Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

NorCo Council Candidates Will Debate Next Monday

Although it's unclear whether all ten Northampton County Council candidates can make it, Northampton Community College is hosting a debate on Monday, October 28, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the College Center, Room 146. Students and faculty did a great job putting it together, along with the Lehigh Valley LWV.

Angel Diaz, NCC's President of Student Government, will introduce Beverly Hernandez, President of the League of Women Voters of Northampton County.

Dr. John Kincaid, Professor of Government, at Lafayette, will be the moderator.

Clare Polanki, LWV, and Wes Smith, student at NCC, will be the official timekeepers.


  1. This should be very interesting. Thanks to those who took the time to put this together and help keep the public informed. That being said and I truly mean it, what can these candidates say in that short period of time. Ten candidates in 90 minutes. By the time introductions are done, rules are stated, opening statements read, how much timme do we have for a true debate on the issues?

    1. I believe that in that short time span, clearly unqualified candidates will make themselves clear. It is important that the public get to see them.

  2. There will be no debate, this is a complete joke and afterthought. The format is ask a question and let all ten answer it, then ask another etc. when it gets to Ron Hexkmam the debate will stop, he loves to give 20 minute answers to 1 minute questions. So only 2 will get a chance after him. Don't waste your time going here just pull straight R.

  3. Then stay home . It appears your mind is made up. Thus is for more open-minded people.

  4. The haters love to hate.

  5. At least Heckman has something intelligent to say. Not just bumper sticker slogans. Pull the straight teabagger ticket??
    We will see.

  6. Will Seyfried make his famous farting sounds?


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