Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Geeting Picks Bethlehem Resident as Easton's Next Mayor

Fast on the heels of claiming that "John Callahan’s County Executive Loss is All Eric Nagy’s Fault," self-appointed political expert Jonathan Geeting has announced the Lehigh Valley's newest Democratic leaders. He picks Gretchen Longenbach as Easton's future Mayor, apparently ignorant that she actually lives in Bethlehem. ... And just might be a Republican.

Geeting identifies himself as a "public policy expert."

He sure is no expert on facts.


  1. Obvious Gretchen is well qualified for the job based on her excellent economic development record. If she moved to Easton from Bethlehem (they have these things called moving trucks now..) a year or two ahead of time to satisfy the one-year residency requirement she'd be able to make a real race of it. The electorate there is getting younger and less parochial, even if cranky old guys like yourself still think you have to live somewhere your whole life to be an effective public servant.

  2. Who is this Jon Geeting and does this political wannabe even live in The Lehigh Valley? From what I've read he has no first hand knowledge of our area and seems to harvest his "facts" from newspapers and blogs.

  3. He hasn't done a very good job harvesting his facts about Gretchen. He picks her as Easton's next Democratic Mayor when she lives in Bethlehem and might even be a Republican. Now, instead of just admitting he had it wrong, he blows more smoke out of his ass and orders her to move into Easton so everyone can vote for her. He is so off on new leaders that it is actually comical. Frank Pintabone, who won an Easton School Board race with nearly seventy per cent of the vote, isn't mentioned. Nor is Bethlehem's Sam Royer or other people he would know about if he actually went to meetings or bothered to inform himself. He'd rather just blow smoke up everyone's ass. There's a reason I avoid reading his nonsense. It's nonsense .

  4. So we all understand. We need much younger candidates to appeal to a young demographic that only votes in presidential election if at all.

    Got you. The young Dem's are on top of it. This is how we get Republicans elected in De3mocratic area's.

  5. Well Geeting may get his wish with young and new candidates. Apparently Borzo looked at her ninth place finish and said she did great and is going to run for city council, county council and maybe other things.

    She has already started her vote purple campaign. Politics are nuts!

  6. if he thinks that he understands Easton he has another thing coming. Easton doesn't even understand Easton. No way a transplant will become Mayor of Easton in the remote future. Eastonians are kind of funny like that.

  7. Having grown up in Easton, the thought of electing a carpetbagger of any political stripe is patently ridiculous. They think Wilsonians are outsiders and charge them a tax to work in the city.

  8. Who is Geeting predicting for Bangor mayor? Mario Scavelli?

  9. Bernie you can't be suggesting that Geeting was uninformed or spoke out his ass about something?????

    If I can't rely on a far left radical liberal for the truth, what is this world coming to?

  10. Bernie, Will you be covering the vote recount today?

  11. "If she moved to Easton" = orders her to move to Easton? If you say so..

    By the way, she's a registered Democrat. Can't say how I know, but I'm certain unless she's switched parties in the last few months.

  12. Jonathan, if I really want to know, I'll check the records. You have demonstrated an amazing indifference to getting your facts right.

  13. I'm pretty sure Sal Panto will be Mayor in Easton until he dies. Have you been there lately. Easton is the place to be.

  14. Easton is a city that is becoming a national model for small town recovery. New stores, restaurants, people living downtown and even restorations in the west ward part of the city. And you know what, Panto always praises his staff and guess what is staff has -- youth! Yes Gretchen gets great accolades for the economic development but you have other young professionals doing equally or more toward the recovery. Heagele, Hopkins, Scalzo and Bast and he lost Bradley who is one of the finest planners in the valley (she was taped to lead the LV PLanning Commisison). New and fresh ideas with solid leadership, support and direction from the mayor. That's the key to Easton's success and I agree with 12:45 -- Panto can be there as long as he wants -- if the residents are smart and don't let politics get in the way.

  15. anon 11:34 in your dreams.

    I think you were smoking too much bacon.


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