Local Government TV

Monday, November 25, 2013

Is Barack Obama the Neville Chamberlain of the U.S.?

According to Slate, the Geneva accord is a "good deal" that "makes it impossible for the Iranians to make any further progress toward making a nuclear weapon in the next six months—and, if the talks break down after that, and the Iranians decide at that point to start building a nuclear arsenal, it will take them much longer to do so." Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu agrees, but calls it a great deal for Iran.

It's a sad commentary on our President, but I trust Netanyahu over a guy who couldn't even get his facts right over Obamacare. I tend to agree that it is a "historic mistake.," Obama looks to me like the Neville Chamberlain of the United States.


  1. It fell to Neville Chamberlain in one of the supreme crises of the world to be contradicted by events, to be disappointed in his hopes, and to be deceived and cheated by a wicked man. But what were these hopes in which he was disappointed? What were these wishes in which he was frustrated? What was that faith that was abused? They were surely among the most noble and benevolent instincts of the human heart-the love of peace, the toil for peace, the strife for peace, the pursuit of peace, even at great peril, and certainly to the utter disdain of popularity or clamour. Whatever else history may or may not say about these terrible, tremendous years, we can be sure that Neville Chamberlain acted with perfect sincerity according to his lights and strove to the utmost of his capacity and authority, which were powerful, to save the world from the awful, devastating struggle in which we are now engaged. This alone will stand him in good stead as far as what is called the verdict of history is concerned.

  2. No, The President, as he should be called, is trying to do what is best for the US. That is his job. His job is not to constantly appease the hotheaded Israeli leader who has been itching for an all out war for years.

    Good job Mr. President.

  3. Trust Iran?

    The person in the WH,now known as the CLD (Center for Lies and Deception) is a snake oil salesman as well as being in way over his head. His lack of backbone and knowledge has embarrassed our country on numerous occasions, created various scandals and told or had his people tell so many lies that Americans have no idea what the truth is anymore. He has lost all credibility and trustworthiness. His own party is turning on him.

    He should be impeached

  4. No need to insult Neville Chamberlin

  5. 5:07,

    Not a bagger or an asshole. Just an honest citizen. Your aversion to name calling is telling and shows your anger.

  6. @2:54, netanyaho is neither hot headed or itching for war. as a former commando he was shot, and his brother was killed rescuing those pesky jews kidnapped in uganda. any attack on iran, by any party, will cost israeli lives. while the irani president negotiates the agreement, their supreme leader calls the israelis dogs, and their proxies call for the destruction of israel.

  7. Another war in the middle east is what Bibi and Bernie are cheering for. The last two were oh so successful and productive.

    The rest of the disaster that has been this administration aside....the alternative would have butchered American kids on a fools errand.

  8. 2:32, You will be happy to see that Obama is following the Great Appeaser's legacy.

  9. "hotheaded Israeli leader who has been itching for an all out war for years."

    Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for the leader of Israel to speak out? he is the last person to want a war in the Middle East. His remark is prompted by the very rel concern that this is precisely what will happen.

    I'd be willing to share a foxhole with Netanyaho. Obama, not so much.

  10. "but I trust Netanyahu over" the President.

    Truly sad and pathetic.

  11. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for the leader of Israel to speak out?

    Are you kidding? Bibi does nothing else bus speak out against America, his biggest ally. It's disappointing to see anti-Obama crusaders side with a foreign leader over their own President.

  12. "Truly sad and pathetic."

    I agree, and you can thank Obama for the fact that I have no trust or confidence in him.

  13. @8:23, bernie allows trained monkeys like you to comment on his blog, i wouldn't. perhaps you prefer the egyptian ally where our reporters are gang raped, or our treatment in other arab countries, like libya.

  14. The US is Israel's strongest ally?


    On my recent visit to Israel, it was impossible to find anyone who would go on the record in support of Obama's "gift" for diplomacy.

  15. Whenever questionable, deceptive people, not to mention mysterious actors like Valerie Jarrett, get involved in ultra serious decisions that threaten the lives of millions of innocent people, there is cause for concern.

