Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mezzacappa Loses in West Easton Again

For the fourth time, voters have said No to West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa. According to unofficial results on WFMZ-TV69, Mezzacappa has failed in her bid for a seat on West Easton Borough Council finishing fifth of five candidates seeking four seats.

This Spring, Mezzacappa finished last of the Republican candidates seeking a nomination to one of five Northampton County Council seats. The year before, she lost in another battle for West Easton Borough Council. She also out for a seat at the Republican convention.

It appears voters don't like Mezzacappa.


  1. She probably only got one vote. Her other vote is currently unavailable.

  2. Actually, the accumulated votes on the County website from Voter Reg, has her winning. I am not pulling your leg. It has her winning a spot on the West Easton Council. I couldn't believe my eyes. And it claims that there were 60 write-in votes in the Bethlehem mayor race. I wonder if all 60 went to Greggy or the other young kid?

  3. http://www.northamptoncounty.org/northampton/lib/northampton/northamptonvote/sum.pdf

  4. Shock of the night.

  5. The O'Hare political truncheon at it's finest a good candidate for local government that was constantly smeared for personal reasons. The peons in Grossville deserve the muppets they have chosen.

    O'Hare wants to silence those in West Easton that support Tricia because it runs counter to his disgusting and potentially libelous narrative.

  6. Tricia Mezzacappa, Take your drug cocktail and move back to jersey.

  7. There's a West Easton? Like other than Easton? Who knew?

  8. Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!!!! Good election picks, BO. Your boy Johnny Casino was a flop with the voters. looks like council will stay in R control. Your support seems to have been a harbinger of failure. At least your other man-crush Muller may eek it out in LC. But this was another Norco Dem machine BEAT DOWN!

  9. All talk no action Garvin gotta go.

  10. All your old retread pensions hogs except Ferraro have been rejected too! The O'Hare endorsements of death!

    Vote John Edwards for President!

  11. " Anonymous said...
    She probably only got one vote. Her other vote is currently unavailable.

    9:29 PM"

    'at der's funny, I don't care whoyar...


  12. 5287 aasissDavid slays Goliath..with a mere small stone. Meet the new executive NH county..

  13. Dave Houser Bangor Borough councilpersonNovember 5, 2013 at 11:23 PM

    The county will be in good hands for the next four years and the people have chosen very wisely.

  14. Ah... it's a good thing we're in America, can you imagine if this were a foreign county race? There'd be heads laying in the streets for weeks on end...

  15. Charlie Dent carries a lot of clout in NorCo. He buried Callahan three years ago with a battering campaign. NorCo remembered what Charlie said about Callahan. Callahan won't be running for governor any time soon. Perhaps Don Cunningham needs an errand boy.

  16. Charlie Dent was an integral part of Brown's victory and make no mistake about that fact. End of the line for Johnny Casino...

  17. Tom Severson knows how to run a campaign. He took an unknown like Brown and defeated the best the democrats have to offer. Severson is back.

  18. Garvin has proved that he is all talk and no action. Time for NORCO Dems to get to work.

    The upside is that the R's are gonna have to take the heat for the upcoming tax increase. Yee Haw!

  19. Johnny boy will not get an opportunity to drive a free county car back from a power meeting from a Bethlehem watering hole!

  20. The R's are in control of County Council now and will be in control of County Council in the next four years so why shouldn't they take the blame for a tax increase. They caused it.

  21. Just got in from the John Brown party and party it was . I did say you have been wrong before Bernie and I bet you are shocked just like 4 years ago. The pendulum swinfpgs and it's the R's time. They are all decent people and will do as well as anyone they certainly are enthused and are smart enough to learn. Peg will be president and Glen probably VP. Callahan and Hunter are just too smug....

  22. Wow bernie...john callahan lost and your headline is tricia...lol

  23. Democrats for Don RitterNovember 5, 2013 at 11:51 PM

    Mezzacappa like the phoenix that she is will rise from the ashes and lead a renewed campaign with the help of scissor hands to dethrone the cuckoo duo of Gross & Grosser.

  24. Scissor hands? She shouldn't be allowed to play with sharp objects.

  25. Any bets on how long it will take for the Demo bigwigs to find Callahan another cushy taxpayer-supported job?

  26. JC's going to the Bridge Comission!

  27. Bridge Commission, tell him to JUMP!

  28. Scissorhands had nothing to do with that one. John Brown did it the old fashioned way-grass roots baby! 51 homenger


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