Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stolz Shrugged

Julian Stolz has resigned as a school director at East Penn in reaction to the public hue and outcry over his dating life.

Updated 7:50 PM: He has also resigned from Lehigh County's Republican Committee. In an email to GOP Chair Wayne Woodman, Stolz states that "[a]lthough I have done nothing illegal, I do not want my personal history to be a distraction for Lehigh County Republican candidates in the election coming up in just a few weeks. Therefore, I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the Lehigh County Republican Committee effective immediately."


  1. Good! He is a disgrace and should be ashamed of himself. he acts like a victim. The children are the victims!

  2. Stolz is the new pimp of the valley for the next 13 months! He is filling in for our fallen Mediterranean Manslab Greggy!

  3. He can try but he'll never possess those tantastic features or have the voice of a songbird..... Ain't no sunshine while Greggy's gone........

  4. Personally, I don't think we've seen the last of this character.

    I think he's going to come out as gay someday...

  5. Prude isn't short for PrudenceOctober 15, 2013 at 11:00 PM

    Wow! If you read Julian's blog and believe him. He didn't do a thing wrong. It seems that parents and an ex-girlfriend are truly making his life miserable. But I still do not get how people are saying he is a pedophile? He dated a 15 year old for 4 months when he was 20 years old. How is that a pedophile? And in the southern states of America, this is morally acceptable. So why are such people passing their mores, norms, and social standards onto others? Too bad some of these anonymous commentators can't be outed instead of them being flame throwers. Politics really suck. Actually all of society is presently going down the toilet. I hope I can move either to Canada or overseas in the near future. I am actually getting to be ashamed to say I am an American. Because in most states, a 15 year old girl can get contraception or an abortion without the consent of the her parents or the father of the unborn. And here we are, commenting about a 20 year old kid dating for 4 months, 5 years ago, a 15 year old girl under the supervision of her parents ...

  6. I fucked a 15 year old when I was 19, she was great and it lasted all night too!

  7. This is the kind of crap that the Blog Mentor posts. He can't sign his name or he will be held in contempt. He can't really post on his blog bc nobody reads it. So he anonymously posts it here. I delete most of it, but am letting this comment stand so you can see what a piece of filth he is,

  8. Prude --- we are not in the South and we would do well to avoid much of what the south has to offer including recent bans on interracial dating and sodomy.

    It's not a question of imposing your social standards onto others. We LIVE in a society. We are all bound to respect the rules and mores of our culture, and our culture meets the idea of a 20 year old man dating a 15 year-old child with a collective retching yak sound.

  9. .....not that the bns on inter racial dating and sodomy are bad. It's bad that it took much of the south so long to strike them down or have them stricken down.

  10. 11:30 PM, so if you can't kill a person, why is abortion legal? Killing people is morally wrong on many levels. It is against human nature. And most of society is against abortion, but it is legal.

    Here is a man that broke no laws. And when he did date a 15 year old, five years ago; no one squawked. Now all of a sudden people are trying to smear Julian? Why?

    If I go back retroactive to everyone's past, no one can hold an office. Ever drive drunk? Morally wrong and unacceptable. You have a 1 ton bullet waiting to kill someone. Ever speed? Ever not play with matches? The list goes on and on.

    These people need to look in the mirror first, before imposing their will onto someone else. If the parents didn't have a problem with it, why should you? Do you want me or other people to judge your life-style? Could you live up to my standards, mores, norms, and culturally acceptable practices? ... where does it end.

    How come no stands outside the welfare office and yell at the people that drive up in nice cars? How come no stands outside the abortion mills and yell at the pimps that bring in their "property" girls to have "healthcare"? It is all around us, but instead you choose to thumb your nose at it.

    And here we are, writing about two kids that are now dating when they are 25 and 20 years old, how many years later, revisited? How old where your great-grandparents when they got married? (Oh right, that was a different time and set of mores, norms, and societal standards.)

    Too bad we aren't living by those standards. Instead we kill the unborn, buy drugs on virtually every corner. And if we can't find it on the corner, we can go to the schools and purchase it from the teachers that do not give drug screens, even though they are teaching the highly impressionable youth of the future.