    When things go wrong (as they might) will we once again hear "What difference does it make?"

    Tell that to the families.

    Fred Windish

  16. Re: Valerie Jarrett, Obama's "most trusted" advisor. Here's straight from the horse's mouth,

    "The place to begin understanding the unraveling of his presidency is page 274 of 'The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.' The author, David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker, quotes Valerie Jarrett, perhaps Obama’s closest and longest-serving adviser, on her hero’s amazingness:

    'He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do. He would never be satisfied with what ordinary people do.' "

    Aha, now we know what "talented" and "bored" people do!

  17. Iran's nukes will be monitored by a new website where they can register each one. This deal should never have been left to Beyonce and JayZ to negotiate. Dennis Rodman's N. Korea deal is going to be a real pisser. John Kerry had a lower college GPA than GW. He can't even remember in which tax shelter state he and Theresa docked the Scaramouche. Bibi attended 'Nova. Barack and John are Ivy League. Enough said.

  18. Any one can predict future events but no one can truly see the future. To all of those who enjoy cherry picking history and repeatedly citing the role of Neville Chamberlain in appeasing Hitler, I will remind you about the Domino Theory that existed 50 to 60 years ago. Chamberlain was also cited in those days as an example of why the US and its allies must militarily fight the Communists first in French Indo-China and later in Vietnam. All that proved was that sometimes going to war works out well and sometimes it doesn't. Personally I will await to see the outcomes of this "deal" before I judge it one way or the other.

  19. This Accomplishment can not be taken lightly.Secretary of State Kerry has reached a deal to stop production of Iran's nuclear bomb.The world will be a much safer place and Mr. Kerry should win the first of many Noble Prizes for His diplomatic milestones

  20. The agreement is a disaster.


    "Start with the fact that this "interim" accord fails to meet the terms of several United Nations resolutions, which specify no sanctions relief until Iran suspends all uranium enrichment. Under this deal Iran gets sanctions relief, but it does not have to give up its centrifuges that enrich uranium, does not have to stop enriching, does not have to transfer control of its enrichment stockpiles, and does not have to shut down its plutonium reactor at Arak."

  21. Secretary of State Kerry was for the agreement before he was against the agreement before he was for the agreement. It took the captain of the Scaramouche to make us look French while the French are looking American. God help us. Bye bye Israel ( which is the likely plan anyway). Five countries execute gays, all Islamic. Two dozen allow clitoridectomies, all Islamic. The new new is going to be a real eye opener for the American left.

  22. Did you know that the infamous "Umbrella Man" seen in the Zapruder film was protesting Kennedy? His umbrella was supposed to be symbolic of Chamberlain.

    It just goes to show you that there will always be hard liners who feel every President is Neville Chamberlan.

    It's best to actually think and learn before making such ridiculous comments.


  23. @8:23, bernie allows trained monkeys like you to comment on his blog, i wouldn't. perhaps you prefer the egyptian ally where our reporters are gang raped, or our treatment in other arab countries, like libya.

    I don't even know who you are - why on earth would I post on your blog? But I can tell the person you are by posts that hold the PM of Israel over our own democratically elected President.

    And by the way, I prefer our actual allies (those that don't speak out against us after the protection and aid we have provided) like the UK and Japan.

  24. Barack is worse than Chamberlain. He has Marines hold his umbrella for him.

  25. I can think of no U.S. President who comes closer than Obama. He is a disgrace on foreign policy. The comparison is inescapable. I googled both names and note that I am far from the only person making this comparison.

  26. Somebody took issue with MM calling him a trained monkey. His comment did not post. It was in my spam folder and I tried to publish it, but it does not appear to have worked. I am sorry.

  27. MM is a Zionist so of course he sees the US as a vassal state of Israel. Most Americans see Israel as an ally. A very important ally to be sure but an ally none the less.

    Bobo is attacked by his own countrymen as too warlike. Besides with Israel sitting on its own huge stockpile of nukes, is it any wonder their neighbors get worried.

