Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Who Will Get Bob Donchez' Council Seat?

Willie Reynolds probably has the votes to install whomever he wants to fill Bob Donchez' seat on City Council.. My guess it will be someone in his mold, progressive and young. ... And inexperienced. Here are some of the names being tossed around. There may be more.

1) Ron Heckman. - My guess is that Ron, who is deliberative and amiable and well-versed in local government, will be viewed as too old (and too independent).

2) Basilio Bonilla.- If you want someone who will miss half your meetings and can barely put two sentences together, Basilio's your man, as long as he's there to say Yes when needed.

3) Christen Borso. - She's just thrilled to have finished 9th out of 10 candidates for County Council and thinks she's a force. On her Facebook page, she warns, "Vote Purple is no where near finished and there will be some surprises right around the corner!" She has no chance.

4) Adrian Shanker. - This LGBT activist has all the right connections, and worked hard for Willie. I think he gets it if he asks for it. Anyone who votes against him runs the risk of being called a homophobe.

5) Chris Morales. - He's young enough, and nearly won in November's race. But he belongs to the wrong party.


  1. You forgot to mention Geeting or Gregory?

  2. u can't help yourself - had to sneak in the snide comment.

  3. What about Lump and Melnick?

  4. Those are both possible candidates, to be sure.

  5. Bonilla is a real hack in training. Maybe Shanker will support selling Bethlehem's water supply the way he supported selling Allentown's water supply.

  6. Definitely not Heckman. Way too smart, way too good. They definitely don't want him.

  7. Mike Santanasto would be a good candidate. He's a smart, young attorney who has a future as a community leader.

  8. Dolan's influence spells real trouble for Bethlehem. She helped ruin it for Ds countywide.

  9. why not...Joe Kelly?

  10. Im tired of these same old names popping up! How about a womanHow about

  11. Ok, by Getting's standards Mezzacappa should be considered.

  12. lots of changes coming once the committees to select the committees are committed

  13. You forget Dave (Lump) Sanders or last place Melnick

  14. Why not Deb Hunter, or even John Callahan? That would be a hoot.

    I doubt any of those listed will get it.

    Word on the street is Karen Dolan has a candidate she has been shopping around to other members of council. I am sure this woman will get it.

  15. One,two,three budding Callihans.
    Trouble on the horizon. All run by Mother Karen.

  16. Man's servant HeccubusNovember 12, 2013 at 1:21 PM

    Word on the street is Jim G has a blog coming out that will shift the landscape of Bethlehem politics forever, UnityPAC has been dormant but the sleeping Grizzly bear will wake soon and Booby D will have to answer to the "Mouth that roared"!

  17. A Latino woman will be picked. She wants it. She will lose in the next primary but it is the Bethlehem way.

  18. Jim Gregory served on city council and was President of council. He correctly called and helped the county executive winner. He is a political force to be reckoned with. He will be running for the position when he is no longer being detained.
    I think he should be appointed. No one can doubt his knowledge and love of the city.

  19. I say choose a hot woman

  20. Karen Dolan, inept jerk

  21. Surprised you didn't mention Deb Hunter...any reason?

  22. No reason. Just threw a few names out there. Other names are just as good or better.

  23. Inept jerk Dolan was easily re-elected while the person slamming her is anonymous.

  24. This anonymous homophobe will not sit or stand by and allow this type of person (Shanker) who exhibits anal penetration and or oral sex, to represent me on Bethlehem city council!

  25. I don't think Shanker would be exhibiting much of anything, no more so than a heterosexual. You might be having some fun, but thought I should make clear that you should not fear Shanker's wanker .

  26. Bernie, Ms. Borso would be a logical choice as she came in 9th and that's ok I might come in ----negative 9th . She probably has to PAY TAXES and fill in permits and buy things like INSURANCE . That is good enough.

  27. She and I did in fact have a lengthy discussion on the topic in the Spring. She denies any animus, and I believe her. And don't quote me without being accurate.

  28. I went back and checked my remarks. I never called her comments disgusting, yet you are quoting me as having done so. I took offense to her charge that Bethlehem is a Catholic town and the necessarily implication that Catholics get special treatment. She was wrong on both counts .

