Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is Obama Done?

Internationally, President Obama has been played by Putin and has angered one of our strongest allies. Domestically, his vaunted Obamacare rollout has been a bust. Fast on the heels of a malfunctioning web page comes the news that the President has broken his "If you like your health plan, keep it" promise. Now it is beginning to appear that his "if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor" claim may very well be his next broken promise.

His approval rating is down to 42%, with 63% of Americans disgusted by the way he's handled the Affordable Care Act rollout.

Here's my question. Does Obama have any political clout left for immigration reform? Or an actual budget?

I believe he has made himself a lame duck already.


  1. I'm sure Jon Geeting will enlighten you on this one....

    Bernie, this guy was/is just awful and has put our nation and world at greater risk. Another example is how he's getting played by the Iranians on their nuclear plans. In response, the Saudis are looking to source nukes of their own from Pakistan.

    It's a damn disgrace.

    And before anyone on the other side brings up George Bush, he sucked too.

    The Banker

  2. Obama biggest mistake was thinking he could negotiate with the Republicans. He did the Heritage Foundation Rommneycare plan and then they hung him out to dry. He should have stuck with the public option. The Insurance company buy in was a shame.

    The idea of affordable, honestly accessible quality healthcare may very well go away. The website launch was a bust but the idea is sound.

    The policies being ended are at the discretion of the Insurance companies as most were substandard. Read the fine print variety.

    It is a shame. The Republicans have fought social security, Medicare and most social safety net laws. They may very well end this law.

    Then we can go back to double digit annual inflation of healthcare costs. And a two tiered system of good healthcare. Those who can afford it and those who cannot. Of course the poor, non-working and the vets and the seniors will get some care. The working poor middle class will get shafted. But then that is the plan. Isn't it?

  3. Bernie,

    Objecting to the man's ideology and performance DOES NOT necessarily have to do with race!

    If the policies are not working, they are just not working. That's all. The Obamacare debacle is serving to bring this all home to more people every day.

    This was never about healthcare. It was about redistribution of wealth and control. People are waking up and they don't like what they are experiencing. Even if the website is fixed, the big damage is STILL to come.

    His foreign policy failures go right over the head of most people, but Obamacare is another story. The approval numbers will continue to go down. Democrats, and RINOS will pay in 2014.

    Fred Windish

  4. Senators make poor presidents. Governors do a better job. Senators are aloof little princes and princesses with fawning staffs. Governors are executives who are regularly exposed to the voters whose lives are affected by government policy. Obama had no management experience and it shows. Now, 63% of us are apparent racists. I think it's the white half of him that screwed up. He'll go down in history as the first black President; then, the punchlines will follow. Bill Clinton called the Obama personality cult "fantasy." The horny hick was right.

  5. Bernie,

    Just want to ask, why do we need immigration reform?

    We already HAVE a path to citizenship. We already HAVE options and requirements to enter our borders. People are already in line, doing the right thing, etc.

  6. We need immigration reform because we need another 20 million souls looking for work in a country with prolonged 8% unemployment. Mexico's poverty program is to send their 20% poorest here. And we let them. Lefties want to trade handouts for instant Democrats. Righties want a slave labor class to maximize profits. Amnesty is going to happen regardless of how worthless the Obama presidency has become. Amnesty is bigger than Obama and both political sides largely agree on it. A nation that hasn't the will to control its borders isn't much of a nation. Amnesty will structurally doom Republicans, and that will end our two party democracy. Ultimo en salir conseguir las luces.

  7. Under Obama, if you like your constitution, you can keep it..

    oh wait...

  8. And lest we forget the $63.00 per Belly Button charge for those of us UNION plan holders, so Obama can subsidize your competition and put you out of business.

    Great things are a coming Great Things

  9. Anon 336pm, suffice it to say that you're wrong on several levels. But even if you were right, that doesn't change the fact that the world is a much more dangerous place because of Obama's lack of leadership.