    The safety and security of the US is the President main concern, not making guys like MM happy by bending a knee to Israel.

    Besides wasn't it Israel that blew one of our warships out of the water killing all on board?

  28. The party of Scoop Jackson and Harry Truman is long dead. Polls show that most D's don't trust D's on foreign policy. I don't like or trust Israel. But they're the only thing resembling democracy in a region of cavemen. We've just left them to their own devices. Jefferson studied the Koran to learn about Islam. Horrified when finished, he commissioned the Marines and went after the Barbary Pirates. The Jefferson and Monroe Doctrines are dead. We're being paid back for our a Original Sin of slavery by our first black president. His doctrine is to weaken us and take us down a peg. He's done it.

  29. @1:58 and again @2:16, if you're not the same monkey, it's hard to tell when you're anonymous. u.k. and japan votes it's own way, as all allies should, even those jews in israel. you may remember last month when the u.k. rejected obama's 2 day bravo about syria. israel certainly receives U.S. arms and aid, but has always protected itself with her own soldiers. if you read my comment again at 6:25 am, you will see it says nothing about obama, it only points out the iranian hatred for israel. no, i don't want to see the u.s being a vessal state of israel, but that statement tells me something about you, which unfortunately, is far from unique. because of your attitude, israel knows only too well that it must always make it's security it's highest priority. b.t.w., zionists are people who move to israel.

  30. American Jews are not Zionists and few would ever contemplate Aliyah and "return" to that mess. In fact, American Jewish voting patterns indicate a wish by American Jews that their homeland brethren commit suicide, as strongly signaled by the Obama capitulation to Iran. Just as Catholics make the best anti-Catholics, Jews make the best antisemites. Everybody knew a vote for Obama was a vote to jettison Israel. Remember the first White House meeting when Netanyahu was hustled out the servants' doors? Obama just pulled the "knockout game" on Israel. That's what blacks do to Jews these days. It's the latest craze.

  31. Until the very end, when you showed you are a bigot, you had me on your side.

  32. MM did not write this post. I did. I am the person who compares Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain. I am the person who would rather share a foxhole with Netanyaho than take Obama's word on anything.

    Even the Canadians are pissed at the way he handled this. Canadians, for Christ's sake!

    Top Democrats in the Senate have doubts, too.

    The, "MM is a Zionist" argument falls short here.

  33. The description of the so-called knockout game is accurate. "Teen" is the new PC code for black teen. "Victim" is the new PC code for Jew. Bigotry is pretending this is not so. That's how people get loaded into box cars.

  34. It's completely inaccurate and you're both bigoted and insane to say that. Knockout has existed, in one for or another, for decades. Any local police department can tell you that. It actually arose in the 'burbs, and it is still practiced primarily there. It is no trend. It does not involved black on jew crime or anything approaching that. Some have publicized accounts of knockout to vilify young black males. My guess is that the assailants are of both races, it is not race-motivated. You are both a bigot and worse, a liar.

  35. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says he is "deeply skeptical" of the newly brokered nuclear deal with Iran and says Canada's sanctions will remain in "full force" against the country.

    "We will evaluate the deal reached not just on the merits of its words but more importantly, on its verifiable implementation," Baird said at a news conference in Ottawa on Sunday.

    He said that because of previous Iranian leaders had made hostile comments toward Israel, “we're deeply skeptical of the deal and the work that's brought us to this stage.”

    Quotes supplied by Dennis Pearson who once in an American diplomatic history exam scored 120 points out a possible 100 points ... Why 120 points ... Extra credit for details and interpretation plus answered extra question.

  36. Yes Dennis Pearson is an authority. he graduated Summa cum laughing form the Academy of Mars.

  37. The hatred of President Obama is palpable and neurotic. There is more at play here than politics.

  38. Yeah, i compared him to an old white guy so I must be a racist. This has nothing to do with Obama's pathetic foreign policy. You got me.

