Q. Name one thing you'd like to get done in the next two years? - I'd like to dust off the Jeff Speck walkability report and implement some of its recommendations." [This report was prepared for the City in 2009].

Q. Is the Southside improving? - "Yeah. Things are picking up and improving on the Southside. The perception is improving, too. There are some incredible small businesses. People just need to give it a chance."

Q. What about the poverty there? - "Part of those things are out of our hands. But this is where walkability comes into play. If you have to drive to your job, it's going to be a major impediment for many people with no car."

Q. Will you run in two years? - I'm not sure. I'll have to see how I feel two years from now."


  1. Has only lived in the city five years and they pick her? Wow, these guys are really messed up. Did they decide to pick the weakest candidate in order to control her vote??

  2. What a Joke. Willie must be looking for a gf.

  3. Already she wants to spend money that the city does not have. Good gawd.

  4. what is a "Mid Atlantic Policy Associate" ? Sounds a lot like a "community organizer".

  5. Pulled this weak granola-bar candidate out their butts. 5 years in the city and that qualifies her for council? What a joke Bedlum has become.

  6. This is a pretty young council. That's not a bad thing or a good thing just a thing. Lot of local muni boards are getting younger.

  7. She chose to live in South Bethlehem. I feel that qualifies her. Like it or not, cities need outside the box thinkers and where best to find that than in a person with no ties, political or otherwise to the city. I hope that she provides a fresh perspective as Bethlehem evolves from what it was to what is may become.

    We'll need smart people to guide us to where we need to go. Smartness is more important to me than tenure.


  8. Did not realize that life-long Bethlehem residency was required to be on City Council.

    She seems like a smart woman, who wants to make Bethlehem better. Nothing wrong with that.

  9. I agree. Nothing wrong with her, and she is likely more qualified than any of the incumbents. I like the fact she is not terribly political. if the notion is that she can be controlled, my guess is she will stand on her own two feet.

  10. When walkability in a city full of sidewalks is your main issue, you're going to have a bad time.

  11. She's definitely qualified ... to be in a dis-functioning government. She fits like a glove.

  12. I do not live in Bethlehem but I understand that South Bethlehem was not represented on City Council. Not that it was really needed because a lot of City effort has taken place there.

    But I wish he well even though she has lived only a few years in Bethlehem.

    AS I said I don't live there but I worked in South Bethlehem most of my adult working life.

    My only concern is that it does not come an impediment for an individual to be a resident of the same community all his or her life.

  13. This is a 2-year appointment and then voters decide. Over the years, i have consistently proven that I have no idea what they will do.

  14. I hope all the compliments are right for the sake of the city. word is that Willie, Mike and Adam are creating their own power group and she was picked to provide another vote for them. Also as a buffer for Mike in next years election since he fears stiff competition.

  15. If 7:40 is correct, wouldn't they have been better off appointing Joe Kelly? Word is he would have stayed in if he knew it was a lock.

  16. anon 9:29, you have your dynasties all mixed up. Kelly is a Callahan clan courtier. Callahan is finished, no more power, done. His supplicants are dead as well. Reynolds is now free to build up his own dynasty, why would he bring in a potential rival from a destroyed camp.

    Smart move on Reynolds part, he is building is own political clan. Who needs him? Who wants him? He has no clout. Yesterdays news.

  17. anon 9:29, you have your dynasties all mixed up. Kelly is a Callahan clan courtier. Callahan is finished, no more power, done. His supplicants are dead as well. Reynolds is now free to build up his own dynasty, why would he bring in a potential rival from a destroyed camp.

    Smart move on Reynolds part, he is building is own political clan. Who needs him? Who wants him? He has no clout. Yesterdays news.

  18. Willie gets pushover for votes. Mike gets somebody he can beat in the primary. (Poor Mike struggles on election day - he has finished last in both primaries he has run in.) Adam's wife is friends with Cathy, so points at home for Adam. Mmmmm. Granola! All happy. Group hug. A minority of council conspires to vote for #4, creating the majority. We're walkin! Walkability! Were walkin!


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