Local Government TV

Friday, October 11, 2013

Cawley Stonewalls Morganelli Request for Lt Guv Budget

John Morganelli may be soon be a candidate for Lieutenant Governor. But he still has rights as a citizen. But incumbent Jim Cawley is ignoring repeated Morganelli requests for a copy of a detailed, itemized budget for the second highest ranking official in the Commonwealth. He's been ignored for two weeks straight. He won't even provide a copy to State Senator Lisa Boscola. "It appears that the office of Lt. Governor is unresponsive to citizen requests," notes Morganelli. So yesterday, he filed a Request under the state's Right-to-Know law, asking for both the budget as well as the salaries paid to certain key staffers. He also wants the "budget for and all positions related to the residence of the Lt Governor in Fort Indiantown Gap and all salaries of said positions including but not limited to maintenance, security, and all services."

Under the state's Open Records Law, Cawley has five business days to respond. The Open Records office ordered him last year to disclose home addresses.


  1. Gee, sucks to have to wait, doesn't it?

    Like when your office doesn't bother to respond and, when they finally do, they make excuses and never own it.

    Oh, that's right. We should understand, because we're just the dupes who pay you. We should just take it easy and not get all bent out of shape. But, you shouldn't have to wait a day, cuz...

    You're the DA, damn it!


  2. Morganelli better be careful. Someone might start asking for his expense reports. They might start asking questions, such as did he ask taxpayers to reimburse his travel expenses to Harrisburg to hold a press conference about liquor store privatization? You know, the issue that he has been silent on until a few weeks ago. Right about the same time that rumors of a LG bid began to surface.

    I'm sure that the people who went after the County Controller for not doing his job full-time will be just fierce in their criticism of Morganelli if he is off gallivanting around the state campaigning.

  3. No need to expedite a response to the state's biggest little political hack. Our own little Napolean is making his fourth trip to Waterloo. What an embarrassment. John should offer to resign as soon as he loses again. He clearly hates being DA in his little fiefdom.


  5. Kevin, You should not imply that someone is acting unethically without solid proof. You have a right to request the DA's expenses and see for yourself if he used taxpayer resources. If he did, then your point is fair.

  6. Yeah Kevin and lets see how long it takes You to get an answer.....????

  7. No more than 35 days. More likely 5.

  8. Hey Kev, maybe You can ask Him while He is having His liquid lunch at starters..Lmao

  9. He's here with Callahan as We speak...want Me to ask Him??

  10. Just send it to him in chinese or a different language every month.

  11. He can hire pawlowskiforgovorner or the T spa to interperate it. Lmfao

  12. Interperet. Sorry too much weed

  13. I deleted a vulgar personal attack that is anonymous. If you want to make that kind of accusation, sign your name.


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