  39. Actually I graduated Summa Cum concerned from the University of Tranquility Bay, Steelworkers Bay , The Moon with a Doctorate of doing on to others as you would have them do to you.

    I respect the opinions of others, even those whose comments are meant to demean and a belittle an opponent in a contest of wills. As a baseball umpire when behind the plate I am required to have representatives representing the opposing teams take that oath.

    So Anon 12:41 AM , what do you really think of the comments that Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said. My add was perhaps unimportant ... But for respect to our Northern neighbors I say that their former Prime Minister Lester Pearson won a Nobel Peace Price for his real and not contemplated moves for world peace and he assisted the American Moon effort when he suspended or canceled the Canadian Supersonic Airplane program out of an airport now named for his honor in Toronto.

    Now if you are still on board to read this ... Have a nice Thanksgiving and spend some time to give thanks to God for the blessings he gave you through this year and future years and remember the miracle some two thousand plus years ago of Chanukkah.

    Sincerely, Dennis Pearson

    P.S. --- NASA's new Mars Mission MAVEN is now headed to Mars. P.S.S. --- My dead as a member of the U.S. Army's Signal Corp in the European Theatre after the surrender of the Germans and the Japanese wrote home and said that he wished there would not be an outbreak of war again ... With the Signal Corp which was essentially a communication unit for reporting what occurred on the battle field he was able to see everything - the brutality and everything ... When he came home he never carried or owned a gun again but he never demanded that of anybody else. In that regard he simply expected that all people obey God's Commandments and not laugh at them or rewrite them for their own social cause whether it be liberal or conservative or whatever.

  40. I can think of no U.S. President who comes closer than Obama. He is a disgrace on foreign policy. The comparison is inescapable. I googled both names and note that I am far from the only person making this comparison.

    That doesn't make it any less ridiculous. First of all, the most obvious, Iran is no Hitler. Second, it's not surprising anti-Obama crusaders would criticize this deal. If it was done by a Republican, it would be hailed as a great achievement. The first bilateral talks with Iran in 30 years! I'm not sure what you want - the status quo to continue where Iran suffers under sanctions and continues to enrich uranium? This agreement curtails the enrichment which is a huge step in the right direction. The anti-Obama crowd (and that's what you are, criticizing his every move even if it's a good move) clearly want a path to war and nothing less. Especially israel. Anyone and everyone that has any bona fides in foreign policy applauds this deal as a positive first step. It's yet another huge policy move made by Obama which no other President could get done.

  41. @1:58 and again @2:16, if you're not the same monkey, it's hard to tell when you're anonymous. u.k. and japan votes it's own way, as all allies should, even those jews in israel. you may remember last month when the u.k. rejected obama's 2 day bravo about syria. israel certainly receives U.S. arms and aid, but has always protected itself with her own soldiers. if you read my comment again at 6:25 am, you will see it says nothing about obama, it only points out the iranian hatred for israel. no, i don't want to see the u.s being a vessal state of israel, but that statement tells me something about you, which unfortunately, is far from unique. because of your attitude, israel knows only too well that it must always make it's security it's highest priority. b.t.w., zionists are people who move to israel.

    The United States does not make foreign policy to please Israel. It makes foreign policy to protect the United States. As a by product, Israel is much safer today. Would you prefer the status quo where a crippled Iran continues to enrich uranium or an Iran entering into diplomatic relations and not enriching uranium to 20%? I have a feeling you'd prefer the former and all out military conflagration. The rest of America is not with you.


  42. American Jews are not Zionists and few would ever contemplate Aliyah and "return" to that mess. In fact, American Jewish voting patterns indicate a wish by American Jews that their homeland brethren commit suicide, as strongly signaled by the Obama capitulation to Iran. Just as Catholics make the best anti-Catholics, Jews make the best antisemites. Everybody knew a vote for Obama was a vote to jettison Israel. Remember the first White House meeting when Netanyahu was hustled out the servants' doors? Obama just pulled the "knockout game" on Israel. That's what blacks do to Jews these days. It's the latest craze.

    Exactly how did America "capitulate" to Iran? Um, we didn't and it was an unwise choice of words.