  29. Dolan will help Bethlehem the way she helped the NorCo Dem. party.

  30. " you should not fear Shanker's wanker "

    That would be a GREAT campaign slogan. or the name of a good garage band.

    i'm in!

  31. Yeah, you did. You must not have looked very hard:


    Bernie O'Hare said ...
    "Karen Dolan made some disgusting anti-Catholic remarks, and slammed BT for not listening to her at a meeting. I haven't heard her apologize for that nonsense."
    8:50 AM

  32. So I did. I stand corrected. She and I did discuss the matter.

  33. I though Bethlehem was FULL of Moravian folks. I had belonged to Palmer Moravian Church in my youth. Am I wrong?

  34. Anon 5:38:

    I thought you were talking about Tony Simao or his boyfriend Tom Carroll at first when I read about anal penetration.

    "This anonymous homophobe will not sit or stand by and allow this type of person (Shanker) who exhibits anal penetration and or oral sex, to represent me on Bethlehem city council!"

    5:38 PM

  35. It's Greggy's seat!!

  36. Bernie , I would escape the heat at Parris Island,SC.during Marine Corps boot camp on Sunday by going to Catholic church because they had 'air conditioning'in that building.They were all nice people. Whats wrong with Catholics ,there fine in my estimation.But.. That how brutal things were there then.Sorry about typos ,my wife's 7 year old Dell is missing teeth.

  37. bo wants shankers wanker - sweet

  38. Hunter should run against Kenny Kraft for District one. She would beat him easy. He almost lost to a Republican in the safest Dem seat.

    She is more suited to the county and Kraft did screw her over in the election.

    Sadly, this will all be about what Reynolds, Ricuitti and Dolan. God help us. Only hope is Evans, Waldron and Callahan but maybe that is too much hope.

  39. might be good to have a bone smuggler on council?

  40. Ready for Change in BethlehemNovember 12, 2013 at 10:10 PM

    What are your thoughts about Joe Kelly on council? Also, are you going to write about the new "transition team"?

  41. Joe Kelly will need a full-time job and I don't know that he'll have time for Council. But that's up to him and wherever he works. If he were to apply, he probably would be appointed.

    I'm unable to offer any insight into Bob's transition team at this moment bc i know little about it. Sorry. I only know enough to be dangerous at this point.

  42. Why not the put the job out there for the general public to apply for like any job.Then choose from applications based on qualifications not as now among party hacks.

    1. That is exactly what happens. The new Council will pick to fill the seat.

  43. Dolan is real trouble for our fair city.
    Did not always feel that way but I sure do now.
    The fix is in.

  44. The Donchez transition team is heavily influenced by his co-campaign chairman Sen. Boscola. Her husband Ed is on it, and will be the new Dir. of Public Works and of all people Alicia Karner is on it and will be the new Economic Development Director.

    Fortunately for Karner, Sen. Boscola, her old boss, intervened and got her a job with Donchez.

    Karner was a big time Callahan insider and major campaigner who was his top pick for county Economic Development. Fortunately the Republicans know better.

    So now Donchez will have the ultimate Callahan insider, inside his cabinet. Good luck with that Bob. Surprised Morganelli is alright with that.

  45. This is interesting and explains some things to me. I suspect you are right. Wow! I will check.

  46. Alicia is very good at what she does. This might actually make it easier for Donchez to work with a John Callahan friendly Council. Wow!

  47. The biggest rap on Karner is she is almost as arrogant as Callahan. Bob Donchez is a decent amiable, low key guy. Some folks question whether her in your face approach will mesh well in his Admisntration.

  48. What is a homophobe?

    Is it one who fears a man?

    Or, one who fears a homo?

    And, if the latter: What, exactly, is a homo?


  49. They fear you Clem, you old butt pirate you. All hands on deck!

  50. I love all the anonymous slights on Karner.

    Maybe she got the job on merit. Maybe Bob D approached her before the election. Maybe she's aggressive, not arrogant.

    and Maybe people shouldn't speak with certitude on issues of which they are ignorant

  51. Deb is not electable, she is new to Bethlehem and she is a two time loser, and contrary to your statement, she lost this race, again. All by herself.

