Local Government TV

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Paul Weiss: Bethlehem Township is Not For Sale

Paul Weiss is running against not one, but two Abe Atiyeh-backed opponents.


  1. He should have bothered to ask people for their vote in the spring.

  2. La la la la la la la la ....

  3. True, 2:29, “Coulda, woulda, shoulda”, but, lesson learned, and Mr. Weiss has openly admitted as much. Same “coulda, woulda, shoulda” might be said of the voters, however, who may not have fully appreciated the consequence of their vote, or simply stayed home during the primary not sensing the importance of it. Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska lost to a Tea Party challenger in the primary, and successfully won re-election in November with an aggressive write-in campaign. It can be done.

    With three candidates to choose for one office, this will be interesting. Based on Mr. Atiyeh’s proxy campaign against Mr. Nolan, I am sure some last minute mailer(s) will be forthcoming. Most residents don’t take much notice of their municipal government until something stirs them up. That’s why one only sees a handful of regulars at meetings, and low voter turnout for Municipal elections. This election, with challenges in both the Second and Fourth wards, could be pivotal for the future direction of the Township, and hopefully enough residents care to notice.

    Many of those primary voters had some genuine concerns that should not be dismissed simply because they were successfully tapped into by Team Atiyeh. However, as Madison wrote:

    “dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the zeal for a firm and efficient government. History teaches us that of the men who have overturned the liberties of republics, most began their career by proclaiming their devotion to the people. They gain position by arousing people's prejudices and end as tyrants."

    Will the voters be able to see through the specious masks? In the end the voters will have to judge the character and intentions behind Misters Breslin, Russin, and Thompson, against the records and character of Misters Weiss and Hudak. Elections have consequences, and we’ll get the government we deserve.

  4. There is very little in Beth Twp left to sell - We're all developed out!

  5. Take a closer look at that mailer. Behind the "SOLD" sign you see the watermark on the photo stolen from istockphoto.com. An ETHICAL person would have PAID for the stock photo.

  6. He actually said that ????
    That's absolutely precious! Really fantastic! Absolutely outstanding and fantastic!!!!
    Bethlehem Township is not for sale. I love that!

  7. Don't kid yourself. You might want to believe we are all developed out, but there is still plenty of land that can be developed. Still plenty of $$$ to be made on it.

  8. I voted in the Democratic primary and had no option to vote for Weiss. The Repubs, as usual, dropped the ball on this one choosing to nominate an Atiyeh sock puppet. Capitalism will win the day in BT and I hope the Repubs are happy with that.

  9. to 8:24 you could have wrote in Weiss on the D side in the primary as the other Atiyeh shill Russin he did a write in to get on the ballot, get to the polls in November and write Weiss in for commissioner. If you need directions to do a write in the poll workers can guide you.

  10. Lighthouse great commentary as usual

  11. I relied on the Republican idiots to not let the door open to an Atiyeh takeover. But they are all pro-business, pro-development so you reap what you sow.

  12. Mr.Weiss is ethical and has reared his family to be the same. How does one TRUST another? His actions and his integrity, are exploratory. If this man is not representing you next year , then you all may get what you asked for! My parents still live in this Township, they are over 80 years old, and been there over 50 years. I have observed this family and they are completely beyond reproach. Look at his history and work ethic ,and his family. I can't find a any issue to not believe he would would do the best job for you the tax payers.

  13. What I like about Weiss is his dedication to the Township. Whether it is zoning, planning or National Night Out, Paul is there. he is easy-going, does not walk around with his nose in the air, and can laugh at himself. He is one of the miost dedicated servants i see in the lehigh valley, and I just can't believe he could lose to a Jersey transplant (Dem) and motivational speaker with a history of stealing signs (Rep) imported by Abe Atiyeh just to run against him. Paul is fighting an uphill battle, but it is a battle in which the people candidate is running against develper Abe Atiyeh.

  14. As someone who has gone the write-in way, I wish him all the best of luck and hopes he has a volunteer at every poll. The Electronic machines that this county uses puts write-ins at a distinct disadvantage, especially with elderly voters wishing to write-in.


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