Local Government TV

Friday, November 15, 2013

Informative West Easton Web Page

Tiny boroughs like West Easton get scant coverage because daily newspapers simply lack the manpower to cover them. So it is nice to see resident Matt Dees take on the task himself at WestEastonPa.com. It appears the borough is close to hiring a chief for its newly formed police department, and has appointed Paul James to fill a a vacancy on borough council.


  1. Will Tricia be applying for any of the open positions? She already owns a gun or two so that would save the taxpayers a few dollars no?

  2. I suspect Tricia is going to become very familiar with her local police department.

  3. West Easton Footprint has been there for some time. It is informative and illuminating.

  4. If by illuminating you mean it spotlights mental illness, then yes it's illuminating

  5. Evidently WE has some money now to do some things. Police on the horizon and a new public works building being planned. Putting the Atiyeh money to good use I see. Expanding the county jails footprint there is probably not too far down the road and that will bring additional revenue. Worth watching..

  6. I appreciate the shout-out, Bernie.
    While West Easton doesn't afford me the opportunity to win a Pulitzer, I'm hoping that outsiders will get a better perspective of the community than has been presented from another source.
    Having made West Easton my home and having the abilities to create a website for West Eastonians has been a pleasure for me. I'd like to think that once the majority of senior citizens who live here learn how to use a computer my readership could skyrocket to 3 or 4 people.
    I only ask that those who visit the website never click the large blue text found immediately above and below the articles I've written.
    Matthew A. Dees

  7. Matt, what you provide is a public service at a time when newspapers and other sources no longer cover small government in any detail. From your site, I know the borough has a police chief in mind for its new force, purchased two vehicles, appointed the zoning chair to a Council vacancy, have someone in mind to fill the zoning spot, and are eyeing a piece of scrap land owned by Tom Nodoline. Good stuff. You won't see this detail anywhere else. Hope you can keep it up.

  8. Why wasn't the Chief of Police position advertised? Why are they only considering one candidate? Why isn’t West Easton considering applicants from a pool of qualified candidates? Why wasn’t this process open to the public as was the recent hiring of a new Chief in the City of Allentown?

    Make some phone calls, talk to some people. Do some google research. Hopefully West Easton doesn't make a mistake in hiring the wrong person for the job.

    West Easton does not need someone who will be the equivalent of another Chief Mark Kessler.

  9. Personnel decisions do not go out to public bid.

  10. That is why you elect representatives..they make the calls on hiring and firing and everything in between concerning employee's. Trust but verify when appropriate to do so. ltsrses 24

  11. Ridge Street StunnerNovember 16, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    Didn't Dees lose to the Pro Se hottie?

  12. I continue to rely on West Easton Footprint for truly independent information.

  13. BO said: "Personnel decisions do not go out to public bid."

    I 100 percent agree, but why not advertise for candidates? Why not search the field before making a decision? DO NOT make the same mistakes that others have made. Consider options.

    It is the elected representatives decision to make... but they should be considering from the best available options. Not just one person who politiced for the position.

    The taxpayers are the ones who will ultimately pay the price for poor decisions by their so called "trusted" representatives.

  14. Matt Dees is a source of information, much of it serving as original source. It is actual journalism. Mezzacappa's rants are the product of a seriously afflicted.histrionic personality disorder.

    Among other things, Mezzacappa was impersonating Dees and was attributing disgusting comments to him that she never said. He was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she is the author of this filth, though she tried to deny it. He was also able to prove harassment. But she was acquitted only bc the harassment occurred outside the time frame of the complaint. Judge Yetter raved at the case Dees put together, and I agree he did an excellent job. Mezzacappa knows it, too, bc she stopped impersonating him on her blog.

  15. 1:52, it is ridiculous to hold a tiny borough of 1400 to the same standards as a major metropolitan area. If you think that's how things should be run, I'm sure they would be more than happy to let you have at it. As things stand, they are overwhelmed by Mezzacappa's barratry.

  16. Face it O'Hare Mezzacappa has more victories inside the courtroom than Sick'O Rick'O, Dees got creamed and Dick Yetter was just blowing smoke up his ass to please the sycophants who gleefully attended the hearings out of spite.

  17. Mezzacappa, I can say that you've had me in front of a judge seven times and have lost seven times. I can say that Attorney Orloski has been successful in obtaining a judgment against you for libel, and will seek damages next month. I can say that your behavior has attracted the attention of the courts. You can bray all you want, but in a courtroom, you suck. Against Orloski, you really suck.

  18. A borough of 1400 residents do not need their own police force. Especially when they live in/by city of Easton.

    Can some ppl w common sense please step up here?

  19. "Didn't Dees lose to the Pro Se hottie?"