  52. donchez will be a term mayor

  53. Anon 6:56

    Lamont and Ken have the knives out already. They must feel threatened.

  54. "Maybe she got the job on merit. Maybe Bob D approached her before the election. Maybe she's aggressive, not arrogant. ">

    ... or maybe she's female so aggression is arrogance, etc. This leak came from a Dem, a grenade thrower who is vindictive and likes to hurt people.

  55. Karner is her own biggest leak. Her arrogance leads her to talk a lot about her super bright future.

    Let her deny the story. Since it is her story.

  56. As far as the Dems who ran for County Council mentioned here. I just looked at the NorCo election results, and if I wrote them all down, I added the totals for the three in the 27 precincts, and came up with:

    Hunter 3,038 votes
    Heckman 2,955 votes
    Borso 2,928 votes

    Considering its a Dem city, if Kelly indicates he's interested for some reason (?) I am sure its his. If not interested, I would think Hunter would be a natural choice of those mentioned,thus far, though Shanker does have some pulling for him, too. Depends what they are looking for, activism or experience.

    Re 9:07, from her campaigning, I do not think she would be the type to want to cause such division within the Dems, and she's way too pragmatic to think unions and their money would abandon Kraft. There shouldn't be a rift on that front.

  57. I enjoy reading your blog and am familiar with "the lighthouse" and his observations. I have followed with Greta interest the Northampton County races. I also know some of the players.

    I am unsure what "the lighthouse's" point is?? He seems to have a hardon for Ms. Hunter, as he has pushed this type of thing for months.
    By his own figures all three Hunter, Heckman and
    Borzo have the numbers to be considered for the Bethlehem seat. As to "experience", he points out Hunter as opposed to Shankar's "activism." What experience? In a uber taxing Nazareth school District. Hunter is an ultra liberal tax and spend Democrat. Borzo has as much experience as Hunter.

    Hunter should run against Kraft because she would win. So would Borzo but Borzo is Krafts creation and won't go for it. The Kraft connection screwed over Hunter in the primary and the general and she knows it.
    So once again "the lighthouse" is confusing.

    Terry M.

  58. The Kraft-McClure-Dertinger crowed may have played their games during the County race, however, to be vindictive in the kind of way advocated by Terry M doesn't seem to be in Hunter's style from what I have seen of her, nor necessarily in the best interest of the Dem party. I perceive her as interested in good government, not for any personal power trip nor game playing. But, if you really want to know, I guess you'd have to ask her, and not my observations.

    I understand that Adrian S has been a strong ally of rising force Reynolds, however, I am not aware (correct me if wrong) of him holding public office(elected or appointed) that would give some practical experience to lessen any curve on City Council and hit the ground running. Activists have their strengths in mobilizing people and advocating causes, and he has helped candidates--I believe even Ms. Hunter-- but that doesn't always translate with the give and take of governing. He may indeed be suited for Council. However, my point was that Hunter was on the Naz School Board (before all these taxes Terry, and another during the County campaign, raise). That required learning and understanding the complexities and nuances of large multi-million dollar public budgets. She was also on the County Authority that had to develop the by-laws and implement the dispersal of millions of dollars of casino funds to municipalities. Finally, she was on the new COB Human Relations Board before stepping down to run for the County. I think she has the experience to be an effective team player on City Council. When it comes to fiscal decisions, I do not see her as an "ultra liberal tax and spend Democrat." I wouldn't support her if I did.

    Kelly, I agree would be hard to refuse if he wants it. Heckman, I always associated with the County and Human Services. The others I just don't see as able to be as effective, contributing, good government types that can fit in and fairly play with the varying dynamics on Council. And "young and moldable" reads, "yes man/woman" in my eyes.

    Quite honestly, not even sure Hunter would want it, but I think she is qualified enough to be at least considered.

  59. This is a fun game.

  60. As an insider in city council, these blog posts are about 90% hilarious nonsense. Anonymous posters just make this stuff up! Joe Kelly and a Latino woman and Dolan's pick and Shanker are each a shoe-in. Huh? Guess what? No one on council knows who will be chosen because unlike the fantasies of the paranoids and know-it-alls who dominate the posts here, there is no "fix." No sides chosen. No cliques. Believe it or not, Bethlehem's legislative branch is a democracy. An imperfect one, but functioning, and happy about it. But, that's a good thing, so the anonymous bloggers will tell you it can't be true. It's hilarious, unless you believe it.

