Local Government TV

Monday, December 30, 2013

Upper Mount Bethel To Convene Emergency Shit Meeting

Though she's on her way out the door after her electoral defeat, outgoing Upper Mount Bethel Supervisor has called an emergency shit meeting to deal with Ron Angle tonight, 6 pm, at the Mount Bethel Fire House. Though the colorful former Northampton County Council President has agreed to delay shit spreading on his farms until mid-January, that's not good enough for his foes.

Now I don't know how you personally feel about shit, but it's a hot topic in the northern tier. Sure, it's holiday time, and shit should be the last thing on people's minds. But the Upper Mount Bethel Township shitkickers have been busy. In addition to persuading Henckel to call this emergency meeting, they've also blocked access to a Ron Angle farm along a road that he actually owns.

With one stone.

When Angle told me about this, I didn't believe him. I had to see it for myself. So last week, I met him at the famous Mount Bethel Diner for a tour. He was holding court with about ten other people when I arrived. Some of them have asked Angle not to do it.

"You can sprinkle sugar on it and call it a brownie," but it's still shit., said one of his confidantes.

Angle doesn't give a shit.

I don't know what it is about diners. I think all public meetings should take place there because no matter where it is, from Billy's to City View, all the problems of the world get solved there. But I digress.

After everyone had finished eating their breakfast, Angle took me on a tour. We passed various "no shit" signs along the way. But we had to stop repeatedly because, as luck would have it, Ron had the shits. I told him to save it.

In addition to looking at the blocked road, I went onto the farm. It commands a magnificent view. People use it in the Winter to four wheel. In the Fa;l, they hunt the land. In the Spring and Summer, there are crops. Would people rather see another crowded development there or a farm?

I sometimes wonder what they are thinking.


  1. Ron Angle and shit, they are synonymous.

  2. One thing you can't argue about....You and Ron both know your shit.
    C'mon now, Ron isn't doing this because he needs the money. He knows it is goin to piss a lot of people off and he thrives on that knwledge. He needs confrontation. Many Companies including Campbell Soups will not buy any farm produce that uses human waste on their farm for fertilizer. Many years ago the "honey dippers" used farm land to get rid of their human waste. Everyone had outhouses then and there were no laws to regulate such activity. Everyone had a "shithole" in their backyard and it was called an "outhouse". Today there is no ned for this sort of thing. Landfill the waste like most municipalities do and stop farting around.

  3. No farmer's, no food!

  4. You were in UMBT and didn't let me know?!

    The diner is the center of all things here. During Hurricane Sandy, practically the first place to have power restored was the diner, and that's where I went to get information.


  5. Angle does live on confrontation. Since getting tossed from Northampton County government, harassing widows has become boring.
    So now he is back to his field of expertise talking shit.

  6. Without any thing riding on my comment, Ron is right. Up here in Lynn Township farm country, we've had a number of complaints like this. The farmer has won every time without a by-your-leave from DEP or any state agency. There is even a "stink" clause required on all plot plans indicating the potential for certain smells to spread across the bucolic landscape.
    In a way it's sad because in many cases the farms, airports, and other "problems" predate at least the owners if not the houses themselves from which these complaints originate.
    Note to Bernie: is the "666" in the verify tag intentional or are you just unknowingly working for the beast?

  7. Yawn ... go back to beating up on Germans and then assigning comments to whomever you damn well please, please.


  8. My biggest issue is the prescription drug content of said product that is spread onto the fields and ending up in the aquifers.

    The same could be said for farmers using hormones or antibiotics in livestock, which is another product spread on the fields. Trace amounts of these drugs are already showing up in our drinking water, and I think there is a valid concern here.

  9. "Note to Bernie: is the "666" in the verify tag intentional or are you just unknowingly working for the beast?"

    That's what they say.

  10. Untouched, I missed your comment. I should have let you know i was there again. We could have met at the diner and that would make all your boyfriends jealous. ... I think.

  11. "go back to beating up on Germans"


  12. How was the shit show Boonie, did the mob rattle the Norco Bulldog's cage? He shouldn't have to interact with plebes who are ignorant of the many environmental and economic benefits of "biosolids", all they know is hate.

  13. Good Old Ron Angle.

    He is the master of shit. He used it throughout his life. he is using it now to keep his name in the public arena. He is even using it to the point where UMB will end up buying regular fertilizer for him on the taxpayer dime to stop him.

    He is without question the King of Shit!!!

  14. Angle Is Da SHIT !!! Go get em Ron!

  15. Upper Mount Bethel Diner is where Ron Angle holds court. If you want to know what's going on in town go to the Diner between 8:00AM and 9:00AM
    Everyone keeps bashing Ron Angle but its Paul Smith who is applying the shit. Hundreds of residents attended both meetings, but only two people actually had something positive to say. I really feel it will be all for naught since the Board of Supervisors won't act quickly enough


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