    We have Iran about to go nuclear (and it's so bad the French called us out on it - the French!), the Russia Reset was a joke - Putin played him too, the Saudis becoming a nuclear power, Egypt (how's the Arab Spring working out?), hanging Israel out to dry, Benghazi, Assad's use of chemical weapons (and he got away with it and is in stronger position!), etc.

    It's one debacle after another, I have no idea now he can be defended anymore?

    The Banker

  10. I have come to realize that many support Obama no matter what because they see a bit of themselves in him and not in anyway that anyone else could admire. He is a street thug which some relate to also. He believes in keeping people poor to insure votes and they are dumb or lazy enough to go for it. There are just too many negatives and yet again it humanizes him to those who can relate. Are we ever in trouble if at least some of these people don't wake up. He'd rather extend unemployment then creat one job. He and those around him are inept. What can we expect???? We have had numerous attacks here and abroad with Obama who was to heal the earth and all in it if elected. For some he can do no wrong. Again they relate.... Or maybe they are getting enough of a handout to keep their mouths shut. The unions a fine example. Trumpka thought Obamacare was horrible until he found out the unions will pay less. Where does that leave us.? So stupid he gets a second term. Another reason to dislike unions. We all lose under him. Poor will stay poor on the dole. This country is upside down.....Obama should be a lame duck. I hope.

  11. "Righties want a slave labor class to maximize profits."

    And they are doi9ng a damn good job of it. So good in fact the one time middle-class is joining the poor.

  12. "Righties want a slave labor class to maximize profits."

    And they are doi9ng a damn good job of it. So good in fact the one time middle-class is joining the poor.

  13. This sitting President is not stupid , the thing he does are calculated moves to wreck this government and fold it. This is not new ,the moves he makes are indeed to disrupt our constitution and every thing America sands for.He wants reputation as an anti colonialist he thinks we are. That's why he got rid of Winston Churchill from pour government building.

  14. Banker, suffice it to say that you're wrong on several levels.

    It is sad that affordable effective healthcare that has been a dream since FDR, is again being blocked by he regressive reactionary money forces in this nation.

    Al Democratic and even Nixon, Ford and H.W. Bush supported real healthcare reform.

    The rollout was flawed and errors were made, yet instead of working together to ensure success the dark forces of big money and hate media have rallied to once again push back any real reform and progress in an issue hurting millions of Americans.

    Very Sad.

    The Watcher!

  15. The Republicans and the Democrats are on the same side. Real health care for all Americans was never on the table.

  16. He was done in 2010 when the GOP took the state houses. It will take the democrats 20+ years of winning national elections to undo the gerry mandering that was done in the aftermath of that cycle.

    Demographics and the GOP Presidential Primary process suggest that we will not have another GOP President in the next 20 years either despite how bad the democrats are.

  17. "real health care reform" is code for making somebody else pay for yours. the math doesn't work, which is why it took a raft of lies to get it passed. markets can't be fooled forever. if he told us to read his lips and was a white guy, he'd be getting more pummeled than he is. he gets lots of space for being a black guy. he gets to fail a lot worse than carter ever did. obama was judged by the color of his skin and not the content of his very shallow character. and now we pay.

  18. Voted for him twice...wouldn`t do it again. He is in over his head.

  19. "if he told us to read his lips and was a white guy"

    "he gets lots of space for being a black guy"

    "obama was judged by the color of his skin"

    Glad you are not a racist! Pragmatic differences with the Affordable Care Act are what you teabaggers are all about.

  20. God Bless President Obama for trying to ensure quality medical care for all Americans regardless of your income.

    I guess we are back to medical costs being the greatest source of personal bankruptcies in this country.

    God Bless America!

  21. never send a boy to do a man's job

    not a racist comment - just the truth

  22. Of course you'd believe he's a lame duck if you hold the preposterous position that he was "played" by Putin. He was a lame duck his entire Presidency because of the Republican house and the newfound automatic filibuster trend.

  23. He was played by Putin. That's OK with me, but Putin used Obama's weakness to embarrass us all internationally. He is a disgrace as President who actually makes me long for Bush.

