Local Government TV

Monday, November 04, 2013

Can You Say Northampton County Exec Callahan?

John Callahan
Compared to the stark contrasts between Executive candidates in Lehigh County, the Northampton County top contenders are like the Bobbsey twins. They largely agree on County issues, are both Mayors and even share the same first name. So Jimmy Stocklas predicted some time ago that the next Executive will be John. Mayor John.

It will be Mayor John Callahan. He has better name recognition, comes from a bigger area, has been around longer and is the only Lehigh Valley Mayor I know who has negotiated lower pensions for new hires. he has helped attract $2 billion in investment, has created 5,500 new jobs and has reduced Bethlehem's workforce without sacrificing public safety. He has also paid off long-term debt.

John Brown has been Mayor of Bangor for less than one term. His only real job as Mayor in borough government is to supervise the Chief of Police. He fired him. A 9-man force dropped to a 6-man force. He refused to investigate one officer on workers compensation, though he is regularly spotted deer hunting.

He also took seven times his annual salary for a supposed training seminar at his Alma Mater, Notre Dame.

The only real arguments I've heard in this race concerns John Callahan's margin of victory. It will be closer than many think, but John Callahan will be the next Northampton County Executive.


  1. Bernie some of this is just plain bullshit. Callahan did not create 5500 jobs and indeed if he cut city jobs he actually decreased the number of jobs.
    Those jobs came here because of our location and tax reduced incentives. And if jobs are his answer to county issues he is off base. The county gets it`s money from property tax not earned income tax. And if jobs are his answer in Bethlehem why is his budget millions short as you now know but won`t find out until after Tuesday? This guy buffalowed you.

  2. Bernie, you are right. Callahan will be elecgted. Many are concerned about his cloudy record. For that reason, I will be voting for Ron Heckman and Jerry Seyfried, who actually know what is smoke and what is fire when it comes to county issues.

    We sure don't need another rubber stamp council like Callahan had in Bethlehem with handpicked yes votes like Reynolds and Dolan, etc.

  3. can't wait to see jc drop u like a hot potato as your usefulness is now over

  4. JC woke up on third base with the casino. It was coming to Bedlam no matter what. JC is not a financial genius. He as squandered the casino host money. The only way he balances budgets is to continue the sorid Bedlam practice of borrowing. While a good likeable guy, he is not some sort of genius politician.

  5. Maybe Callahan didn't create those jobs, but a drive through south Bethlehem is exciting. New construction, great outlets,
    new skateboard rink, new running path, great architectural lighting, new cafes, and lots of fun. The credit rubs off on any mayor.

  6. Brown does have the inmate vote! Although I don't think they can vote?

  7. And Bernie was sure..Angle would beat Scott Parsons. Need I say more?

  8. Brown will win Bethlehem..by a nose and thus claim victory county wide.

  9. Anon 7:22, what are you drinking this early? The Dem Machine is too strong in Bethlehem. Callahan gets 65-70% of vote in Bethlehem. Even Dent has trouble in Bethlehe

  10. I stand by my prediction. Casino is not loved by his peep's. You read it here first. Brown has worked the houses of Bethlehem exhaustively. That is where it will be won.

  11. So you are predicting a brown victory?

  12. Why of course I am. Just as Parsons beat Angle..the same will happen here. David slays Goliath with a mere stone.

  13. If Callahan's so far ahead, why are his radio ads today all negative? That's what candidates do last minute when they suddenly realize they're about to lose!

  14. Brown will lose in Bangor by 70%+
    Take it to the Merchants bank.

  15. anon 638 is right but also need to point out that half the things mentioned {skate park walking paths decorative lighting music pavilion }actually are public projects that callahan was directly involved in and championed.
    Not only does he get credit but he earned it. Callahan beat Dent in all three cities during the 2010 race and will beat Brown in both Beth and Easton and prob Bangor.As far as the negative stuff Callahan has run a largely positive campaign {approx 80%}but why should we expect him to sit back and take shots from Brown who has done nothing and has run an almost totally negative race. it not that Callahan is behind but he has the resources so fight back. Callahan wins but it will be closer than most think because it is an off year election with very partisan voters. The question is can he bring some dems in with him on Council.

  16. Unfortunately callahans popularity at home is not what you'd think....only his buddies and family. Most of tge city workers don't like him and a log of people in bethlehem are disgusted with the local dems too.

  17. Anon 12:42,

    Keep having those pipe dreams. Callahan is very popular in the City of Bethlehem. Democrats far outnumber Republicans in the City.

    2 years ago, Republicans ran a well-funded campaign in the City Council races and the closest margin of victory was 1000 votes. Those Rs worked their butts off and still lost by 7% in a 6-way for 3 spots.
    Brown does not have chance to beat Callahan in the City. Brown will lose Easton, Hellertown and Bangor, too. Callahan will even surprise and win in Bethlehem Township and Lower Saucon.

  18. 1:16 you ard right about the city council race 2 years ago. And Callahan may win all I am saying is that even though the "important democrats" like him there aren't enough of them to make it a win. He is likely but this one may be a surprise.

  19. "a 6-way for 3 spots"

    Don't know about that but political guru and Bethlehem Mayoral candidate Jimbo Gregory said he had a 3-way for his 1 spot.

    Do not waste your votes on mediocrity in City Hall, write in Jimbo Gregory for Mayor. He is hardon crime

  20. Sadly people will vote for JOHHNY boy because of his name

  21. Why do people keep hold of this fallacious statement that john Callahan lost Bethlehem in the past? It's simply not true. As far as the "negative" adds go, we made a plan early on and stuck to our plan...... It's how to run a competent race. Make your plan including unforeseen circumstances and run plan A, only switch to plan B if needed. This race has been one of the toughest for me because all we could do is keep our mouths shut lest we give this unknown credibility. I sure wish more attention was put on Browns mailers stating how he didn't do all these thing that HE HAD NO AUTHORITY TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE. At least we did get a fairly decent article of the tale of two cities from Mcall.


  22. Still sticking with your prediction???

  23. Told you! Slate Belt now center stage and a Republican council also. Holy Molly!


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