Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Charlie Dent's Finest Moment Helps End Government Shutdown

Back when I first started blogging, people loved to refer to Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent as an "empty suit." Nobody says that anymore. In this fiscal crisis, Dent asserted himself as he never has before. He bucked Speaker Boehner and spoke up for the American people, as opposed to some rump group of dissatisfied Republicans. he attracted national attention and emerged as a man who leads from the front. Thanks in part to his efforts, the crisis is over. Here's Dent's own comment.

At a town hall meeting in Allentown in late August, I was asked by one of my constituents if I would be willing to shutdown the government in order to defund Obamacare.

I said “No.”

I told the people gathered there it was a flawed tactic that would not actually defund Obamacare.

Specifically, I said tying defunding of Obamacare to a short term government funding measure would result in exactly two things: a government shutdown and Obamacare remaining funded.

When the time for the vote came, I did what I said I would, and voted against shutting down the government.

Today, 16 days after this misguided tactic drove us into a government shutdown, I voted to reopen the government and prevent a devastating roiling of our markets, a likely credit down grade and an imminent default.

This legislation tonight needed to be supported but should not be celebrated; there should be no victory laps or spiking the football. It is my hope that the temporary conclusion of this difficult period will demonstrate to many of my colleagues the need to affirmatively govern this nation.

Over the past few months, particularly the last two weeks, I have worked tirelessly with both Democrats and Republicans to find a solution and break this impasse. These discussions have laid a strong foundation that I will continue to build on as we look to address America’s out of control spending, increasing debt burden, and challenges associated with Obamacare.

I am pleased that cooler heads have finally prevailed in this instance, and now it is time for all of us to come together to handle the many difficult problems our great nation faces.

Updated 11:30 PM: The Lehigh Valley's other Congressman, Matt Cartwright, deserves credit for voting to end the shutdown, too. Here are his remarks:

“Today, the American people have seen Congress reach a bipartisan agreement to reopen the government and avert a default on the nation’s bills. While the compromise that has been reached will provide our economy with the stability it needs, we must move forward together and do more.

“After more than two weeks spent facing off across a partisan divide differences were set aside to prevent disaster.

“Part of this agreement instructs leaders to name conferees to a budget conference committee. The hope is that this action will assure Congress continues the work of setting this country on a path to job growth and fiscal sustainability. The conference committee, which is charged with producing its negotiated budget package in December, is the appropriate place to discuss our differing views on the best way to chart a course for economic growth.

“Now we must return to our most important job – expanding the economy and protecting middle-class families.

“Let’s get together and actually pass a budget.”


  1. Charlie's done. He's now a Democratic and he cannot win the Democratic primary.

  2. You're wrong on Dent, his years of do nothing unless told to do so (Koch Bros), put us in this position!

    No smiling pic of Toomey?

  3. Yeah, I'll get all kinds of anonymous comments telling me how terrible Dent is, and then he'll win again with bipartisan support.

  4. He is a RINO and the Tea Party already has a candidate to go against him. We want a real American with conservative American values.

  5. Dent likes dead minority babies and public funding to kill them. And he loves endless wars against ragheads too. And guns and guns and guns. Death death death. Thats our Smilin Charlie.

  6. I for one applaud his political courage

  7. "the need to affirmatively govern this nation."

    Question for Charlie Dense - How in the hell do you think we got to this point?!

    There have been "temporary conclusions" before, each promised as the prelude to a new day of fiscal responsibility. Each, in reality, just more career panderer bullshit that kicks the can down the road.

    Maybe that is why Chuck takes up the anti-baby flag: He's really just saving them from having to pick up his tab.


  8. Clem, i can answer that one. We got to this point by electing extremists who think like you. Americans are about to erase that mistake.

  9. Yeah. Those tea party hardasses spent all that money we don't have. Must have missed that one.


  10. Yeah. Those tea party hardasses spent all that money we don't have. Must have missed that one.


  11. Yes, the American people certainly won on this one.

    More deficit spending, Affordable care that is so affordable, even the County and union employees do not want it, an economy that is becoming a part-time economy and this agreement only runs to early winter.

