Local Government TV

Monday, November 04, 2013

Morning Call Publishes Ballot ... For Primary

Newspapers head for the hills before an election instead of actually covering stories at a time when people are actually interested. Then, once the dust has settled and nobody has voted, they will piously condemn the electorate for their apathy.

In advance of tomorrow's election, The Morning Call has decided to publish the ballot to help us all out.

But it's the primary ballot. Their "correction" piece fails to correct the error by linking to a correct ballot. They do not even link to the LV LWV site, where the voters' guide is located.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You can come up with a better word or not comment at all.

  3. That is.... insane. How does that happen?

  4. When people don't care about what they get paid to do. This is not like putting out the wring baseball scores. This is an election, the basis of our government, and the defender of our democracy got it wrong.

    I don't think this would have happened ten years ago, when the papers were staffed by competent people who cared.

  5. I deleted yet another attempt to post a hurtful word.

    You were not using the word as a verb, but as a noun.

    Let me use a noun to describe you.


  6. I was wondering how long it would take for you to post this – and I was sure you would.
    Good Job!
    I’ve been ranting about this all morning. I vote every time and am really tired of the newspapers complaining about voter apathy.
    I figure there are three possible causes for The Morning Call’s blunder:
    1. No one who works at The Morning Call lives in the Lehigh Valley and is therefore ignorant about our local elections.
    2. No one who works at The Morning Call ever votes and is therefore ignorant about our local elections.
    3. No one at The Morning Call knows how to read and is therefore just ignorant.

  7. I'm afraid the Morning Call has slowly destroyed itself. What was once a credible source of news and issues has now become a coupon source with little intellectual value.

    The overt liberal slant and strategic omissions become more blatant every day. Anyone using the Morning Call to represent what's really going on in their world is being shortchanged.

    A recent official circulation report indicates what was once a daily circulation of about 100,000 is now roughly 55,000. Clearly, the owners' decisions are not working and subscribers are leaving in droves.

    I feel sorry for most who still work there. Not only is it not journalism, it's not good business practice. In part, the destruction of the Morning Call has enabled people like Ed Pawlowski to survive. This alone, is reason enough to hope for a complete housecleaning at Sixth & Linden.

    Like the British TV series, one can ask "Are you being served?"

    Fred Windish

  8. Can someone tell readers if Michael Donovan was listed on the INCORRECT voter checklist printed today?

    If the Morning Call printed the primary list, who else was not included on the voter checklist?

  9. Robo calls this morning: do they get charged more for the call if I answer it and listen to the end?

  10. " Bernie O'Hare said...
    When people don't care about what they get paid to do. This is not like putting out the wring baseball scores. This is an election, the basis of our government, and the defender of our democracy got it wrong.

    I don't think this would have happened ten years ago, when the papers were staffed by competent people who cared.

    9:39 AM"

    Very gubmint like, not caring about what you are being paid to do. Election coverage seems to be to them what healthcare is to Obama...

    Seriously, though, the MC was just as liberal and arrogant ten years ago. But, 10 years ago they had more, and more talented, staff because they were raking in the dough. That has not been the case for some time but, unlike the government, they can't just force people to fork over when they need more.

    Print is terminally ill, and digital does not produce the $$ necessary to support a news gathering organization of the class everyone whines about having.

    Everyone misses what was, no one wants to pay for it.

  11. 12:34 -

    I suspect you lament the Morning Call's sad state as much as I do. I've been a subscriber for at least 40 years. Still find a hard copy and coffee the perfect start in the morning.

    The Call's fall from grace is mostly self-inflicted, though. I get the economics and the immediacy of digital, but believe things could be better there if it became more independent. The liberal push alienates a huge segment of the audience right from the start.

    The paper is no longer trustworthy. It seems too willing to print untested press release material from biased sources rather than simply chronicle what happened in an unvarnished way. To me, being arrogant and biased is NOT a necessary by-product of a smaller revenue stream.

    I'll miss it when it's gone, despite its flaws, but continue to encourage others to balance what it provides against other sources.

    Fred Windish

  12. Peg Ferraro's robo call sounded like she was being held hostage with a gun to her head under threat of losing a pension or two. Her stilted diction and slipping dentures provided great hilarity. Is it possible to post an audio file? It's classic.

  13. Just in: Robocall from Lisa Boscola for Callahan sounds like she had a bracer or two before slurring her support. Oh my, this is too much. Being a super voter makes the day before very entertaining.

  14. Hey people, the decline and demise of the Morning Call (and print journalism in general) has more to so with free ads on Craigslist than it does with any liberal agenda, lousy customer service or journalistic arrogance.
    Anyone want to buy a typewriter factory? Cheap?

  15. You have my vote Tricia. a hot woman who can shot like you wearing those hot stiletto heels. O'Hare doesn't' know what he is missing.

  16. A campaign pitch from the Wicked Witch of West Easton has been deleted,

  17. What time is your hearing with the WWWE, and what is it's nature?

  18. That will be in December. I do not have the precise date yet.

  19. I was wondering why people were shaking my hand and saying they were going to vote for me... LOL!

    Alfonso Todd


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.