  24. And now The Banker has the audacity to chime in about Obama after his industry completely ruined the financial lives of millions of Americans. Heckuva job, banksy!

    Played by Iran? Are you fucking kidding me? Turn off Fox and step away from the TV. It's called "negotiations" and the last I saw the US REJECTED any deviation from the US demands to reduce sanctions.

    The Banker's GOP would have just invaded by now.

  25. I see. Every banker is bad,. Also, allowing Putin to run roughshod over us is just negotiation.

    More like appeasement. Our very own Neville Chamberlain.

    He is a disgrace as president who has weakened this nation in the eyes of the world and has made this a more dangerous place as a result.

  26. Wait, the Banker is somehow blaming the Arab Spring in Egypt on Obama as if its a foreign policy blunder?? Banker, otherwise known as bilker of millions, do you have any knowledge of foreign policy? Or just charging fees and losing people's savings?

  27. "He is a street thug"

    Nice crowd you have here Bernie.

  28. "the thing he does are calculated moves to wreck this government and fold it"

    You have many rocket scientists posting today. Now Obama has a nefarious plan to destroy the US government and replace it with a Communist state, apparently.

    Racist and paranoid.

  29. Neville Chamberlain? Bwahahahaha!

    You sure a curmudgeon. Please explain to me exactly how Putin "embarrassed" us? Your plan was obviously to lay waste to Syria. That's fine but just come out and say it. Finding a peaceful solution, even if it is the DREADED Vladimir Putin (the only voice of reason that had Syria's ear) driving it, is far preferable to all out war to most sentient Americans.

    What is embarrassing is the complete mischaracterization of events by people who despise this President.

    I love how Benghazi even made an appearance in this thread.

  30. There is nothing in that remark that is remotely racist. Your attempt to inject that charge into every criticism of Obama, convinces me that if anyone here is a racist, it is you.

  31. 8:48 resorts to the ad homonym and attacks The Banker over his profession instead of actually responding intelligently to his criticism.

  32. 8:56, you just identified Putin as a voice of reason. Putin has every reason to prop up Syria, and has been doing so for decades. Putin has no interest in finding a peaceful solution. His goal is to weaken this country and it's standing among other nations. And Obama, America's Neville Chamerlain, helped him. As a result, a monster is now entrenched in Syria more firmly than ever. Israel can no longer rely on us to keep our word. Other nations can no longer trust us. What was proposed was not laying waste to Syria, but a surgical strike that would prevent a war criminal from gassing his own people.

    The way Obama handled that situation was a disgrace.

    But let me guess. I must be a racist.

  33. I hate to say "We told you so", but...

    Nah, I don't hate saying that at all ;-)

    I do think, though, that Obama's election has benefitted the cause of racial equality. Obama has proven the a black politican can be just as selfish, incompetent and ideologically misguided as a white one.


  34. The IT chief in charge of healthcare.gov testified that the insurance company payment function has NOT even been built yet.

    How exactly did the government expect this thing to work if they are unable to collect and process insurance payments?

    It is probably Bush's fault though...

  35. This is what happens when we elect someone who has is a great candidate, but really only loves being a candidate and doesn't enjoy the actual governing part. Maybe we'll learn to elect someone who is actually competent at governing next time. And just so one one thinks I'm a partisan Republican, I don't think Senators make good presidents. (McCain would have been just as bad) There have been few and far between that have become good presidents. Unfortunately the 2016 corp of candidates is dominated by Senators.

  36. The poor have been systematically disarmed by their liberal masters. Please refer to urban gun free zones. The poor are sitting ducks. Don't snitch.

  37. Rightyo. A poor person with a gun is still poor. Arming people is not the answer. People are already armed. The answer is ensuring that the voiceless start exercising their right to vote.

  38. "I must be a racist."

    Your mouth to
    God's ear. Clem would be proud!

    The Son!

  39. His goal is to weaken this country and it's standing among other nations.

    OK Bernie, time to take your meds and act like it's 1962 all over again. I'm sure you called JFK Neville Chamberlain too but the cold war is over. Give it up already.