    This is another kick the can moment where both sides did not govern or really accomplish anything

  12. I know the debate has been heated, but you need to take a deep breath, Bernie. I regularly vote for Charlie. But calling his vote to raise our national debt to $17 trillion is not courageous. To our grandchildren, it's quite cowardly and rather mean. Our debt was $10 trillion when Charlie took office. I vote for Charlie. But he's not done anything even remotely courageous here. And how exactly does a tax on medical devices lower health care costs? Charlie should explain that to all of us.

  13. "kick the can", the quote of the past night by he Fox spin machine., Every member had their talking points and that was one of them. It was funny watching them make sure they got it in somehow.

  14. Affordable care that is so affordable, even the County and union employees do not want it

    They don't want it because THEY ALREADY HAVE HEALTHCARE. Jesus Christ, how dense are you people? It's mind boggling that you don't even understand the most basic premise of ACA - it's a safety net and an option for the UNINSURED.

  15. As someone who is not a big fan of Charlie Dent, he acted like a big boy and did the right thing. He didn't "raise the debt" to $17 trillion with his vote, you utter moron, he voted to raise the debt ceiling so the government can pay the bills already incurred. It's up to Charlie NOW to limit spending in the future.

    I can't vote for Dent any longer (never did) since I have Cartwright now, but this vote solidified his reelection.

  16. And too bad about Toomey. He stood up for sensible background checks and then ends up aligning himself with Ted Cruz. Stick a fork in him.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. You don't have a right to mention my grandson in a comment about anything. You will meet him and his mother in December, and they will both tell you the damage you caused.

  19. 955I have never been a Charlie Dent supporter. I must say that I admire how he handled himself in the debt crisis and shutdown. He put the country first before his own agenda. I am a registered Republican but have not voted that way for quite a while. The main reason is that many of the present day republicans are "scary". I can't believe some of their comments, just too radical. I would vote for Charlie Dent, he is levelheaded. That is where we need to be.

  20. "We got to this point by electing extremists who think like you. Americans are about to erase that mistake.

    12:59 AM"

    Yeah. Those tea party hardassess spent that 17 trillion (70+ trillion when you account for "the promises we simply must keep").

    Must have missed that. My bad...


  21. Charlie Dent hates children. He pays to knock them off before they get here and saddles the ones who survive with the tab for his prfligate spending votes. Have you seen the crap in the bill he voted for? He's sticking our kids with the bill for determining why lesbians are fat. While we could all use thinner lesbians, our kids and grandkids shouldn't have to pay for Charlie's support of weird shit like this. Charlie hates kids. Who else would vote to leave them such a mess? He's a Megan's List politician, a true menace to children. And that creepy smile is perfect.

  22. Hey 6:58, your teabags are showing.

  23. Dent was a statesman and a leader though out this whole mess.

    He did enable it to happen through some of his votes but he worked hard to bring some sanity to the process and in turn he became a media darling.

    Hopefully Mr. Dent will use his new found influence and national media connections to become a leader in congress.

    It may be too late in the year for a extreme right wing opponent to be able to mount a credible campaign against him and with his new fame Mr. Dent should be able to raise buckets full of money. I can think of no Democrat who could beat him so Charlie Dent seems to be pretty safe for the near & maybe long term future.

    He made the area proud over the last few weeks.

  24. The people that are posting anonymously most likely haven't even talked to Charlie, and gotten to know him. Charlie is a friend, he is a true leader. I read these comments about he "hating children" and I want to cringe. When I was just 15 and interested in politics, Charlie took me under his wing and not only got me involved, he showed true care and concern for me when I was just a 15 year old kid. I owe a lot to Charlie, and I will not tolerate falsehoods and name calling on one of the most quality guys I know. A true statesman is Congressman Dent. People like you, that like to call names and yell and scream are the reason this country is split. Charlie is working to get us back together, and you apparently do not like that. Cowards is all you are.


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