Local Government TV

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Lehigh Valley Tea Party Supports Government Shutdown

Democrats and Republicans alike seem to agree on one thing - this government shutdown could last weeks. Althogh CACLV's Alan Jennings states that he has a buffer in place to ensure that services to the needy continue, I know it can't last long. Several readers have made snide remarks suggesting this shutdown has no consequences. Tell that to 19,000 children, who've already lost access to Head Start and the food it provides. Tell that to 8.9 million low-income moms and kids, who starting sometime next week will no longer get vouchers for frivolities like infant formula. Forget about college students, whose federal loans and Pell grants will be delayed. Forget about seniors on fixed incomes, who will lose access to the Low Income Home Energy program.

With absolutely no mention of the very real people this shutdown will hurt, Lehigh Valley Tea Party Chair Joan Campbell has issued a statement decrying the "liberal" and even "moderate" opposition to blackmail. In the name of killing Obamacare, she would hold the government in hostage. Never mind that Obamacare is law, passed constitutional muster or that President Obama was re-elected. She claims that over 70% of Americans oppose Obamacare, but fails to point out that 72% of Americans do not want the government to shut down over that issue.  

Here's Joan's statement:

The Lehigh Valley Tea Party is very aware of Charlie Dent's and Matt Cartwright's votes on funding the government and defunding Obamacare and we are not surprised as they are considered moderate and liberal. Although Mr. Dent has always listened to our views and continues to engage our members on a fairly regular basis, on the issue of standing his ground to defund PPACA (Obamacare) Dent is simply wrong.

Over 70% of Americans do not want Obamacare! It is a continually proven fact that the Government is not ready to roll out Obamacare and the vote by the House was an attempt to help prevent an enormously imperfect law from taking effect and causing further damage to the US economy. It is our wish that all our elected representatives would listen to their constituencies and defund it now. Even a prominent Obamacare supporter, Democrat Max Baucus, said Obamacare is a train wreck.

By not voting to at least delay the implementation of Obamacare, Charlie Dent and Matt Cartwright have told their constituency that their wishes don't matter here. Many members of Congress, who make $177,000 per year, complained they could not afford the costs of Obamacare. As a result they and their staffers have been given healthcare subsidies (provided by the taxpayers) to pay for up to 75% of their plans. By not standing firm against Obamacare, Charlie Dent and Matt Cartwright are telling us that the rule of law applies differently to them and their staff than it doesto us.

The Lehigh Valley Tea Party commends all those in government who voted for the rule of law. We particularly thank Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Pat Toomey for making a stand for all Americans.


  1. Crazy is as crazy dies.

  2. Tea Party FootsoldierOctober 3, 2013 at 12:36 AM

    There is a good reason why Bernie got booted from the Tea Party, glad we jettisoned him before he could derail us from within.

  3. The tea party is like a box of chocolates.
    Except each piece is a WHITE chocolate covered nut.

  4. It's like paying your credit card interest with a new credit card. When this shit crashes you're going to see a real shutdown. I hope you're prepared and not relying on these idiots to save you. You should have dry food, canned and water to last 6 months.

  5. You should probably build a bunker, too, and have tin foil on hand to black the radio waves from the UN.

  6. Damn yankees killed my pappy.

  7. Bernie, I think this entire episode is bad for Republicans in general. As a moderate Republican I feel like I have been dispossessed from my lifetime Prty..

    I have a bad feeling that since the extreme wing of the tea party is calling the shots, even local Republicans may be in trouble this Fall with Independents and right leaning Dem's staying away form the R's.

    I am no fan of Obama or this law but frankly some of these guys are not interested in any negotiation because they tip their hand with their crazy remarks and tweets. We are bringing some of this on ourselves.

    There is a time to suck it up move on and try to work within the law to straighten things out. The public wants healthcare reform and sadly we Republicans have not really been very good at doing anything meaningful for a long time, so we got caught with our collective pants down and just have to man up and move on.

    Come on guys, we are looking like spoiled brats.