  61. I agree with Terry and lighthouse.

    Queen Hunter for city council!

  62. To Anon 10:52, to clarify Bernie's response; Any Bethlehem citizen can apply for the open seat on council. In fact, the woman Dolan has been "shopping around" has no political experience at all. She's what you might call a "citizen," a finance professional but a total unknown, so probably this potential appointee will go nowhere, swallowed up by Deb, Joe, Olga, Adrian, Ron, Lump, blah blah and the others who are more political.

  63. Easy to handle. The person they pick agrees not to run for the seat. Now that would "really" be non-political.

    There is very little Karen Dolan does that is not politically motivated. So her "person" is already suspect for numerous reason.

    When is the election for the seat?

  64. 4 years. Sg=he just won overwhelmingly, pretty much proving you're full of shit. You tee off on her and don't even know she was just re-elected. You must be very informed.

  65. Bernie, it is only a TWO YEAR appointment, Bobs council seat expires in December 31, 2015 so they are filling it for his remaining term of 23 months (filled for February 1st)

    It is open to ANY citizen from Bethlehem and they will accept resumes' and they get a ton of them. then they get vetted at a meeting and stand up and address council as to why they should be picked, council votes and we now have a new member


  66. It would be in the best interest of Reynolds and Richutti to pick someone that would be a strong candidate for re-election. That would discourage and challenge in the primary two years from now, when those three seats are up. Someone who can raise money but won't piss off Donchez enough that he puts up a candidate. As he did in this election with the Melnick campaign.

  67. So Bethlehem isn't a Catholic Town? How soon we forget.
    Don't you remember when the City used to send the snow removal over to Saint Anne's Catholic Church to plow all the snow for the priests? The protestants paid the bill as wel as all the other religious denominations. The picture of the snow removal was on the front pages of the newspapers.

  68. There is the old trick. Put in someone to get a head start on the election. it is not a "reelection" if they were never elected to begin with. I predict there will be a vigorous campaign for the seat no matter what.

    Which ever puppet Reynolds puts in to fight Donchez will be challenged.

  69. I believe if Bob resigns before the end of the year and his seat is filled, a special election will be held next year 2014.

  70. Bob would never resign. That is a bold move, and he doesn't do bold moves. He will sit back and watch. There are only 6 people who will have a say on the seat.

  71. Time to take your pills "Charles!" Your nasty is showing.

  72. "So Bethlehem isn't a Catholic Town? How soon we forget.
    Don't you remember when the City used to send the snow removal over to Saint Anne's Catholic Church to plow all the snow for the priests?"

    Bethlehem was owned, liberally, bu the Moravians. I recall very clearly that a LHS student was always selected to be mayor for a day (Freedom did not exist), and Beca was ignored.

  73. "I believe if Bob resigns before the end of the year and his seat is filled, a special election will be held next year 2014"

    Municipal elections can only be held in odd years. His seat is filed through 2015 by council.

  74. The Lighthouse suggests that he either wants Queen hunter(a Dolan clone) or Shanker's wanker(power bottom).
    We shall see. At the end of the day, most observers believe the pick will be orchestrated by Wee Wille Reynolds.

    If the Hispanic woman Jennings and Dolan are pushing gets the appointment you can expect about ten people running in 2015. Willie would be safe but his butt buddy Richutti cheese could have problems in he primary. A strong candidate but not super strongis needed. Also no more political ladder climbers. Room at the top 8is getting crowded.

  75. We could use a Morales or even a Lump on council. Both are small businessmen and our downtown areas both north and south are going to need small business friendly thinking moving forward if we are going to survive. The two hospitals and the Sands can't carry all the weight. The self employed, independent contractor and small business revenue generator needs to be strong. Council needs those who don't think of taking over profitable private sector activity - think trash hauling - but make it grow.

  76. I say Morales gets it. He RAN, LOL!
    The others are simply second thoughts.
    Wrong Party or not, it's a tough field if they all register as a Democrat. A fresh new voice would be exciting.


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