    Trish is only a hottie from 1000 feet away. The closer you get to her the older and colder she appears.

  20. Bravo O'hare!
    Way to get the news out there!!
    First, who the hell is Paul James? Second, the news would be when W.E. actually hires a Chief.
    But, I must say they are kicking ass (if this is true)just getting this dropped in their laps a couple months ago.
    Oh yeah, nice to see you have a new bromance man! You go B.O.

  21. If you read her blog or listen to he speak for more than a minute, you learn very quickly that she is an ugly person, but one who thinks the sun rises and sets on her. A chronic liar, too.

  22. "First, who the hell is Paul James?"

    Read Dees' blog and he'l tell you. You won't find it on Mezzacappa's. She's too busy spreading disinformation.

  23. Word on the street is that Mezzacappa retained a criminal defense lawyer from Philly to handle her summary harassment appeal. I guess no lawyer in the entire Lehigh Valley wanted to have anything to do with her. Trial is scheduled for January.

  24. Ac cording to the record, it's for "medical reasons." That's another of her lies, but I'm sure the court knows it. She better have a good lawyer. You see, the appeal is de novo. The judge does not have to just impose the finethat Judge Yetter did if she is found guilty. She can be sent away. I'd say she's due. Given the problems she has caused, and the attitude she displays in court, I would think it's possible. Look what happened to Gregory.

  25. 3:50 PM O'Hare ---

    Not more medical BS. Wasn't she with Gregory on the radio the last time a medical excuse was used??

    BO, "You see, the appeal is de novo. The judge does not have to just impose the finethat Judge Yetter did if she is found guilty. She can be sent away. I'd say she's due."

    That would be massive! Total agreement here.

  26. I note from the record that the DA's office is now involved. The office she has ridiculed in front of a bench she has berated. And the judge can send her away. I believe the bench is tired of her games.

  27. I don't think Mezzacappa has paid off the $200 fine from her disorderly conduct conviction of a year ago. But she has the money to pay for a Philly lawyer to handle a harassment case? The lawyer's travel time alone will cost hundreds of dollars, and his legal fee could exceed $1,000.

  28. Ridge Street StunnerNovember 16, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    When you "Mezz" with a bull you get the horns!

  29. With her Adams apple, BULL is accurate.

  30. I love Tricia Mezzacappa and voted for her but unfortunately in Grossville we have 30 years of fascist rule and the sheeple are too meek for dissent.

  31. I'm sure you voted for her bc you are her, and also believe Jim Gregory is a political prisoner. The rest of West Easton is a little more normal.

  32. In any event, this blog is intended to compliment Matt Dees for providing a great public service, and not to draw attention to you or your histrionic personality. Additional commentary from you will be deleted bc it is OT. I'll leave you to the courts.

  33. Bernie is it true you greeted TM in your birthday suit after a night on the town? Were you "rigid"?

  34. It's not true. It's a vicious lie that Mezzacappa propagated after I exposed her in 2011 as a terrible candidate. She has since been sued for libel, and has had judgment enteredc against her. She will still spread the lies, but is doing so anonymously as she is doing here.

    This post had nothing to do with her, but bc she is a histrionic personality, she had to make it about her.

  35. Matt is doing a terrific job. It takes dedication to do what he is doing. Municipal coverage is sorely lacking and the rags are woefully inept as are the reporters they employ. Even when spoon fed a story..they can't seem to get it done or the editors ignore local stuff and go for the blood and guts stuff instead or fluff. Investigative journalism is nearly extinct. The dumbing down of America is well underway.

  36. Heyyyyy Trish, why the long face? Can I bite your Adams Apple?

  37. "You can bray all you want, but in a courtroom, you suck. Against Orloski, you really suck."

    Case in point: Six weeks ago Judge Zito ripped into wannabe lawyer Mezzacappa. The judge dismissed a lawsuit she had filed against the West Easton mayor, and excoriated her for failing to follow the rules of procedure.

    She's an idiot. Rick Orloski is going to destroy her in court, if she even shows up. Maybe another medical excuse is coming. After all, she already claimed to be "unfit" because of her potent meds.

  38. West Easton Footprint is useless. Why have a "blog" with no comments on any of the posts? Is that built-in, or are there no comments because nothing written there merits a comment? It's just some whacked out person with no grip on reality spouting off to hear herself for company. She actually thinks someone will put her on council because she came in last place, like a horse with a lame leg. Isn't going to happen, not when you are the person who has caused the town great expense and ridicule, and nobody feels safe with you around unless an officer is present. Horses with lame legs don't get ribbons, they wind up out back under a shade tree and some dirt. WestEastonPa actually has useful information on goings on around the town.


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