Local Government TV

Monday, December 09, 2013

Colonial Cops Give Local Kids A Merry Christmas

Kids, cops and ... a cow?

Thanks to the Colonial Regional Police, nine needy local families will have a Merry Christmas this year. For the eighth year in a row, police provided local children with an experience they'll remember the rest of their lives.

This is the way to go shopping!
The cold December Saturday morning started as officers, accompanied by Santa helper, picked the children up at their homes in a police cruiser. From there, it was off to breakfast at Chic-Fil-A. Then the fun really started. Children piled into nine cruisers for the procession to Wal-Mart, as emergency lights flashed and sirens wailed away. People in the parking lot stopped in their tracks, jaws dropped, wondering what was happening. But they started smiling as cruiser doors opened and kids emerged, on their way to do some serious shopping.

Dylan, age 9, picks out a police car. 
Armed with lists, and checking them twice, officers and children worked together to get presents for these families. Each child got to pick one out for himself, too. After that, Wal-Mart workers wrapped the gifts, and it was off to lunch at Red Robin.

This “Shop with Cops” program was possible thanks to the generosity of local citizens, the police officers themselves, Giant Food Store, Wal mart, Chic-Fil-A and Red Robin.

SGT John with daughter Claire, age 12, and Natasha, age 6
The boys finished their shopping first. Natasha, age 6, standing in line, complained, "I hate boys. My brother beats me up."

"But you picked out a present for your brother," answered Claire, age 12.

SGT John, who doubles as Claire's father, said he loves this event and participates every year. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said, even though he was scheduled to go on duty in a few short. hours.

It's an experience the police remember, too.

Patricia, age 8, said girls finished behind boys because "we took our time."

Dylan decides he'd rather have a race car. 

- Jeremiah, age 8, with Officer TJ and an unidentified man who kept saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho."

Dylan decides he'd rather have a rifle and pistol

You can see more pics on my Facebook page.


  1. what no comments from the usual anonymous people calling the officers union pukes?

  2. Kid's are spoiled enough as it is and most R's care less and less about those less fortunate!

  3. Anon 4:57,

    "most R's care less and less about those less fortunate"

    Do you have any hard data to offer here, hard data that can be confirmed by independent sources to back that offensive and most provocative assertation of your's up even in the slightest?

    Or are you just talking trash, as usual?

  4. @ 5:48

    If you'd get your head out of your ass and stop watching Fox News, you might get exposed to reality:


  5. And, they could care less for those that fought for our country over the years:


  6. Teabaggers hate the poor. Most teabaggers are white trash or descended from White Trash and they hate them because it reminds them of their own upbringing.

  7. The R's sign the check on the front.. and the D's sign it on the back.... Without the R's... the D wont have a check to sign...

  8. In case no one has noticed, this story has nothing to do with politics.


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