Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Zito Denies Gregory Prison Motion

I guess I can now say safely that Jim Gregory is a former write-in candidate for Mayor in Bethlehem. He won't be out of state prison in time for the November election. He's doing hard time - 15 months - for repeated violations of a Protection From Abuse Act (PFA) Order. Even during a radio show. Even while inside the County jail. But he filed a motion for reconsideration, and I thought a hearing was scheduled last Friday.

Now comes word that Gregory's motion has been denied by Judge Leonard Zito. "AND NOW, this 8th day of October 2013 upon consideration of Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration of Sentence filed on September 16, 2013, it is hereby ORDERED that the Motion for Reconsideration of Sentence is DENIED. BY THE COURT: Leonard Zito, J"


  1. James Gregory may be a total cad,but State prison time for a non-violent P.F.A. violation is over the line.

  2. Nt when you thumb your nose at a judge's order eight times and use inmates in the County jail to continue to defy the courts. It is entirely appropriate.

  3. swing low, sweet chariot....

  4. We all talk big but who will shed a tear for Jim Gregory??

  5. Everyone knows what Judge Zito did is wrong, But since He is at the end of His career noone really cares....

    1. My view is that, except for Gregory and Tricia Mezzacappa, most people think Zito did the right thing.

  6. Baked Ziti is a dish best served cold.q

  7. Jim Jesus Gregory is a serial offender. he may be nutz but he is criminally nutz and deserved what happened.

    For Christ's sake he is a 60+ year old man who couldn't handle a young woman leaving his sorry old ass. Man up, asshole!!

    You made her and her mothers life Hell. Both you and Mezzacrapprapa should be in jail together.
    Who in their right mind defends this crazy maniac??

  8. It's not smart to address the judge as food.

  9. I don't think the Judge had any other choice but to leave him in State prison. JG not only violated the PFA multiple times, he disrespected the courts and was held in contempt. The harassment, intimidation, and abuse towards both his ex and his family could no longer be tolerated. Using other prisoners and the radio airwaves to continuously harass his victims was unbelievable. He is where he needs to be. Hopefully he will take this time to reflect on how his behavior caused him to be in the situation he is in. I highly doubt he will, though.

  10. Judge Zito made the right decision keeping that arrogant sociopath in the big house. The only one really upset is Sparticus Maximus who misses his Club Med manslab. Where are you SM?

  11. Trish, this is who Jim G left you for.


    Enjoy the glory of Spartacus!

  12. While I like the punishment of this tool in a general sense, I have to agree with the first poster that this is an egregious waste of taxpayer dollars and gumming up the works for an actual violent offender. Who knows, ,maybe there is general concern for future violence.

  13. If you know anything about domestic violence, then you know that the Gregory's of the world will not stop their behavior unless forced, i.e. by incarceration. He got away w/harassing his ex so many times he thought he was impervious to, or smarter, than the law. Abusers want control over the victim. That control needs to be broken in order for the victim to live w/o fear. Judge Zito saw that the only way to break JG's cycle of abuse was to lock him up. It's unfortunate that it's costing taxpayers a lot of money, but blame for that is on Gregory not the Court.

  14. My fear is Jesus Gregory will be even ore crazy and dangerous when he is released. I mean the guy was never wrapped to tight to begin with.

  15. "A termination hearing for a controversial police chief in Schuylkill County has been continued after one of the chief's supporters accidentally dropped a loaded gun."

    I see Tricia dropped her gun!

  16. To whom it may concern....

    I would like to thank everyone that whom Opined during Jim Gregory's attempt @ Egotistical Domination. Jim is a Predator, of considerable measure, of which ya'll were unawares. With his Superior Mental Intellect, & access to Experienced Criminal's.... He will become more Cunningly Manipulative.

    This is not Over, in the Mind-of-Jim_Gregory.

    To be continued.....

  17. God Bless Jim Gregory!

    He who without sin cast the first stone.

  18. @ which address shall we hurl the stones??

  19. Gregory hurts no one physically and goes to state prison.
    Judge Ravioli's nephew receives favorable treatment from the Court because of who he is and ultimately takes a life. This kid thumbed his nose at the Court and now a family loses a loved one. Both her and Court administration should be included in any lawsuit this family files.

  20. The person who refers to Judge Roscioli as Judge Ravioli is Tricia Mezzacappa. She has also referred to Judge Zito as baked ziti and other names. She dislikes them both bc they refused to tolerate a manipulative person who repeatedly ignored court orders to intimidate his ex.

    I was critical of Judge Roscioli's first judicial race, especially her use of Tom Severson. But this remark is a flat out lie, made by a sick woman with an agenda.

  21. Tricia
    Do your homework. Francis Roscioli is NOT the nephew of Judge Paula Roscioli so stop claiming he is.


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