Local Government TV

Friday, November 22, 2013

NorCo Turnout Analysis: The Dems Stayed Home

Now that the final count has been done in Northampton County, it is possible to examine the turnout data by party.

Total Turnout. - Only 38,977 of 198,793 registered voters, or 19.6%, cast a ballot on November 5.

Democratic Turnout. - Just 19,288 of 96,359 registered Democrats, or 20.01%  showed up.

Republic Turnout. - 16,674 of 66,749 registered Republicans, or 24.98%, were at the polls.

Executive candidate John Callahan received 17,532 votes, making it likely that 1,756 of the 19,288 voting Democrats cast their ballot for Brown or did not vote n that race.


  1. What about the Bethlehem turnout? Dem's vs R's

  2. It is there, broken down ward by ward. That will take me about 2 hours to compile. I did not have the time to do it today.

  3. Bottom line, Callahan took Bethlehem by about 1200 votes. His race was lost at that point. He also lost in the all important 14th wards of the city. Hard to imagine any more Democrats voting would have mattered, since he basically split the Dem vote in Bethlehem with the Republican and that will never win you a county wide race as a Democrat.

    Recent talks with city Dem voters indicate that unfortunately for the Democratic County Council candidates, they were seen as part of ta "Callahan" team and that hurt them. I realize they were for the most part independent but the voters did not know that. I am sure than cost Heckman and Hunter at least a few hundred swing votes in the city.

    While they may have ran as a "Democratic" team, the strong displeasure and dissatisfaction with Mayor Callahan rubbed off on the other candidates.

    Hunter and Heckman took the city by a thousand votes but it was not enough of a cushion heading out into the very Republican townships.

    It is too bad, as just a couple hundred vote swing would have definitely elected Heckman and probably Hunter.

    I will give credit to Ron Heckman and Jerry Seyfried. They had the best resumes and as such the most to lose in being part of an ambiguous "team" approach. they paid the price.

    I have yet to hear either man complain and knowing them, I doubt they will. Still I think it was a shame and a loss for the county.

  4. anon 1:37,

    Actually you must mean Callahan took Bethlehem by about "200" votes. No where near 1200, I am sure that was a misprint.

  5. Peeps had enougha' Johnny.
    Enda' story.

  6. A 5% higher rate of R turnout vs. D is not unusual. A significant number of Ds voted for Brown.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Callahan is a liar, cheater, vindictive, manipulating, childish jerk. These are the reason the DEMS ether stayed home or chose to vote for Brown PERIOD!!!

    8:57 AM

    Take a look at the people John Callahan surrounds himself with.
    Joe Kelly is the perfect example of arrogant & untrustworthy! Jack Spirk is no prize either.
    These 2 Johnny YES MEN have covered up a great deal for the PLAYBOY MAYOR!

  8. The out going mayor with no political future

  9. I get the Callahan part. he is certainly arrogant and deserved what he got. Dent told us all we needed to know.

    How dies that explain what happened to the other Democrats running for county council?

  10. My take is you really need a quality person at the head of the ticket. Not a cheesy pol but someone likable, intelligent and has at least some experience if not a great deal, in government.
    They also have to have a broad appeal beyond just a regional base.

    If after all the promises the Republican Executive and Republican council raise tha taxes, that may be the key.

  11. I think the idea that the candidates were part of a "team' detracted from their individuality. Rather than enhance the group, it brought them all down to anonymous yes men. No stronger than their weakest candidates.

    I honestly believe had they run as individuals on their own records and accomplishments at least three Democrats would have been elected to county council.

  12. Guilt by association? Wrong guy at the top of the ticket probably sent the wrong message. Lay down with the dog..you may get fleas. Did the county D party learn anything? Probably not but they do have 4 years to figure it out..don't they? The D ticket was even more flawed than the R ticket. Too many loose cannons and poor choices from the D party.

  13. You really believe the R ticket was better and more qualified than the D ticket. That is incredible.

    Good old Peg Ferraro the R version of Wayne Grube. After twenty years she is still clueless. Taxes are good because I was a teacher and like public money. The others are teabaggers and they are not loose cannons??
    Are you serious??

  14. Rebieman or McClure were the better choices to bad the big wigs of the party didn't see it that way.

  15. The bigwigs of the party? You mean the voters. They are the ones who decided. It's called democracy. Callahan was the best of the three Dems who won, and that's according to the voters themselves. Reibman and McClure would have lost by greater margins, and Callahan would have won had he worked and made a better effort at reaching out.

    There are two other Democrats who would have won. Sal Panto and John Stoffa.

    Everyone hates Stoffa except the people.

  16. With all due respect I have a different take. You let your hatred of Reibman and McClure and love of Callahan color your take.

    Both Reibman and McClure would have taken Bethlehem by more than 200 votes, that was embarrassing. Hell, even the top Democratic council candidates did much better than that. Just about any Democrat would have taken Bethlehem by more votes and possibly won. At the very least they would have helped pull in a couple county council wins.

    As to Panto and Stoffa, once again your mancrsuh proclivities come into play. Panto is another big taxing, big spending city mayor. They will never win the county. As for Stoffa, you have got to be kidding. After Gracedale, bungling the swaption, phoning it in and making threats about the budget that were never true he would have gotten for less votes than Callahan.

    Need to stop wearing you love/ hate goggles and smell the coffee of truth.

  17. Had they taken Bethlehem by over 200 votes, they would have lost. McClure and Reibman both have their own very high set of negatives. They would lose. That is not just my assessment.

  18. Either of them would have taken Bethlehem by over 800 votes. they may have lost the county in a close race but they would have kept the County council in Democratic hands.

    Casino took not only himself down but everyone running with him.


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