    70% of American Jews voted for Obama. They must be all idiots, right? This anti-Israel meme is a fabrication of right-wing blogs like this one.

    Neville Chamberlain? That is so off the mark, it's humorous.

  43. Do you believe Obama is skeptical? Of course he is, that's how negotiations and deals work in foreign policy. Iran has a chance to climb back into world diplomatic relations. If it blows it, so be it. What has changed? But if they don't. Whoa, that's historic stuff.

    Obama has stated over and again that he planned to pursue peaceful and diplomatic pathways to peace - something that has been all too absent lately. You may call that weak - but most of us call it progress.

  44. Bobo?

    (chuckle, chuckle).

    As long as I got me free Obamacare ...

  45. Perhaps now that you have healthcare, you concentrate on your grammar?

  46. Lets have another war!

  47. "Obama has stated over and again that he planned to pursue peaceful and diplomatic pathways to peace - something that has been all too absent lately. You may call that weak - but most of us call it progress."

    Not most of us. Just the Obamaphiles think he can do no wrong.

    People who really want peace shoud oppose this deal.

  48. Let's not forget more than 4 billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer support to Iran, a nation that funds terrorist activities.
    I hope this is in the form of blocks of cheese, or something similar.

    Fred Windish

  49. I don't need no good grammar or nothing ... I got free Obamacare and other benefits I am entitled to.

  50. @8:27, i prefer not to dialogue with anonymous monkeys, but let's label this misconception for what it is; I have a feeling you'd prefer the former and all out military conflagration.

    any military conflagration will cost many israeli lives, but not american, we are protected by 3,000 miles. israel wants no war, but cannot willingly gamble with an enemy who considers them rabid dogs. united states has dealed a hand with israelis as the chips. israel will try and live with it, but they're not prepared to die with it. sorry that those ungrateful jews annoy you.

  51. Now, Netanyahu can save the call to DC when it's time to start bombing. Obama and Ds have long advanced the big lie about Israel being the cause of all our Middle East problems. Ds would really like Israelis and off the reservation Jews like Molivinski to just go away. They'd rather not discuss beheadings and forced clitoridectomies and chemical weapons used on kids by Islamic states with which we're negotiating.

  52. People who really want peace shoud oppose this deal.

    How would not brokering a deal lead to peace? All out war? You want war in Syria too. It's outrageous.

    Yes, let me know when Iran exterminates 6 million jews. Your comparison is insulting and nauseating.

    Schumer? Schumer is now the beacon of reason? Of course Schumer is going to side with Jewish reactionaries.

    Canada? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What about Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany? You are giving me Canada?

    You despise Obama and you despise brokering peaceful solutions. It's embarrassing.

  53. @8:27, i prefer not to dialogue with anonymous monkeys, but let's label this misconception for what it is; I have a feeling you'd prefer the former and all out military conflagration.

    any military conflagration will cost many israeli lives, but not american, we are protected by 3,000 miles. israel wants no war, but cannot willingly gamble with an enemy who considers them rabid dogs. united states has dealed a hand with israelis as the chips. israel will try and live with it, but they're not prepared to die with it. sorry that those ungrateful jews annoy you.

    First of all, thank you for the racist remark calling me a monkey. I appreciate that.

    Second, Israel is fully capable of protecting themselves and bombing Iran if it so chooses. The hand Iran was "dealed" [sic] is removing the threat of nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran. Sorry you have a problem with that.

    You must understand that Americans foremost concern is American security not Israeli security.

  54. Now, Netanyahu can save the call to DC when it's time to start bombing. Obama and Ds have long advanced the big lie about Israel being the cause of all our Middle East problems. Ds would really like Israelis and off the reservation Jews like Molivinski to just go away. They'd rather not discuss beheadings and forced clitoridectomies and chemical weapons used on kids by Islamic states with which we're negotiating.

    This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read on this blog. Nice crowd you have here, Bernie.