  8. Bill 3590 left the House as the first time home buyers tax credit for armed forces. The Senate cut everything and replaced it with obombercare. People are being forced to buy something from a private party that they don't use. Welcome to the socialists states of amerika

  9. I hope when the fiat dollar crashes you die a slow painful death from starvation. I'll be in my basement with my tinfoil hat on eating rice and beans long after you die you pos. Karma is a mfer

  10. Who in their right mind wishes that on their fellow countrymen? Even if they disagree with your politics, you hope they die?

    You dudes are sicko's. You really are man!

  11. Bernies starving babies


  13. The tea party is the last best hope for freedom and democracy in the world. Without it, we will lose our freedom and end up like England, France or Germany.

  14. Bernie,

    You hit a real low with this post. very disappointing. It speaks more of your anger than intellect. You have become the ugly party in this fight.

    Scott Armstrong

  15. I'm having a blast reading the wailing over sand being thrown in the gears of an out of control government. This is absolutely great.

    PS - registered independent who's never been to a tea party or any kind of political event; just votes twice per year

  16. I agree it's a shame that many of those programs are being delayed. It's too bad that Reid and Obama can't be bothered to even sit down and negotiate about them.

    Also, didn't the House pass bills to fund many if those very programs?

  17. will the shutdown affect the drug supply to the baggers? they have to be on drugs if they think this is the right way to go.

    A.J. Urbano

  18. Making government work (for all by the way, not just a self-selected chosen few) is what is supposed to happen, according to the Constitution that these baggers claim they follow. What is happening now is nothing but a destructive temper tantrum by a braying minority of ignorant, racist, self-centered, small-minded, vindictive and very fearful (of everything they are too stupid to understand and anyone who isn't white)poor excuses for human beings.

  19. All I hear from Reid, Obama and Pelosi is a bunch of name calling and a refusal to talk things out.

    So I think it's very clear who's acting like a child and throwing a tantrum.

  20. Bernie,

    What a sad hyper boil post. Government redistribution does not work and is tied to the political whims of those in office. The government is using these programs as weapons.

    When the government is the master of your existence, you have already lost your freedom.

    Bernie you can now commence your obligatory attacks on me and the message. Your name calling, demonizing and grammar policing attacks are your only rebuttals when you don't like the message or the facts.

    With love and respect,

  21. The law is the law. It was ratified by both the house and the senate. we need health care reform in this country. the U.S. spends twice as much per person on Health care expenses and ranks way below where it should considering.

  22. "Basically everyone else but us, Because we are Rich and white"

    Wow Bernie, you talk about racial equality yet you post this? Now who is the race baiter here? Yep...you Bernie.

  23. Bernie:
    You fail to mention that the R's in congress have sent mini-spending bills to the senate to cover ALL of those programs that you have mentioned, and those same senate democrats have refused to pass ANY spending bill that isn't "clean". There have been NO negotiations on the part of the senate.
    Furthermore Bernie, The LVTP has members of all races, nationalities, lifestyles and classes (your labels not mine). I myself make under $30k/year. We are not a bunch of rich white folks- and yes, some of us depend on government programs (like social security disability) to survive, because we have no choice.
    This is about claiming on group of people are above the law and us common folk better sit down and shut up and just hand over our money.
    The first revolution was fought for several reasons among those a a small tax on tea! The healthcare act is a HUGE financial burden to the middle class and the poor, and the people who could afford it the most, don't have to do it! I thought the constitution said ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. Apparently there is fine print there that says unless your a friend to the president or congress. Am I missing something?

  24. 8:14

    What law do you know of where one person can pick and choose what parts to enforce, and hand out exemptions to his cronies?

    The President obviously had no problem violating the law when he exempted his business cronies and members of Congress, why shouldn't the bulk of the American people be treated the same way?

  25. Fans of Obamacare like to claim "the law is the law."


    The law that WAS passed has been unlawfully changed dozens of times already by our president.

    I strongly suggest more people get news from a WIDE variety of sources. There's a lot going on that some sources are choosing not to cover.

    Fred Windish

  26. "The law is the law."

    No it's not. It whatever elected officials deem the law.

  27. Racism, 12:31?

    Yes, Racism, 12:31.

