Local Government TV

Thursday, October 17, 2013

NorCo Democrats Unite Behind Senior Job Fairs

John Callahan proposes return to Senior Fairs
Yesterday, one of my readers contacted me about a long-time friend of his, a veteran who needs help with mental health issues. I told him to call the County's Human Services, but don't really know what Department is best. Today, another friend told me about an 86 year old organist at his church. She has no family and no income aside from the $5,500 she gets from her church every year. She never even applied for social security. Once again, I know she needs help, but don't know exactly where.

These are the people who can be helped by a return to something Northampton County used to do in years past - Senior Fair Expos. Today, that's exactly what Northampton County Executive candidate John Callahan proposed. He did so standing outside Gracedale Nursing Home, the very place from which he launched his campaign on a cold Winter day. This time, he was joined by the entire slate of Democratic County Council candidates.He was introduced by a Dean of Northampton County Democrats, former State Rep. and NorCo Council member Rich Grucela. Incumbent Council member Bob Werner, who was at Gracedale on County business, joined Callahan. Even AFSCME union boss Justus James, who supported a Callahan opponent in the primary, was there.

Council candidates Ron Heckman and Jerry Seyfried
The second-term Bethlehem Mayor believes in a government that delivers "essential services at higher quality and greater efficiency." Noting that seniors rely on county government for protection from elder abuse, prescription drugs and the increasing confusion about health care. And he reasoned that since many seniors are reluctant to use the Internet, these senior fairs are a good way to make people aware of the resources available to help them.

"It's also a chance for us to learn from them," observed Callahan, noting that the information exchange is a two-way street.

Council candidates Christen Borso, Tom O'Donnell and Deb Hunter
He plans to have these fairs at least once every year, and in different areas of the County. He will plan to have all levels of government - local, state and federal - available to help seniors. He will invite local hospitals, assisted living centers and nursing homes to be sponsors in order to defray cost. He even discussed the possibility of using campaign funds if that is considered a legal use.

When they opened the floor up for questions, I had one.

"Do you have any credentials? asked Callahan.

"None at all," I answered.

Then Council candidate Jerry Seyfried had a question for me.

"As an outsider, what do you think of the human race, Bernie?"

These are the people I support.
Bob Werner, Ron Heckman, Jerry Seyfried, John Callahan, Rich Grucela, Christen Borso, Tom O'Donnell, Deb Hunter


  1. Screw Human Services. County Council sued for the right to overpay by 38% for Gracedale ambulance services. This money could have been used for human services. Nobody cares. This is a campaign photo op. Callahan is probably back to berating youth sports officials already. Next.

  2. Looking at that bottom picture, it looks like the residents of Gracedale are running for office. Too bad younger people are not taking the time to serve..

  3. There's more Depends in that photo than on a grocery store shelf. Lots of old people smell. Death panels are the new black. Old folks have a responsibility and should do their duty. The last few years of life are particularly costly. We're all in this together. And if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.


    Ridiculous photo-op pandering to the senior vote. Is this the best idea this D-team can come up with?

  5. Let's see, an attempt to help seniors without costing the taxpayers any money. It's a pretty good idea. Now you can go back to reading Ayn Rand.

  6. If you are truly interested in senior expos, contact our local State Rep. Steve Samuelson. He has an office in Bethlehem, and serves on the state committee for senior citizen welfate. He has organized and hosted senior information days a number of times in recent years.

  7. Compass.state.pa.us. is a resource

  8. Yes, it is, but as Ron Heckman pointed out, seniors like his mother won't touch a computer. There is an element in the senior group that hates technology. So these fairs will be very helpful. It's a good idea.

    1. The fairs are a fantastic idea!! I wanted to grab my lap top, have you point me to people who just needed their info entered at compass to get things going

  9. I love the picture of Hunter. She looks like she is trying not to breath because Old Donnell cut the cheese.

  10. Mire chins than a Chinese phonebook.

  11. So this crowd of takers wants to dole out more taxpayer money because some old people don't want to learn how to use a computer. What a crock. When did that laziness become my problem?

    More of the takers taking hard earned money from the makers. Some poor people are just lazy and get out of life what they put into it. Why must we who are productive members of society pay for their mistakes.

    This crowd of do-gooders wants to once again expand government. When is enough, enough.

    Is there any brains between any of them?

  12. Yes many seniors are just takers. After a lifetime of hard work your solution is to kick them to the curb?

    You teabaggers are just nutz. Scary, angry people. I hope you all lose in this election. By the way I work and have always worked.

    Didn't you hear the guy, many seniors don't have or know how to use computers. The county has to do more to try and help them. Stop being so self-centered.

  13. What an excellent idea! Seniors are underrated as employees. They work hard, rarely take sick time, hardly a coffee break and love being at work and getting paid. What a great idea. The counties should have a tax incentive for hiring of Seniors. Yes, we hire Vets, and of course, that is a worthy and valued service too, but what about seniors not even having food and shelter? Kudos to Callahan.

  14. Fantastic. Provide a service with very minimal or no cost to the taxpayer. As a senior I have attended some of these through out the years. I often wondered why we didn't have more because they were so beneficial to me and my wife. Besides selling Gracedale, what are the Republicans proposing?

  15. So tell us Bernie. As an outsider, what do you think of the Human Race? LOL

  16. Ahh the wonderful democrats proposing duplicating services as usual. if you look at the fraud and abuse we now have everywhere I'd say you just can't say no to spending other peoples money. This is a typical feel good but do nothing ploy by these people and there are always those who have there hands out. Again if this was a new novel idea it might be worth a look even by you who seems to need it. I have nothing against helping but I don't like throwing money away. They need your votes.......ask if any of them give a penny to charity. Oh excuse me that would be their money they were spending. Nazareth had its biggest school tax raise thanks to Missy Hunter. And what a waste it tuned out to be. But then again it wasn't her money and she is a school teacher (union) with a better retirement coming then most of the rest of us. She should thank us not game us.

  17. This is no duplication. his is in addition to the service provided by some state reps, wit a focus on the County. Why would you criticize a good idea that costs you nothing and that could be helping your own relatives? Is this how mean-spirited you people have become?

  18. "So tell us Bernie. As an outsider, what do you think of the Human Race? LOL"

    And this is my friend.

  19. Re: Bernie @ 11:08. I am a senior, I suppose -- will be 70 in March. I use a computer, not any kind of a whiz, but I can find web pages and send email. Using the computer has nothing to do with the information and interaction at a senior expo. The latter is a much more comprehensive and satisfying and informative experience.

  20. Most seniors are quite adept at using the Internet, although we can 't hold a candle to most teens.

  21. Bernie, is the comment from 1:47 am a typical tea party comment?
    Good Lord, now they call sick seniors "moochers". What is their solution throw then into the street?

  22. I think Heckman, Seyfried and Hunter are assets and will be good to have to balance out Callahan's inexperience and adventurous behavior.

  23. Bernie, Will you be attending the executive debate at NCC on tuesday night?

    Any predictions? Will Brown shine or collapse? Will Callahan sound believable? Will they both answer the hard ball questions they keep ducking?


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