    The Democrats state Israel is the cause of all Middle East problems? That's a new one. It's a pretty provocative yet fabricated talking point. Is that the new one this week?

  55. And here we go with the deleted post routine.

  56. I have no idea what you are talking about. I only delete anonymous comments that make personal attacks or are OT. It's a bad deal that makes the world more dangerous, not safer. In addition to being our next door neighbor, Canada is one of our closest allies. The French have concerns,too.

    Also, Iran very much wants to wipe Israel off the map. So does Syria and just about every other Arab nation, even though Israeli troops are bringing in wounded children from Syria and getting them treatment in hospitals. Israel and the Jews who live there are very much threatened. Instead of having Israel's back, as Obama once claimed, he is letting them twist slowly in the wind.

    A peaceful solution involves keeping the pressure on Iran until the drop the nuclear option. We took the pressure off, and there is no way that Putin is going to agree to sanctions again.

    Insofar as detesting Obama is concerned, I have defended him when he has been right. He has not been right about much of anything in his second term. His foreign policy has jeopardized our national security.

  57. Iran elected a less radical President because of western influence. If the US would walk away, it would fuel far right Iranians. Even if thus fails in 6 months, we will have had more ground intelligence and global justification for military intervention.

    Ronnie and Margaret negotiated with Gorbbie.

  58. Iran's new president starts a Twitter account and the Obama administration began masturbating over the possibilities of real change. If only Ahmadinijad could have kept his rants to 140 characters or less. Obama would have given him nukes two years ago.

  59. Yes but Reagan was a pussie. The new right wants war!
    This is a hate based report by O'Hare. Thank God, neither O'Hare or MM are in charge. If Bobo wants his war let him start it, he had the nukes.

  60. The word "monkey" is the name MM uses for the Obamaphiles who come on here and try lamely to defend his bad foreign policy. The fact that you would consider this racist is proof that you really are a monkey. That, and you throw shit.

  61. Howard Cosell taught us all about little monkies. It got him fired when we learned he called his grandchildren by a racial slur. I think Obamaphiles are less bouyant, however. As quick as you can say Jack Robinson ....

  62. .......and ritual circumcision ?
    Cool ??????

  63. I think the BLOG MENTOR needs to sit his monkey-ass down!

    Alfonso Todd

  64. At Masada near the dead sea a group of Hebrew Zealists held out to the death against the might power of Imperial Rome when their Legions layed seize and started building a ramp. These Zealists said they would not be Vespucian's monkies ... And when Rome finally succeeded in scaling to the top it was an empty victory. The zealists at Masada did not die at the hands of the Romans.

    In the great valley of Armaghedden if Obama is still President which side would he side

    And also, had the United States built an North to South railroad into Alberta and British Columbia those provinces would be American because many farmers from the Midwest United States settled there, But no such railroad was built, thus they became Canadian. Also many voters in New Foundland wanted to be linked with the United States rather then Canada. The vote was two fold --- first to separate from the guardianship of the United Kingdom . Then on a relationship with Canada. Many New Founderlanders whom had made a living in the sea said that the election was rigged. So in the end the Canadian government awarded them with an embargo on commercial Cod fishing in the Atlantic and cost many New Foundlanders a living. As the years went by many New Founderlanders emigrated to Alberta to participate in the scale oil business and many oil rigs have gone up on the shores of New Foundland.

  65. He has given himself away. The Blog Mentor does not ever care one bit about the issue under consideration. He won't identify himself bc doing so puts him in contempt of court. If it suits his purpose to pretend he hates Obama, he will do that, too. He is in the advertising biz, and makes his money lying to people. He won't sign his name here bc it would be an admission that he is in contempt of court. he won't sign his name on MM's blog bc doing so would be an admission of criminal harassment. He has taken private emails and posted them without permission, has threatened to show up at people's homes and has made so many insulting remarks to so many people that he has lost all credibility. Alfonso, the fact you are on his enemy list is something you should wear as a badge of honor.

  66. Let's not forget the Reagan Administration armed Iran when their was an arms embargo. The administration trusted but did not verify. Did they think the arms would fall into friendly hands? Eleven Reagan administration official were indicted.