    Of course, O'Hare has a clear double standard so it's okay.

  28. Moderates and Independents far outnumber the extreme left and right in this country.

    When will Dent and others RINOs join with Blue Dogs in congress and finally stand up to these idealogues who only view success as beating the other side?

    Tea Partiers can be proud of what they are accomplishing and believe that what they are doing is best for the country, but constantly drawing these lines in the sand and gumming things up when they don't agree with things will ultimately backfire on them.


  29. Scott, I think they have the numbers to pass a clean CR, but the Speaker is unwilling to just call for a vote.

  30. Instead of focusing on the minority of people who are negatively affected by the shutdown -- and note they're affected only at the discretion of the President to determine whether they are non-essential -- what about the vast majority of tax payers who are negatively affected by ACA, by the ever growing budget deficit, by the ever increasing taxes and regulations on everything we do.

    What about the families who worked hard to achieve even modest success in their career, to earn the benefits they were receiving, only to have the government say 'that's no longer considered good insurance' or 'you have to pay more for what you have', as if the government has nay business making such a call!

    What about the disabled kid who received physical therapy from Lehigh Valley Easter Seals who found out his therapist was fired at the end of July, and told she could reapply for her job as a 1099 contractor.... all because Easter Seals couldn't afford to pay for the insurance for their FT employees. Where does that therapist get liability insurance, let alone health insurance??

    I am a defense contractor who has been laid off because of this shutdown, and you know what? I am glad someone in Congress is standing up for the taxpayers!

  31. "he President obviously had no problem violating the law when he exempted his business cronies and members of Congress, why shouldn't the bulk of the American people be treated the same way? "

    That provides a basis for a lawsuit for even enforcement, but not a basis to invalidate the law.

  32. Why won't Reid allow Senators to vote on the individual bills coming from the House?

    It's my undertanding they would have the democrat votes to pass in the senate.

  33. "he President obviously had no problem violating the law when he exempted his business cronies and members of Congress, why shouldn't the bulk of the American people be treated the same way? "

    Translation: let the poor starve.

  34. "What a sad hyper boil post. Government redistribution does not work"

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  35. " I think it's very clear who's acting like a child and throwing a tantrum"

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  36. This is what you get when you try to jam a partisan solution down the country's throat on a party line vote. It's also what happens when you govern without a budget for over five years to hide your party's overspending and keeping any real debate on spending from occurring.

    The Republicans should have stood up to the endless CR's long ago.

  37. "It's too bad that Reid and Obama can't be bothered to even sit down and negotiate about them."

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  38. "The Republicans should have stood up to the endless CR's long ago"

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  39. "You hit a real low with this post. very disappointing. It speaks more of your anger than intellect. You have become the ugly party in this fight. - Scott Armstrong"

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  40. "Bernies starving babies
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPRtIOmPOD0&feature=youtube_gdata_player "

    Translation: Let the poor starve, especially if they're black.

  41. "Welcome to the socialists states of amerika "

    Translation: Let the poor starve.

  42. " have a bad feeling that since the extreme wing of the tea party is calling the shots, even local Republicans may be in trouble this Fall with Independents and right leaning Dem's staying away form the R's."


  43. I agree! It is a shame that Reid and Obama are willing to let the poor starve when they could simply approve the bills funding the other parts of government.

    The Obamacare funding obviously isn't holding up the rollout of ObamaCare, so it would seem there is time to deal with that later.

  44. The poor are fat and have cell phones. Obama won't negotiate but hasn't missed a single tee time. He's always on Summer hours. Fore!

  45. "Bernie O'Hare said...

    Translation: Let the poor starve, especially if they're black.

    10:28 AM"

    Have to agree with Armstrong, you are coming unhinged.

    There's got to be a Godwin's Law equivalent for someone who throws genocide into this debate.

    But while we are on the topic, I love the baby formula subsidy play. I learned about that not from the news but from a recipient, actually.

