Local Government TV

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Jay Paterno Running for Lt Guv

My source for this is the Table of Knowledge, which I visited for the first time today.


  1. I hear he is announcing at a "Boys Nation" dinner.

  2. you're about 3 hours late on this one:

  3. The Table of Knowledge is never late.

  4. Comments 1 & 3 come from people who have not just convicted Hoe Paterno with no evidence, but his sin as well.

  5. Bernie, I am serious. I need some help. I don't know where to go or where to look. The walls are closing in on me. And I cant silence the noises and voices. I cant stand it anymore. At one time the newspapers and your blog was I all looked forward to. Now I am in over my head and I don't want to do anything rash. Do you have any phone numbers I can turn to please.

  6. JoePa didn't commit any crime. He simply looked the other way while kids his grandchildren's age were being sodomized by a guy he knew was sodomizing them. Doesn't make him a criminal.

  7. That's a garbage statement from someone unwilling to sign his name.


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