    At least this negotion was not secret and was agreed to P5 +1 and there will be verification. Let's hope the P5 +1 will stand by the US if Iran does not honor the agreement.

  67. When you have to say "at least" or "let's hope," you've got a loser. This was a terrible decision.I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.

  68. Again we elect the President of the U.S, not Israel. The world knows damn well that the US has and will always have Isreal's back. If we didn't some countries would have tried something years ago with WMD. People also know Israel has a "doomsday defense",so that if it thought it was going dow,n it would launch its nukes on most of the middle east. We know that, they know that and their enemies know that. If you say that wouldn't happen your head is either in sand or up your ass.

    We are Israel's most ardent ally in the world. All Presidents including Obama have made that clear. Now because one, he is Obama, and two, he won't suck Bobo's cock he is an appeaser.

    You hate Obama, O'Hare and that is about the only piece of real information to come out of your most recent attack on the President.

  69. Here we go again with equating every criticism with hatred. The fact is, in his second term, he has been a terrible President. Previous presidents did support Israel. This one does not. He clearly is letting Israel twist in the wind while hoping the Iranians do the right thing. He gave up a superior bargaining position and got nothing in return. Democratic Senators think this deal stinks. Israel thinks this deal stinks. They must hate Obama and be racists, too.

  70. So in your most learned opinion if this deal were to go bad, President Obama would let Israel sink or hang on its own. is that your position? You are someone who is crazy but learned, yet you really believe that teabagger nonsense??

    By the way you mentioned "racist" I did not. There is however an irrational hatred of the man that goes deeper than policy. It has been there since before he was elected in 2008. Why? We can all have our opinion's as to that.

  71. BOH 2:34 - We already tried the crippling sanctions. Iran continues to be a threat because they have no alternative. Diplomatic relations is an alternative and one that lays out an agreement about how Iran can enrich uranium and puts inspectors on the ground. Do you believe sanctions will suddenly make Iran's scientists forget how to enrich uranium? This knowledge is permanent and the only course of action is monitoring their activities. This is best done INSIDE the country.

    This deal makes Israel safer. Opening diplomatic relations with Iran mediates and miscommunication or misunderstandings. Yes, Ahmadinejad stated he wanted to wipe Israel off the face of the earth - which can be taken literally I suppose. But Ahmadinejad is gone and new leadership has seen the light.

    The Iranian people, for the most part, are decent people who want relations with the west. THis is our chance to put a wedge in the door.

    To be Neville Chamberlain, it would require Iran to be Hitler making demands. The USA is making the demands. To be Neville Chamberlain, the USA would have to turn a blind eye to any default on the deal. This will not happen. The comparison is ludicrous and one made all too often by partisan right-wing blowhards.

  72. Don't believe the right-wing partisan spin, people. It's just another in a long list of attempts to besmirch this President.

    Israeli policy statement supports Obama on Syria

    Israeli President Voices Strong Support for Obama’s Decision on Syria

    - Obama provided Israel with the largest amount of American military aid in U.S. history,
    - Obama restored Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge (QME) with advanced weaponry
    - Obama’s diplomatic support for Israel is unparalleled.
    -Obama personally came to Israel’s aid immediately when it needed it most.
    - Voted with Israel 100% of the time at the United Nations, a first in modern history;

  73. Where is Denr on this. How could he defend Syria and be against getting teams on the ground in Iran?

    Iran Contra was not the first time the Reagan administration Negotiated with Iran. You may recall that negotiations went silent leading up to the election. The hostages were released on innaguration day. Another example of Ronnie's back door deals.

  74. Ben Netanyaho is not a "hothead". He is a warrior, statesmen leader of the toughest small country on this plant. who is educated and been personally under hot fire.His people have been openly threatened by extremest Iran, and he takes them seriously .He has Israel's peoples interest and will not "rollover"on a bad deal.We may choose to not trust Iran understandably , but Ben has no option, they are at his doorstep and out number him in just sheer masses alone. Israel and and MUSLIM country of Saudi Arabia have plan together to combat Iran ,what does this tell you?