    This is a healthy, vibrant, fairly bright and beautiful 29 year old woman. Two kids and a "fiance". On a waiting list to move to a 3 bedroom since the recent birth of her 2nd child. Pissed as all hell about possibly losing her subsidy. Works part-time, by choice, when easily capable of full-time. Stays unmarried to keep the housing eligibility, they move stuff around on inspection day. A friend of hers suggested breastfeeding, which was dismissed out of hand: "No way, I don't do that." She thinks they are for her man only.

    The House will fund nutrition and other essential programs, the deserving, along with those who abuse the system, will not starve. Most importantly: These patriots who would risk their political lives to do the right thing for this country, will continue, despite Charlie the political bi-sexual and his jersyboys' treachery, to use the same rules and procedures leveraged by D's when they believe they have the moral highground, to save us from the tyranny of the handout seeking majority.


  46. The Tea Party was an important movement. Are they still? Yes, cause they bring important points to civilized debate.

    So ok, if the Tea People think there is such a divide in the GOP... just leave?

    Just leave the party. Start a 3rd party. Alot of folks myself included think a relevant 3rd party would be wonderful for the country.

    Tea partiers should build something or rather build onto the base they've created. Cause right now the brand you are building is a segment of the GOP that throws hissy fits and temper tantrums.

    So my advice to you is take your message and build something. Clean break. Start a 3rd party. Afterall it's the mods that are costing you elections.... so you say. So break away from ppl like Charlie Dent who work across the aisle to get things done and take a crack at some elections with a pure conservative message.

    You believe the GOP loses elections because the message isn't conservative enough. I think we lose elections because we're seen as out of touch...... But my point is stop the GOP from holding you back. Break off, refine your message and try to win an election.

    This is still a Democracy isn't it? Win an election. Stop damaging the GOP brand and build your own brand.

  47. "Stop damaging the GOP brand and build your own brand.

    11:45 AM"

    That's your take. Ours is that Dent and his ilk are squatters on conservative land, they've damaged the GOP brand, watered it down, diluted its effectiveness, leveraged the brand for their own gain, behaving like the party they ran against. They are wolves in sheeps clothing.

    What has come from the reaches across the aisle, other than Charlie getting some face time on NPR and keeping his job and perks? The divide has come after decades of bi-partisan compromises and agreements where the ruling class buys votes with the public credit card, pats each other on the back, has a drink, and we get stuck with an even higher tab we can never repay.

    You are likely correct, though, about the Tea Party having to leave. The squatters are entrenched, and they are content with squatting as long as it pays.


  48. There is some irony when some in the tea party want to deny the next person the same benefits they already receive. I am specifically referring to public pension collectors and those receiving public provided benefits.

    Then there are those that receive lifetime medical from their public employer and wants to cut from working families. Where is the shared sacrifice?

    They talk about picking winners and losers but are quick to call the race to prosperity over now that THEY crossed the finished line.

  49. I have some questions about whether some members of the tea party are receiving public assistance, but will hold off on names until i am certain.

  50. I know a guy who is self employed, makes less than 20k and is self sustaining within his means. He has bad knees but cannot afford knee replacement. He struggles to work 3 consecutive hours.

    I know another retiree that owns land, lives in a nice home and was able to get public subsidized knee replacement to improve quality of life and allow him to play 18 holes of golf.

    Why is it so awful to provide affordable healthcare?

    1. 1222. This is not about calling out names. My comments are more about shared benefits and shared scarafice. We should not turn our backs on the Great generation nor should we turn our backs non the next. I advocate balance.

  51. Occupy didn't leave the Democratic Party. They're just too lazy, despite belonging to a party of war and spying and special interests. Life sucks. Go find a new doctor. You can't keep you old one.

  52. There a thousands of military support DOD civilian employees, most veterans, many diabled insome way, who cannot meet the mortgage. There are civilian government employyees in places like afghanistan, no work, no income, family in USA and no way home There are many Republicans who agree we should stop the shutdown. It is not a mater of fault (GOP is being blamed, of course) but a matter of sanity.

  53. If We would send all these people back where they belong and cut the freebies this shit would end!!!!

  54. @Clem - Like it or not Dent is the brand. Because he wins elections. Therefore he and others like him represent the GOP. Go even bigger picture. Who is associated most with the brand? In my opinion Reagan.