    And I attack The Banker because his industry single-handedly destroyed this nation's economy. Their actions are far worse than any aspersions cast on the President.

  40. By the way, referring to the President as a thug is a racist comment. Even if you don't recognize it because you insulate yourself in Nazareth doesn't not make it so.

    Bernie, do you believe that Obama has a plan to destroy the US capitalist government and replace it with a Socialist state?

  41. Excuse me, but I never referred to President Obama as a thug. I refer to him as President Obama. You are attempting to tag me for what some anonymous commenter wrote. Also, I believe your comments about Nazareth are interesting. It is an old borough, and suffers many of the same problems that plague our inner cities, just on a smaller scale. You seem to suggest, though, that because i am from Nazareth, I could never understand Obama. That, of course, is itself a bigoted statement.

  42. The comparison of Obama to JFK in '62 is laughable. JFK did not draw a rhetorical red line. he drew a real one, set up a blockade, and dared the Russians to cross it. The Russians backed off, and suddenly, America looked like a strong nation. Obama backed away from his rhetorical red line and allowed Putin to play him for a fool. That did not just hurt Obama. That hurt this nation and our national security.

  43. Excuse me, but I never referred to President Obama as a thug. I refer to him as President Obama. You are attempting to tag me for what some anonymous commenter wrote. Also, I believe your comments about Nazareth are interesting. It is an old borough, and suffers many of the same problems that plague our inner cities, just on a smaller scale. You seem to suggest, though, that because i am from Nazareth, I could never understand Obama. That, of course, is itself a bigoted statement.

    I never indicated you did use the term "thug" but one of your commenters did and you noted that it was not racist (8:56 AM). NAzareth PA is 0.55% African American. That is .055 so, yeah, I'd say you are insulated.

  44. The comparison of Obama to JFK in '62 is laughable. JFK did not draw a rhetorical red line. he drew a real one, set up a blockade, and dared the Russians to cross it. The Russians backed off, and suddenly, America looked like a strong nation. Obama backed away from his rhetorical red line and allowed Putin to play him for a fool. That did not just hurt Obama. That hurt this nation and our national security.

    JFK hoped the Russians would back off or it would be nuclear armageddon. JFK also went against his military advisors and desperately reached for a peaceful solution, which he found. Do you believe Vladimir Putin now believes the President of the United States would be afraid to pull the trigger? That is laughable considering his continued military intervention, unprecedented level of drone strikes, the assassination of Osama bin Laden. The painting of Obama as weak is a remnant of the GOP's posture that all Democrats are weak militarily and if you notice, it was only old Cold War thinkers that criticized him for the Syria solution. His solution has resulted in the destruction of Syria's cache of chemical weapons and no US involvement in the ground war. I see you are more interested in crushing those on your imaginary red line. A sensible person has a line with a sensible set of outcomes which were all achieved.

  45. You most certainly did. You noted the comment and added I live in insulated Nazareth, thus creating a false implication. You can't even argue honestly. Then you do on to recite the exact percentage of his racial makeup. Kinda' makes me wonder who really is isolated and who really is the bigot.

  46. Um, "thug" was mentioned by Anonymous 6:12 PM, not you.

    And you really deleted my post about Obama's foreign policy? Why? Because it disagreed with your assertions? That's disappointing.

  47. I deleted no comment about Obama's foreign policy.

  48. Of course you did. It was in response to your 11:41 post. I talked about Obama's peaceful resolution in Syria and how it related to JFK's strong desire for a peaceful resolution to the Cuban Missile criss and how Kennedy defied his military advisors. Not sure what you found so objectionable.

  49. As I already told you, I deleted no comment on that point. I encourage debate that does not involve anonymous personal attacks. The fact that your comment did not publish is an indication that you were about as effective in trying to post it as Obama is in his foreign policy. Complaints about my posting policy, incidentally, will be deleted. So post your comment again but don't send me another complaint. That I will delete.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.