  75. That Iran is Shiite and Saudi Arabia is Sunni?

    Wait, are you implying that Saudi Arabia is not a hotbed of Islamic extremism? Please review 9/11 and when you understand the region a bit better, come back and post again.

  76. I did not imply that I didn't understand OR that I like you may imply expertise , Anon 9;42 I asked ,that was asked,--- What does this alliance tell you?No I will say I don't know .

  77. "Don't believe the right-wing partisan spin, people."

    Most of the people who read this blog know very well that my views are mostly moderate, or maybe even a little left leaning. But I never drank the Obama Kool-Aid, and refuse to defend a weak president who has endangered our standing in the world and our national security.

  78. There are good Presidents and there are great Presidents and there may be a President that is something still more … A President who belongs to the Ages.

    On the opposite side, failed Presidencies have periodically occurred in American history and the administration of Jimmy Carter despite somewhat welcomed accomplishments is considered in this category…By the Wall Street Journal Poll conducted in 2005, the Carter Administration was ranked 34th … Only the following Presidents are rated worse: John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, Warren G. Harding, and James Buchanan. … Now, when Obama ran for President in 2008 there was a cry from his opponents or detractors that his Administration was destined to be Carter II... But Obama in 2008 had a different take --- he pinned the label of Bush III on his opponent John McCain, the Republican Senator from Arizona; and that statement stuck to McCain much as Cactus prickly pines stick to our clothes when we walk in the desert. And because of his last name is Bush, the able former Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush wouldn't even consider a run for the Presidency in 2012 but some assume he may try in 2016, but maybe not.

    Whether we agree or not, a sitting President is often viewed as being there because of the will of God ... Therefore, it is proper for the citizenry in its prayers to God to ask God's guidance in keeping the President safe and in decision making ... The fact is, a failed Presidency is not in the best interests of the nation ... Americans don't wish a President to fail but it can happen ... But what is the definition of a failed Presidency..

    Do we listen to supporters who will remain faithful no matter what happens. Or the opposites who will remain critical no matter what happens as well.

    Obama ran for office in 2008 on the slogan Change that we can believe in … Yes we can. … And in the interim between the election and re-election in 2012 there has been change … The So-called Health Care reform came to the people " not simply with words" but with political action that a victorious Obama described as the face of Change in America. The question is whether this change is beneficial for the long-term or a detriment… His most ardent supporters say that with the passage of Health Care Reform so short in his Administration Obama has earned a honored place in American History ... Yet most observers in making a critique on the first term are more reserved, are more wait and see. For the present they agree that Obama is no Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy or Franklin Roosevelt or no Reagan, but neither is he a Harding, or Buchanan either … But he does seek to govern like a would be Juan Peron (Argentina) , Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and Robert Mugabee (Zimbawe) …

    However, in reflection we must say, how Obama will stand in history is still an unknown quality as the total record of his administration is still incomplete. With re-election he has four more years constitutionally to work on his legacy before building the next Presidential library.

    But All Americans prey that Obama's initiatives diplomatically in regard to Nuclear Iran and other issues won't be a fatal attraction to mediocrity.

  79. Anon 3:59 PM

    Aren't you throwing around a little vitriolic hate in your posting.

    In the end all history is based on point of view ... And certainly to classify my posting above as one of going to the extremes is purely fiction and wishful thinking.

    I pray on this Thanksgiving Eve for world peace ... Not giving a piece of ourselves to the world.

  80. “Some advocates of war [with Iran] seem gripped by Thirties Envy, a longing for the clarity of the 1930s, when appeasement failed to slake the dictators’ thirst for territorial expansion. But the incantation “Appeasement!” is not an argument. And the word “appeasement” does not usefully describe a sober decision that war is an imprudent and even ultimately ineffective response to the failure of diplomatic and economic pressures to alter a regime’s choices about policies within its borders,” - George F Will.


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