    Reagan who would be far too moderate for the tea party.

    Now I do think sometimes that the wild swing to the far right is a natural response to the fact that we have one of the most if not THE most liberal president in history. Probably second only to FDR.

    In America we have a tendency to over-react and overcompensate so many who oppose BO tact far far to the right as a gut reaction.

    But again I think we agree on my point. If you believe in what your doing... stop blaming moderates for your woes and take your brand and build another party.

    Then... let's have an election. But right now you can't even touch Dent in a primary. Chances in a general if the "Tea Party" ran a candidate.....

  55. In response to Bernie "let the poor starve especially if their black" I concur Hell Yea let the blacks, hispanic, mexicans & indians and whatever other foriener that hasn't payed their way starve...or Here is a better idea GO THE FUCK BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!!!

  56. Now we have the real tea party. Pure hatred.

    1. Bernie, I thought you were above the political name calling. I enjoy your commentary but when you attach the "racist rich white men who want children to starve" label to a group who is not obviously all "racist rich white men who want babies to starve", you degrade the value of your usual informative commentary. This doesn't seem like you. Are you feeling okay?


  57. "Why won't Reid allow Senators to vote on the individual bills coming from the House?"

    I would imagine for the same reasons Boner won't allow any of the senate measures to even be allowed out of committee.

  58. What does "negotiate" mean to the teabaggers,

    The President and Democrats delay(read end) the ACA and the Republicans will do their job.

    So what exactly are the Republicans 'giving" in this negotiation???

  59. The response to the ACA has been overwhelming. Poplel want and need health insurance they can afford. Companies stopped giving benefits years ago.

    As of Jan 1, no more annual limits on care and no pre-existing condition exclusions. That is what scares the Hell out of Republicans. Once that kicks in all their hate mongering is over.

    Again, they fear success of the law, not failure. That is the price one pays when your entire philosophy is built on hate and fear ad not constructive consensus building.

  60. "we will lose our freedom and end up like England, France or Germany."

    Did anyone tell those folks they are not free? Especially the Brits. They have a freer press than we do.

    Where do you folks get your information. Are you drinking fracking water?

  61. Current wait for MRI in Great Britain is 23 weeks.

  62. "Current wait for MRI in Great Britain is 23 weeks"

    Source please, other than some "guy" you know or heard on TV.

    Also MRI'as are overused in the US, part of our cost problem. They are pushed by hospitals who work with the Doctors.

    In countries like Canada and Great Britain, essential MRI's are as fast as what you get here. They are also driven by medical need not profit.

    The worldwide web allows intelligent people to sift through the crap and find real information. You guys keep spewing this universal-care horror nonsense.

    How about spewing the fact that type 2 diabetes,heart diseases and obesity are lower as a percentage of population in Canada and GB than in the US. Also their overall health rates higher than ours.

    Please keep doing what you are doing. The more you marginalize yourselves in the 21st century the more irrelevant you become and the country can move on to a better, healthier and more prosperous future.

  63. Obama is one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. When the ACA works and people get affordable health care everyone will love him more and the tea party will be even more upset. After the first black president we will get the first woman president and then these rich white assholes will really complain. Get ready its coming.

  64. 4:32

    It would seem that you're the one that's being irrational and marginalizing yourself.

    Keep up the good work

  65. anon 4:32 gave facts, what have you got? Turn off your AM radio.

  66. Bernie
    Your 10:28 comment is "right on". The Dems will win all sears in the local elections this year. Goodbye "R's" and hello Dems. The Tea Party Nut jobs are ruining the GOP and you will see the backlash locally.

  67. "Rafaele" You are ascribing a remark to me that I never made. I did not that one commenter is a bigot.

  68. The tea party has one hope locally. Who will vote for the O'Donnell nut?

  69. I'm told he's polling wells, and the GOP House has done nothing to help local candidates with their latest antics. But he is nutz and I would vote for Hayden Phillips before voting for him. I disagree with Phillips' extreme views, but he is at least sane.


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