    It is an endless cycle. And yet, we write about frying this fish. Julian Stolz should be condemned for all the bad he brought upon this child, the children of the school district, the teachers, and the parents with such an act. Right? Or do we award the teachers that knocked up their students, sold drugs to students on school property, got caught drunk on campus and tried to drive off, tried to bribe undercover stings, get caught stealing, sleep on the job, and whatnot.

    Again, it is an endless cycle. All starting with a 20 year old school board member, five years ago, dating a student in the school district that was 15 years old. Dating each other for 4 months.


  11. This is such sad news. An aspiring career in public service, gone.

  12. 11:00 PM - Wow, please go. Go now. Ottawa is supposed to be nice.

  13. There has got to be more behind this sudden resignation. Stoltz didn't do anything legally wrong so why is he throwing in the towel so quickly? Do you think some more online digging might turn up some Anthony Weiner type activities?

  14. It's pretty obvious why, and if you had listened to the WFMZ interview, you'd know why he had a change of heart. He can take the shit that anonymous trolls like you hurl, but his girlfriend should not have to do so.

  15. No, as Bernie pointed out in his unscientific survey, most people find his actions unsavory at best and creepy/criminal at worst.

  16. Oh puleeaze. She's agreed to marry a firebrand politician with a questionable past transgression. Poor little bo peep.

  17. Me Stolz was wrong to have this kind is relationship with a student in the district for a few reasons: she was a STUDENT and he was making decisions for those students and she is a child at 15. The argument that people used to be married with children at that time is flimsy-we know better do we do better. People also smoked and drank while pregnant and we stopped that. I think everyone can agree that most 20 year olds and 15 year olds are in different places, but at 25 and 30 year old is fine. I don't live in East Penn and have no idea what types of political decisions he has had to make and couldn't care less. I am a family member of a public figure who has been hurt, disgusted, and shocked at some of the things said about my family member on this blog by multiple people, anonymous and not, and Bernie and in the mainstream media as well. It's a terrible feeling to have that happen. People "know" your family member, judge them, make comments about both you and them based on very little. I understand the need to protect someone from the utter bullshit that goes on in the court of public opinion with a big mouth, but she chose this relationship and him. She was not blind-neither was I. No one asks for the theatrics but they happen. I feel bad for her but to say he truly quit because if her is probably crap Bernie. I would not let my family member quit if they asked me. They love to do what they do, feel passionate, think they can make a difference. If it's all crap, lies, innuendo, unsubstantiated, why quit? She is now an adult. She should be able to handle it, put it in perspective, ignore it, and move on like I do all the time. The kids deserve a fighter on their school board, not someone who gives up.

  18. The case of dating a 16 year old with the permission of the parents isn't the issue.

    What is questionable is dating a student in the district you represent.

    It shows immaturity and lack of control.

  19. A shirtless adult trolling a teen web site and then dating a 15year old child. that says it all.

    Good riddance to bad garbage. he is lucky the DA isn't involved.

  20. The Stolz stuff goes back to the Otto Slozer days, back in the 1990s. It was real bad, beyond anything I’d ever seen in local politics.

    Julian was a Slozer-ite when he got into politics (in the early days I sat in school board meetings and watched Otto direct him how to vote), so he was hated by association. Couple that with the fact that Julian foments hate on his own, will intentionally say/do things to inspire hatred, and has actually reveled in the fact that he’s hated, and you have a recipe for the fiasco that occurred. To me he is just as loony as those on the far left, and I’m tired of the public discourse being dominated by those groups.

    Bernie, I agree 100% with you that the anonymous way he was attacked sucks, was wrong, and I hope he’s able to out those who did this and call them out on it. However, I disagree with you in that I think he showed a staggering lack of judgment in how he conducted himself.

    It's ok to disagree. That doesn't make either of us a bad person.

    Stolz will be back in the public eye in a few years, I have no doubt. I hope he matures in the meantime.

  21. Maybe the real issue and question should be... Should a 20 year old hold an elected office? Personally while some may have a lot of good ideas, 20 year olds will Generally lack the Maturity and experience to hold office. Solid decision making skills are developed over time and personally no matter hoe much I might like a 20 year old running for public office I would never vote for them. What happened to Stolz is unfortunate but his poor decision to keep a teen site account on school board is what put him in this situation. He lacked/lacks the emotional maturity to make decisions even in his own best interest, I certainly Wouldn't want him making decisions that effect my child.


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