Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Congrats to Frank Pintabone

Now that Frank Pintabone is President of the Easton Area School Board, I think I finally have a shot at getting a diploma.


  1. Congratulations Frank. This guy is a hard worker, thank you Frank

  2. He sounds like a certified moron. Has anyone checked to see if he has a diploma? I know two Downs Syndrome sufferers who are really nice and very hard working. I wouldn't want them on my local school board, however.

  3. Is he that much of a jerk that most people say he is?

  4. Pintabone has NO diploma. He got a girl pregnant while in high school, blamed her.
    Dropped out of high school, blamed the system.
    Lived with his mommy and daddy till the year he was elected, never saw his own property tax bill.
    Got fired from his job for ethics violations right before he was elected (unconfirmed reports).
    Now he's running the show. What the hell were citizens thinking??

  5. Frank is one of the nicest guys I know, and is so well regarded in Easton that he won against Del Wack Job with over 70% of the vote. The claim that he was fired from a job for "ethics violations" is untrue.

  6. Mr Chrin, you can't even run a junk yard!Your not qualified to do anything. You have on sheep skin.Ohhhh-Ya,We will see about that? Well, the value here of Mr Pinatabone's volunteer service is that he is not Mr. Milk toast! He is unpaid on this elected position. Any complaints ,you should recruit a former CEO of J&J ,but they don't live here.You go to war with the troops you have that stepped up to the plate.That's it.

  7. @8:24 how then did he get the funds to purchase and operate a boxing facility? Frank is a street certified genius and you will feel his wrath (legally) for these lies.

  8. Bernie, again today another school shooting. I have been after this district with letters in the past starting just after Columbine . They, like P-Burg district had family and friends as security and do not have a fathom about bad characters, exception being two gentlemen at the Easton high school but they were not in charge. We will in EASD spend big money on new egress on each building but that is not the real threat! It's the service areas.They need former combatants in there NOT somebodies brother-in-law,with no job!

  9. Go Pintabone. He has done more on that board in the past 2 yrs than any other board member.. your right, Bernie. He handed Delwacko a nice beating....


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