Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Obamacare Day 2

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Updated 9:15 PM: The site is still not working.


  1. Wow, just like an iPhone release or a big concert ticket event - except without the limitless network topology that a rich corporation can get away with to run their business.

    Seriously, you should actually read up on high availability websites and stop making an ass out of yourself to gloat with your mindless followers.

  2. The simple fact is that, for two days straight, those without health insurance or who have bad plans, are unable to apply.

  3. If it could go 444 days straight, it would remind us of the second worst president in American History, huh??

  4. ....except without the limitless network topology that a rich corporation can get away with to run their business.
    are you f'n kiddinmg me? The feds have UNLIMITED IT resources.

    you are seriiously deluded

  5. All you fools that believe the government can administer a health insurance program are getting what you deserve.

  6. Let us keep this in perspective. Any plan you sign up for will not take effect until January 2014. so, as of today nothing has changed, except vital services are hurting due to the Republican government shutdown.

    1. What vital services? Your trash is still being picked up, mail delivered, passport centers open, police, fire, ems still respond, PENNDOT's still out paving over dead deer. Most vital services are provided by state or local governments and the few other fed gov services used by the majority of people are still open. Stop being such a drama queen

  7. Yeah, Medicare really works terribly. Oh wait, never mind the best health Insurance I ever had.

  8. You just don't get it. Medicare is being gutted and will go away completely. We're all going on Medicaid, a vastly expanded Medicaid with all its problems exponentially multiplied.

  9. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 2, 2013 at 1:37 PM

    Barack Hussein Obama is doing his best to turn our great Christian nation into a secular Euro style socialist regime. He is one of the elites who spends more time playing poker and golfing than sitting in the situation room working on his various messes. Armed revolution is the only solution at this point, come to the Charles Chrin Community center this friday at 6:30 PM to get involved.


  10. are you f'n kiddinmg me? The feds have UNLIMITED IT resources.

    Um, no, they don't. Visit a Google or Amazon data center and get back to me. And they certainly don't have the best and highest paid engineers.

  11. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 2, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Upon discussing the matter with senior members of the party I retract my previous statement as it is too extreme and strays from the framers vision. Peaceful protest worked for Ghandi and MLK so we will have do the same.

  12. 1:37 Should We come armed and ready to attack????

  13. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 2, 2013 at 5:57 PM

    Armed with the power of our rhetoric my liege! We must not forget that the original revolutionaries were TEA party patriots who thought nothing of turning Boston Harbor into a giant cup of cold salty pekoe!

  14. TPF sounds like the usual tea partier. I think he is being sarcastic, if he is he is dead on. People I have known for years, played sports with and everything, are like crazed tea party zombies. Their entire lives revolve around their hatred of President Obama and the Democrats. I have never seen anything like it.

    I am guessing this is the result of over twenty years of AM hate radio and Fox propaganda. The result is very scary indeed.

    Sad to lose friends over this shit.

  15. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 2, 2013 at 7:02 PM

    The problem is Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the crooked liberal media led by Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, Dianne Rehm, Charlie Rose, and everyone else on PBS/NPR/MSNBC. I don't watch much Fox news mostly Alex Jones and Dr. Michael Savage who bring a perspective sorely lacking in the "mainstream conservative" press.

    Take a look at Chief Mark Kessler's youtube channel and look at the hateful comments left by the very libtards he spoke out against in one of his earlier videos. Some people say bipartisan isn't a dirty word but until we are TRI partisan our nation will suffer. The 9-12 movement needs to form a third party for any real progress to be made.

  16. I guess from all the hysterics, the Tea Party is for real. Rachel Maddow said it was a figment of the Koch Brothers imagination. That boy lies. I'm going to drown my sorrows in an organic free trade decaf soy light foam latte :(

  17. Asroturfers, 9-12 projects, agenda 21's, etc.etc. You are still the original teabaggers.

  18. You tea party people! You're the ruin of the nation! I need an aborsh and a smoke.

  19. The teabaggers are like a record player with one speed setting.

  20. 2045 hrs. 2 October 2013 F.Y.I the South Carolina site is still down.

  21. 3:11 said
    "Um, no, they don't. Visit a Google or Amazon data center and get back to me. And they certainly don't have the best and highest paid engineers. "

    Try as I might, I can't follow the logic; Google and Amazon have large data centers. Stipulated. How does it follow that the feds do not?

  22. Barrow barrow barrow spend spend spend

    1. Borrow...sorry too many cerveza mas fina

  23. anon 8:52, Is South Cartolina still a state?? Why can't we just let them go on their own.
    Outside of Charlestown and Myrtle Beach, the place is a dump.

  24. and don't forget greenville-spartanburg, where there are more jobs and far better infrastructure than in the lehigh valley. they also have a really nice, solvent airport. No hockey arena and half the murder rate, though.

  25. Yeah, SC is a dump.

  26. City Without LimitsOctober 3, 2013 at 6:27 AM

    Agree with Reading.

  27. I've got to agree with previous posters. SC is a dump and doesn't compare to Sal Panto's filthy crime-ridden, tax grabbing shithole. SC should try a commuter tax and lots more fees on senior citizens.

  28. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    anon 8:52, Is South Cartolina still a state?? Why can't we just let them go on their own.

    12:39 AM"

    Uh, dumbass, think they tried to leave once, but your hero Abe went all OJ Simpson on them.


  29. Anonymous said...
    anon 8:52, Is South Cartolina still a state?? Why can't we just let them go on their own.

    12:39 AM"

    Uh, dumbass...They tried that once, but your hero Abe went all OJ Simpson on them.


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