Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Hanover Township To Get a $126k Tax Refund

Hanover Township is about to get a $126,000 tax refund. At their October 8 meeting, Supervisors unanimously approved a settlement of their lawsuit against Bethlehem earned income tax that was improperly retained by the City. Under the agreement, the City has agreed to return $42,000. The remaining $84,000, which was mistakenly sent to the Bethlehem School District, will also be returned.

In other business, Kevin Drive resident Roland Ledyard warned Supervisors about an emergency access or link road, adjacent to his property, connecting Kevin Drive with Second Terrace. Supervisors are considering converting the emergency access into a public road, and this concerns Ledyard, whose property is at the end of a cul de sac. He recommended that speed bumps and stop signs be installed if the road is made public, noting that a large number of children play in that area. "Somebody's gonna' get hurt," he cautioned.

Finally, former Township employee Michael Schmalzer presented Supervisor Mark Tanczos with a citation from the Moore Township Lions. For the past 20 years, the Lions have sponsored an annual fishing tournament for the blind, and depends heavily on the generosity of others. For the past 16 years, Tanczos' beverage company has donated soda, water and ice.

"It's easy to give something back, but a lot harder to do what you do," noted Tanczos. Schmalzer told Supervisors that it is getting harder to find volunteers for service organizations, and that the average age in his Lions club is 69.



  1. If the Family Member's would post a Payment Due bill, we may know the True cost....

  2. "He recommended that speed bumps and stop signs be installed if the road is made public, noting that a large number of children play in that area. "Somebody's gonna' get hurt," he cautioned".

    Everyone who wants to use local government to control human behavior justifies it by claiming its for he safety of the children. Children don't play outside anymore. I'd have more respect for the guy if he just came out and admitted that he wants government controls because he doesn't like fast moving cars near his home and he wants to preserve his property value.

  3. I will not question the motives of a man who took the time to come to Supervisors, sign his name and who stayed for the entire meeting. I will assume his concerns are sincere, and would agree he probably is a little concerned about his property value, too, which is only normal.


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