Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do We Need a Constitutional Convention?

Clockwise: John  Diacogiannis, Mark Tanczos, Glenn Walbert, Steve Salvesen and Jack Nagle
That's what Hanover Township Supervisor Steve Salvesen thinks. In his own words, he's followed recent happenings in Washington "with a mixture of anger and frustration." He is convinced that President Obama has acted in "utter disregard" of both the Constitution and states' rights. So he asked other Supervisors to join him in calling on the state for a Constitutional Convention. But he'll have to do it on his own. At their November 12 meeting, there was little enthusiasm for the idea. "Our job is to make sure the roads are patched," argued Supervisor Jack Nagle.

Before the meeting, Salvesen sent a letter to fellow Supervisors, suggesting amendments to the Constitution that include term limits; election of U.S. Senators by the state legislatures instead of by popular vote; limits on spending and taxation; state power to veto a federal statute; and voter ID.

Mark Tanczos told Salvesen that, before signing on to the proposal, he'd want to know what residents think.

Chairman John N. Diacogiannis was a little more blunt. "I'm not convinced this is a Township-related business," he reasoned. "It's the people's business."

"What business are we in?" retorted Salvesen.

Glenn Walbert was also skeptical, telling Salvesen that "[i]t's not appropriate for our Board to take an action of that kind."

"If that's the Board's desire, I'll go solo," answered the 30-year Supervisor.


  1. Stick to the Township business you were elected to address. This is as irrelevent to your office as some being worried about Agenda 21 and a UN take over.

    If you are concerned, write your Congressman and Senators.

  2. Why did Barron beat this guy??

    Incompetence trumps Cuckoo!!!!!!

  3. Maybe what happened in Bethlehem Township needs to happen in Hanover Township. These guys get into these positions for too long and get bored and want to start getting into areas they don't belong.

  4. posturing right wing nut bloviator

  5. Somebody was overly-excited that Sarah Palin was in town! Concentrate on getting simple land development plans through your Township in less than six months, and then you can start fixing the country.

  6. Hanover needs to remember term limits the next time Cuckoo runs for re-election.

  7. I'll bet there is so much voter fraud going on in Hanover Twp that the 4 black residents are nervous and putting their houses up for sale.

  8. These fools REALLY hate Obama. It gets better and better.

  9. Though I completely disagree with Steve, I will sign my name unlike cowards who will hurl names without identifying yourselves. What is wrong with you people?

  10. A lot less than is wrong with that nut job!

  11. This seems like an activist municipal official.

    Muni officials can and should comment on this stuff. But their job is to serve local muni. If they feel strongly they should run for and win a higher office.

  12. 12:22,
    Municipal offices are usually the stepping stones for higher aspirations. Maybe this guy has plans, and is testing the waters.

  13. I don't think so. Steve is at the twilight, not the dawn, of his career. I think he got this one wrong, but don't dispute his personal integrity or good will, not even for a second. he is a very capable Supervisor in a well-run Township, who I think was more interested in putting the issue out there than in taking action.

  14. Heard he was third in line for the Palin book signing.

  15. Way to go Steve. You get it. It's up to local citizens and elected officials to lobby their state legislators to invoke constitutional amendments when the federal government is out of control. That's why the founders put it in the Constitution. I give Steve credit for understanding that and having the courage to bring it up. It shows he's a lot more knowledgable than his colleagues on the Hanover Township board.

  16. They are all fairly knowledgeable, and Steve would tell you that himself. When you have to attack other people, you make your argument look pathetic. Haven't you learned that yet?


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